Review: Ursula Tentacle Dildo & Mr. Moonlight Dual-Density Dildo From Laphwing

Did I choose these pret­ty dil­dos sole­ly to match my galaxy bay­o­net? Yes. Do they feel as good as they look? Also yes ⁠— depend­ing on how you use them.

Mr. Moonlight glow-in-the-dark dual density dildo and Laphwing Ursula big tentacle dildo

Today, I’m review­ing the Laphwing Ursula and Mr. Moonlight dil­dos. The for­mer is a girthy AF sil­i­cone ten­ta­cle dil­do that max­es out at 3.3” diam­e­ter, while the lat­ter is a glow-​in-​the-​dark dual-​density dil­do. The Laphwing Ursula and Mr. Moonlight may have dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent tar­get audi­ences, but I can appre­ci­ate both.

About White-Label Sex Toys and Branding

If you’re get­ting deja vu regard­ing the Mr. Moonlight dual-​density dil­do, it’s not just in your head. I’ve writ­ten about the Evolved Novelties Luminous Stud before. The Luminous dil­do series and Mr. Moonlight are white-​label prod­ucts — gener­ic, mass-​manufactured items that dis­trib­u­tors can add their own brand­ing if they wish. 

White-​labeling isn’t bad, per se — it’s just busi­ness. Just remem­ber that these designs aren’t made by inde­pen­dent arti­sans or mom-​and-​pop shops. (Yes, that applies to the ten­ta­cle dil­do here, too. This one is a knock­off of the Bad Dragon Ika.)

Mr. Moonlight and Laphwing Ursula tentacle dildo suction cup bases

After you’ve seen enough sex shops, you can spot white-​label prod­ucts from a mile away. Not all of the prod­uct list­ings fea­ture odd verb con­ju­ga­tion choic­es, but this one def­i­nite­ly does. Notice it on the Laphwing Ursula’s prod­uct page: “SO NOVEL EXPERIENCE LIKE NEVER EXPERIENCE BEFORE” and “EXPAND ANUS, CHALLENGE THE LIMIT."

I only used the Laphwing Ursula vagi­nal­ly, but I can see why some­one would have trep­i­da­tion about its shape for that purpose.

Laphwing Ursula Thick Tentacle Dildo Review

The Ursula sil­i­cone ten­ta­cle dil­do is L O R G E — swelling to some­thing sub­stan­tial­ly big­ger than my duck-​billed hand. Yet, its col­or palette is quite soft, with pas­tel blues and pinks.

Laphwing Ursula big silicone tentacle dildo

Even some­one who isn’t size roy­al­ty can appre­ci­ate it, since the tip is slen­der. Its poin­ti­ness can be good or bad, depend­ing on the inser­tion depth. The suck­ers swell in size as you move down the shaft. They feel deli­cious against my front wall, and clench­ing around the tip can feel intense. As a bonus, there’s a suc­tion cup base so you can mount it and ride it hands-free.

Laphwing Ursula Tentacle Dildo Measurements & Specs

  • 8.6” total length
  • 7.6” insertable length
  • 2” mid-​shaft diameter
  • 2.7” diam­e­ter just before the broad­est knob
  • 3.3” max­i­mum diameter
  • Shore ~8.5A firm­ness silicone 
    • Use a soft-​bristled tooth­brush with soap and water to clean the crevices
    • Boil to dis­in­fect the hard-​to-​reach areas
Laphwing Ursula girthy silicone tentacle dildo with suction cup base

How This Dildo Feels in Use

My Shore hard­ness mea­sure­ments aren’t exact, but the main thing to note is that this ten­ta­cle dil­do isn’t just T H I C C — it’s also pointy and rel­a­tive­ly firm, as far as fan­ta­sy toys go. Do not get this toy if your cervix is eas­i­ly irri­tat­ed or jabbed.

You’ll be fine if you eas­i­ly nav­i­gate deep pen­e­tra­tion, though. The Laphwing Ursula’s body fea­tures the sub­tlest S‑curve, mak­ing the pointy tip a lii­i­it­tle eas­i­er to direct away from the cer­vi­cal os. It’s too acute to do much good for my cervix. Still, you’ll want to go deep if you want to savor the girth and tex­tures fully.

Laphwing Ursula, Evolved Novelties Luminous Stud, and Laphwing Mr. Moonlight dildo comparison

I don’t dare insert the final seg­ment yet, but the 2.7” diam­e­ter just above that is still quite seri­ous. Luckily, the grad­ual taper means it doesn’t feel as aggres­sive as the Tantus Fist Trainer. No ure­thra irri­ta­tion here! Just a deli­cious stretch at the vagi­nal opening.

When going deep, I pre­fer the suck­ers fac­ing the back wall. That way, I can tilt the base so that the most promi­nent hump serves as a cli­toral grind­ing mound while rock­ing the Laphwing Ursula back and forth. (Your mileage may vary. My clit-​vag gap  is on the short side, where­as yours might be more spaced out.) While the side with­out suck­ers doesn’t have as much piz­zazz, there are still bumps galore.

