7 Steamy Skills For Soft Dominant Dirty Talk 2

7 Steamy Skills For Soft Dominant Dirty Talk

Torment with plea­sure and dis­ci­pline with praise. Soft Domination can have a hard-​​hitting psy­cho­log­i­cal impact with tears of over­whelm and ecsta­sy — no chains or whips nec­es­sary. Our focus here…

Pink Punch Peachu in charging dock next to packaging

Pink Punch Peachu Review: Bluetooth Air Pulse Massager

Eggplant and cucum­ber dil­dos prac­ti­cal­ly designed them­selves. Now it’s the peach emoji’s turn to shine — in the form of an air pulse cli­toral mas­sager. These suck­ing and thrum­ming thrills…

Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts 5

Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts

Savor this humil­i­a­tion Femdom track for jerk-​​off addicts! There’s some goon­er degra­da­tion, tease, denial, and the tini­est morsel of find­om. As always, kink takes place in a con­trolled envi­ron­ment with…

Twijoy Night Review: Spinning & Sucking Penis Stroker 6

Twijoy Night Review: Spinning & Sucking Penis Stroker

“Human vagi­nas don’t typ­i­cal­ly move like that [toy does], though you could pick me up and spin me. I’m light­weight enough.” “Oh, def­i­nite­ly,” my friend replied after test­ing the Twijoy…

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?" 7

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?"

Your part­ner deserves bet­ter than flat­ten­ing inti­ma­cy down to a pass/​​fail grade. Go deep­er. You deserve play­ful teas­ing and ban­ter like, “Tell me what you want. Use your words. I…