High Libido Woman: Nature or Nurture? 2

High Libido Woman: Nature or Nurture?

Am I con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly wired to be hornier than the aver­age woman, or is there a "nur­ture" com­po­nent that I have inter­nal­ized? Today, we exam­ine some of the exter­nal fac­tors influencing…

Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review 5

Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review

Disappointment set at the moment I insert­ed the Snail Vibe. It’s like get­ting a hotel room for a hookup and quick­ly real­iz­ing that your part­ner will prob­a­bly not get you off.…

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 6

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them

Play with pen­e­tra­tion beyond lying on your back and hand-​​thrusting dil­dos, missionary-​​style. The non-​​insertable por­tion of a dil­do can make a more con­sid­er­able dif­fer­ence than you'd think. I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly written…

Review: Bombex Butterfly and Desire air pulse vibrators 7

Review: Bombex Butterfly and Desire air pulse vibrators

I got excit­ed when I first heard of the Bombex Butterfly vibra­tor. “Is it named after the silk­moth genus Bombyx?!” Unfortunately, Bombex’s affil­i­ate rep­re­sen­ta­tive didn’t com­ment on that part of…

Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them? 10

Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them?

On today’s episode of pas­sion­ate, play­ful seman­tics: are creamp­ies a kink? Cue Carrie Bradshaw typ­ing at her Macbook with the voiceover, “And I couldn’t help but won­der…” Some of my readers…

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes? 11

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes?

My life isn’t all orgasms and rain­bows; there’s much unglam­orous admin work behind the scenes. If you want to kill a bon­er, just men­tion pay­ing tax­es. Unfortunately, tax returns are…