Mystique Venus Vibe Review: Rabbit With Flower Petals

Calling cli­toral tex­ture fiends! The Mystique Venus Vibe’s flow­er­ing bud and branch­ing “stem” are juu­ust the right soft­ness to press up on my cli­toris with every thrust — deli­cious­ly del­i­cate tex­ture but plen­ty of pressure.

Nasstoys Mystique Venus Vibe rabbit vibrator with textured shaft and flower petal stimulator

Push its petals on your petals for a deep mas­sage and a tac­tile caress.

How does the Mystique Venus Vibe feel in use?

While the flut­tery flo­ret itself is quite soft, its “stem” is a bit thick­er, so the per­pen­dic­u­lar ori­en­ta­tion gives “just right” resis­tance for me.

Anatomical Alignment

And did I men­tion that it effort­less­ly stays up against my cli­toris while thrust­ing? Yeah, the Mystique Venus Vibe is pret­ty bang-​on for my exter­nal mea­sure­ments — a clit-​vag spac­ing of 1 inch, but you could eas­i­ly flex it apart to accom­mo­date some­one with a 2.5” dis­tance or squeeze the prongs together.

Nasstoys Venus Vibe fluttering flower petal clitoral massager

External Vibrations

Admittedly, I didn’t expect much from the exter­nal motor on the Venus Vibe, and I was right about that. That’s okay, though — its out­er strength relies on shape and structure.

We’re going for press­ing like a door­bell and rub­bing, built-​in when you thrust the whole unit. It’s less of a cli­toral vibra­tor and more of a sen­su­al sil­i­cone grinder.

Nasstoys Venus Vibe rabbit vibrator clitoral arm orientation

Internal Vibrations

What about inner for­ti­tude? Yeah, the insertable portion’s vibra­tions are way stronger — mod­er­ate strength and zingy across 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns. They’re quite middle-​of-​the-​road but strong enough to use exter­nal­ly if I want a cli­toral vibrator.

How does the Mystique Venus Vibe measure up?

There’s tech­ni­cal­ly 5.2” of insertable length, though I usu­al­ly insert 4.3” to keep the flower petals per­pen­dic­u­lar to my cli­toris for opti­mal pres­sure. The inter­nal por­tion gen­tly swells up to 1.45” in diam­e­ter, mak­ing it about the aver­age human penis size.

Nasstoys Venus Vibe rabbit vibrator with slight G-spot swell and curvature

With the flex­i­ble shaft’s firm­ness and cur­va­ture, that length can be enough for my cervix if I go hard. The Mystique Venus Vibe by Nasstoys per­forms best with straight pen­e­tra­tion and mod­er­ate depth.

It’s an all-​arounder that will sat­is­fy many users — firm enough for this cervix sweet­heart but short enough for oth­er users’ com­fort and cli­toral align­ment. Remember: you have to use at least 3.8” of the shaft for the out­er por­tion to come into contact.

Mystique Venus Vibe Specs

  • 5.2” insertable length
  • 1.45” diam­e­ter
  • 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns
  • Fits up to ~2.5” clitoris-​to-​vagina distance
  • Insert 3.8”–4.3” to get the most out of the exter­nal portion!
Green Nasstoys Venus Vibe rabbit vibrator with flower bud or leafy clitoral massager

Recapping what I loved in use about the Mystique Venus Vibe

  • It gives plen­ty of cli­toral pres­sure effort­less­ly! I thrust the Venus Vibe as I nat­u­ral­ly would with most dil­dos and enjoy the pow-​pow flower power.
  • Yummy fine tex­tures dur­ing simul­ta­ne­ous cli­toral and vagi­nal stimulation.
  • The design stays in con­tact with my cli­toris while thrust­ing with one hand — a rare tal­ent for a dual stim­u­la­tor!

Nasstoys thought­ful­ly designed the Mystique Venus Vibe with just a lit­tle extra spice. For me, the allure and piz­zazz are all in the petals.

Get the Venus Vibe from Spectrum Boutique or wher­ev­er Nasstoys are sold.

Flower rabbit vibrator blossom top view

Further Reading

My ini­tial Instagram pro­mo­tion of the Nasstoys Mystique Venus Vibe was spon­sored, but I’m shar­ing this post on my blog, too, because:

  1. HOW FRIGGIN’ CUTE are these pho­tos? I just want­ed more peo­ple to see the Venus Vibe.
  2. Textured cli­toral grind­ing toys are just start­ing to gain main­stream popularity.
  3. I love it when a rab­bit vibe speaks with its chest! Finding some­thing that clamps my clit just right is a rarity!
  4. Spectrum Boutique start­ed stock­ing the Venus Vibe, so this post con­tains affil­i­ate links, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your sup­port! <3

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