Review: Ursula Tentacle Dildo & Mr. Moonlight Dual-Density Dildo From Laphwing 1

Closing Thoughts on This Tentacle Dildo

Overall, I’d rec­om­mend the Laphwing Ursula if you:

  • Enjoy tac­tile sen­sa­tions and intense ribbing
  • Want to increase your capac­i­ty for girth — up to a 2.7” diameter
  • Don’t mind some­thing long, firm, and pointy
  • Like indi­rect cli­toral grind­ing dur­ing penetration

Laphwing Mr. Moonlight Dual-Density Silicone Dildo Review

I’ll reit­er­ate what I wrote about the Laphwing Mr. Moonlight’s more promi­nent sib­ling: sensation-​wise, I have noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about them.

Review: Ursula Tentacle Dildo & Mr. Moonlight Dual-Density Dildo From Laphwing 2

Both the Mr. Moonlight and Evolved Novelties Luminous Stud feature:

  • A firm glow-​in-​the-​dark blue core for stability
  • A squishy sil­i­cone “skin” lay­er and excep­tion­al­ly soft tip and balls
  • Veiny tex­tures along a mat­te finish
  • A suc­tion cup base for riding
  • A suu­u­per realistic-​feeling com­bi­na­tion of dual sil­i­cone densities

Glow-​In-​The-​Dark Dual-​Density Dildo Measurements

The main dif­fer­ence is the size. Evolved Novelties; Luminous Stud dil­do is about 2” across the widest part and boasts 8” of insertable length (10.5” long total). It’s about the same size as the Vixen Creations Outlaw, but is a tad firmer and costs way less.

Laphwing Mr. Moonlight dual-density dildo review vs. Evolved Novelties Luminous Stud size comparison

In con­trast, Mr. Moonlight from Laphwing is about aver­age size:

  • 1.5‑inch diam­e­ter
  • 6.25 inch­es insertable length
  • 8 inch­es total length.

Both sizes of this dual-​density dil­do feel fan­tas­ti­cal­ly life­like. Whether you want an aver­age diam­e­ter dil­do or a girthy one is up to you. Bigger isn’t always bet­ter, though.

How It Looks and Feels in Use

The plus side to Mr. Moonlight’s size is that it’s long enough to reach my inter­nal hot spots and suf­fi­cient­ly flex­i­ble to grind against my clit.

Mr. Moonlight dual-density silicone dildo flexibility

Rather than long, hard thrusts, I anchor the bot­tom of the shaft against my vul­va. From there, I piv­ot the insert­ed por­tion to rock it back and forth with small strokes. If you like the coital align­ment tech­nique dur­ing inter­course, you’ll prob­a­bly appre­ci­ate this dildo’s bendiness.

There is a cos­met­ic down­side to the material’s for­mu­la, though. These dil­dos’ translu­cent sil­i­cone turns yel­low over time due to oxi­da­tion. There’s no way that I know of to reverse it safe­ly. You can, how­ev­er, slow it down by keep­ing it out of sun­light and not using harsh clean­ers on it. (For exam­ple, don’t leave it in bleach for longer than necessary.)

Laphwing Mr. Moonlight glow-in-the-dark dual-density dildo review

The irony isn’t lost on me: the inner core glows in the dark and can be “charged” in the sun or under UV lamps, yet the out­er lay­er is best kept out of those same con­di­tions. What’s your pri­or­i­ty: day­time or night­time appearance?

Closing Thoughts on the Mr. Moonlight and Luminous Stud

Dual-​density dil­dos used to be pure­ly in the realm of lux­u­ry toys, but not any­more. These squishy mem­bers are almost per­fect for the spicy shop­per want­i­ng real­ism on a budget.

Mr. Moonlight, Evolved Luminous Stud, and Laphwing Ursula next to galaxy bayonet

Further Reading on the Super Smash Cache Blog

This post was spon­sored by Laphwing, who sent me these prod­ucts in exchange for my hon­est review. The words and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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6 Responses

  1. I had spot­ted that lots of com­pa­nies seemed to offer the same dil­do, just in dif­fer­ent colours. This was a real­ly inter­est­ing read, thank you.

  2. C says:

    I’m some­times curi­ous about a ten­ta­cle dil­do, and the colours on this one are gor­geous. This one would def­i­nite­ly be too thick for me though!

  3. electron says:

    I real­ly like the translu­cent top lay­er in the dual-​density — shows how the toy is con­struct­ed. & I love the aes­thet­ics in these pho­tos. super cool

  4. Sptfan says:

    I’ve always want­ed to try a ten­ta­cle dido.

  5. D. Dyer says:

    As A lover of both ten­ta­cles and firmer toys I am very very intrigued by the Ursula.

  6. Cam says:

    Love the mar­bling and col­ors. I have yet to own any­thing glow in the dark

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