Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them? 1

Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them?

On today’s episode of pas­sion­ate, play­ful seman­tics: are creamp­ies a kink? Cue Carrie Bradshaw typ­ing at her Macbook with the voiceover, “And I couldn’t help but won­der…” Some of my readers…

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes? 2

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes?

My life isn’t all orgasms and rain­bows; there’s much unglam­orous admin work behind the scenes. If you want to kill a bon­er, just men­tion pay­ing tax­es. Unfortunately, tax returns are…

A Sex Toy Reviewer's Ethical Code of Conduct 5

A Sex Toy Reviewer's Ethical Code of Conduct

Friends don’t let friends buy sketchy sex toys from Wish. And friends don’t let friends rely on fab­ri­cat­ed sex toy reviews where the writer hasn’t actu­al­ly fucked the toy. My sex…

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do! 9

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do!

Sex toys can be so much more than phal­lic dil­dos inside and mini-​​vibes out­side! Here are 16 tips for con­vert­ing or improv­ing your toy box favorites. Mix it up and…

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit 10

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit

My pho­tog­ra­phy will be dis­played at Detroit’s upcom­ing, world-​​class Dirty Show art exhi­bi­tion! I guess even erot­ic art crit­ics love my col­lec­tion. 🙂 The event takes place over two weekends,…

FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender Review 12

FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender Review

The FemmeFunn Dioni is a rumbly vibra­tor that entire­ly envelops your fin­ger — a hybrid between a fin­ger bul­let, dil­do, and exten­sion sleeve. This fin­ger vibra­tor blends seam­less­ly into partner…