Maia Jessi & Pillow Talk Racy Mini-Reviews: Budget-Friendly Bullets

Bullet vibra­tors are clas­sics in many sex toy col­lec­tions, with a fan­tas­tic fun-​to-​size ratio.

Maia Jessi, BMS Factory Pillow Talk Racy, and Blush Novelties Revive Luscious side-by-side. The Maia Jessi is the smallest overall, the Racy is the longest and curved, and the Luscious is the fattest and most pointy.

There are so many to choose from that it can be over­whelm­ing, espe­cial­ly for begin­ners, so I'm group­ing these afford­able bul­lets into one review. At the time, they were all under $35.

Maia Toys Jessi

The most bang for your buck

I am over the moon. Of the three bul­lets, the Maia Toys Jessi is the most rumbly, and afford­able, and petite. It comes close in pow­er to the Marvelous Flicker, the vibra­tor that infa­mous­ly gave Dizzy Girl orgasms so good she had an asth­ma attack.

Talk about tak­ing one's breath away.  It also costs less than the VeDO Bam Mini and is astro­nom­i­cal­ly more rumbly.

And if you want a no-​frills bul­let, the Maia Jessi comes close to the fanci­er and far more expen­sive FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet.

I was not expect­ing its pow­er to blow me away in use, but here we are.

Maia Jessi & Pillow Talk Racy Mini-Reviews: Budget-Friendly Bullets 1

Brilliant, unique hues

The Maia Toys Jessi is also pleas­ing to the eyes. Honestly, I accept­ed this bul­let from Peepshow Toys most­ly because it comes in gor­geous, less con­ven­tion­al col­ors, like emerald-​green, teal, and an indi­go pur­ple. (Also, CUTE AF 420-​inspired designs!)

Do I have anything negative to say?

The Jessi bul­let has two down­sides. One is that it starts at the top speed, decreas­es through the slow­er two steady set­tings, and then cycles through the 7 pat­terns as you press the but­ton. Some peo­ple would find this con­trol a deal-​breaker. The oth­er is that, when it's toward the end of its bat­tery life, the speed does drop a little.

Otherwise, the Maia Toys Jessi is a banger for the price. It's a wel­come upgrade to the typ­i­cal bul­lets with sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies. My boyfriend has prob­a­bly lost count of how many times I whis­pered to him, "THIS BULLET IS ONLY $20!" I'm gen­er­al­ly hap­py to rec­om­mend the Maia Jessi bul­let to those want­i­ng a dis­creet bul­let on a budget.

Nowadays, though, I'd steer shop­pers toward the Maia Jessi's arch-​rival, the BMS Essential Bullet, which costs only a tad more. It starts a bit stronger than the We-​Vibe Tango's first set­ting. And its speed increas­es when you press the but­ton, and it comes with a trav­el case.

UPDATE: Inflation has been a bitch since then, but if you use coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys, you can still take 10% off the Maia Jessi.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Racy

Biggest speed range

The Maia Jessi is the most rumbly of the three, but the Pillow Talk Racy is stronger at its fastest setting. 

Teal Pillow Talk Racy bullet

Just it's a buzzi­er kind of strength. And it offers more speeds— instead of three dis­crete steady vibra­tion set­tings and 7 pat­terns, the Racy has a con­tin­u­ous range of speeds and 0 pat­terns. For some users, that's the per­fect number.

A hybrid between the Pillow Talk Flirty and Sassy

The Pillow Talk Racy is the size of the Pillow Talk Flirty bul­let, and essen­tial­ly a minia­ture Pillow Talk Sassy. My first impres­sion was, "Oh my gosh! It's so cute!"

This bul­let can stim­u­late my G‑spot okay for such a petite vibe, but it's not easy when the neck is so flex­i­ble. I would be more eager to rec­om­mend it if it were rigid, which would also make it eas­i­er to place pres­sure on my cli­toris. And the Pillow Talk Racy has enough pow­er for me to have a pro­longed orgasm. But for solo use, I'd pre­fer to use my Pillow Talk Sassy because it's not as bendy.

A plus to the Pillow Talk Racy is that this petite vibrator's curve can nes­tle between you and a part­ner dur­ing mis­sion­ary intercourse.

Other quirks of the Pillow Talk Racy

The con­trol is espe­cial­ly annoy­ing, but not for the rea­son you think. I don't mind BMS Factory's press-​and-​hold tech­nol­o­gy. But when a vibra­tor relies on one but­ton, you'd think they'd make it eas­i­er to press. It's stiffer than the Sassy's but­ton, only exac­er­bat­ed by the trav­el lock turn­ing on auto­mat­i­cal­ly after a peri­od of inac­tive use.

To undo the trav­el lock, you have to press the but­ton three times, then push again to turn the vibra­tions on. I'm irra­tional­ly peev­ed about this because I don't know exact­ly how long the timer goes before the trav­el lock turns on. And when mas­tur­bat­ing, every lit­tle incon­ve­nience adds up.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Racy vs. BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy vibrators side-by-side. The Racy is 5" long and 0.9" wide, while the Sassy is 7.5" long and 1.5" wide.

Other BMS Factory vibrators to consider

If you're decid­ing between a Pillow Talk Racy and Pillow Talk Sassy, then HECK YES, I'd steer you towards the Sassy. It's more rumbly than the Racy, more fill­ing against the G‑spot, and eas­i­er to aim, for not much more than the Racy. At the time that I tried it, I used the Pillow Talk Sassy the most often out of all the cord­less vibra­tors I had.

My col­lec­tion has grown quite a bit since then, though!

If you want more rum­ble in a bul­let, try the BMS Mini Swan Rose mini-​vibe. Its motor purrs with more refined vibra­tions and a deep­er timbre.

If you want a hard plas­tic shell so that the vibra­tions trans­fer even more effi­cient­ly, get the BMS Swan Maximum bul­let. It's arguably the best bud­get bul­let right now.

Further reading

  • Hot Octopuss Amo – this lux­u­ri­ous bul­let is only a lit­tle less rumbly than the Tango, but has options for sharp­er pin­point stimulation
  • What makes a bul­let rumbly? – I dis­sect­ed oth­er bul­let vibra­tors to show you what's inside that counts: the motors!

Thank you to Peepshow Toys and Blush Novelties for send­ing me these prod­ucts to review! I use affil­i­ate links through­out this post. When you buy via my links, I earn a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. It helps keep my web­site up and running!

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6 Responses

  1. Maria says:

    The Racy is one of my favorite toys of all time. I have trou­ble using any­thing over 1 inch wide, so the petite size is great for me. It is a lit­tle too flex­i­ble some­times, I'll give you that.

  2. Jimena says:

    Thanks for this list!

  3. Prudence says:

    Thank you for review­ing these, it's a real help for peo­ple just start­ing to build a toy collection.

  4. G says:

    I appre­ci­ate how hon­est you are with your reviews.

  5. G says:

    I real­ly like read­ing the com­par­isons to oth­er toys!

  6. B R says:

    Another great review! I appre­ci­ate the com­par­a­tive reviews a lot. It's nice to hear that we can have nice things with­out break­ing the bank. Based on this com­par­i­son, I think we'll try the jessi!

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