Honey Play Box Jubilee fluttering rabbit vibrator review

If you fol­low many sex-​positive Instagram pages, you've prob­a­bly seen an influ­encer either pos­ing with the Honey Play Box Jubilee or incor­po­rat­ing it into a meme.

In-​depth reviews rarely accom­pa­ny the smil­ing self­ies, so I'd like to shed some light on this contraption.

Honey Play Box Jubilee Fluttering Tongue Rabbit Vibrator

Yes, Honey Play Box (for­mer­ly Honey Adult Play) paid me for an Instagram post and sto­ry about the Jubilee, but I didn't say any­thing about it that I didn't know to be true.

Honey Play Box Jubilee review table of contents

Honey Play Box Jubilee vibrator features

The Honey Play Box Jubilee rab­bit vibra­tor is a fine spec­i­men for its price tag. The insertable por­tion has rumbly vibra­tions, while the out­er part (respectably) resem­bles the tiny tongue of the Blush Aria Flutter, anoth­er afford­able toy I liked a lot. Since the Jubilee's shaft is hol­low and flex­i­ble, you can opt for exter­nal or inter­nal stim­u­la­tion only, if you wish.

Honey Play Box Jubilee Flexible Rabbit Vibrator

At the time that I wrote this review, I con­sid­ered the bendi­ness a pos­i­tive fea­ture. It detracts from the lit­tle chance the Jubilee had at pro­vid­ing firm G‑spot pres­sure, but it also means that this rab­bit vibra­tor can fit a wider range of bod­ies than a rigid one. And the motors are (most­ly) inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled, so again, you can choose to play sole­ly with pen­e­tra­tion, with exter­nal vibra­tion, with the flut­ter­ing por­tion on the out­side, or any combination.

Oh, and it's safe for anal play — just make sure you clean it prop­er­ly with some bleach solu­tion, soap, and water if you switch from ass to vag.

All of that put togeth­er is well worth it for a begin­ner. Take 15% off with my coupon code, SUPER at Honey Play Box

Honey Play Box Jubilee Control Panel

Honey Play Box Jubilee vibrations and controls

It's not per­fect for me, but it does its job and can be a won­der­ful begin­ner toy for the right user. The Honey Play Box Jubilee's two but­tons (on/​off/​flutter cycle and vibra­tions) con­trol a wide range of options:

  • 3 steady inter­nal inten­si­ties and 6 patterns
  • 9 exter­nal flut­ter tongue vibra­tor speeds

Since "rumbly" is sub­jec­tive, I want to elab­o­rate a bit fur­ther on the Honey Play Box Jubilee's vibra­tion qual­i­ty — how much move­ment does it transfer?

When you dip the Jubilee G‑spot vibrator's head in water, it splash­es quite a bit. The tim­bre and range of motion are deep­er (read: more stim­u­lat­ing) than, say, the com­par­a­tive­ly buzzy LELO Mona 2, but not as rumbly as the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy.

In oth­er words, while the Honey Play Box Jubilee lacks spe­cial­iza­tion, its ver­sa­til­i­ty is stellar.

Honey Play Box Jubilee fluttering rabbit vibrator review 1

A generalist and not a specialist for penetration

Wait, what do you mean, it lacks spe­cial­iza­tion? Surely, it can't get any more spe­cif­ic than a dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tor, right?

Well, yes and no.

I said before that the Jubilee's flex­i­bil­i­ty adds to the num­ber of ways it can be used but takes away from the inten­si­ty. It's too flex­i­ble to do much for my G‑spot, and the head doesn't have an espe­cial­ly defined bulb to dig in behind my pubic bone as the Pillow Talk Sassy or Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7 Inch do.

However, the Honey Play Box Jubilee's swelling toward the tip is enough to slide into my pos­te­ri­or fornix and mas­sage my cervix effort­less­ly. And its bendy shaft means I'm not ram­ming direct­ly or caus­ing irri­ta­tion. The 5.5" insertable length and 1.4" max­i­mum diam­e­ter are a hap­py medi­um for many users.

Besides, I'd have to insert the Jubilee prac­ti­cal­ly all the way to use the flut­ter fea­ture on my cli­toris. For G‑spotting, it's a no; I have a hard time find­ing G‑spot vibra­tors that fit me since that area for me is shal­low­er than oth­ers. For mod­er­ate­ly deep straight pen­e­tra­tion, hell yeah!

Honey Play Box Jubilee vibrator next to makeup palette and lube bottle

Who is the Honey Play Box Jubilee for?

Consider your own anato­my and what's worked for you before think­ing, "The Honey Play Box Jubilee does every­thing, so it must be amazing."

The Honey Play Box Jubilee vibrator is a good fit for those who want:
  • A no-​frills, average-​sized insertable vibra­tor for your ori­fice of choice
  • Rumbly vibra­tions at an afford­able price
  • A flut­ter­ing tongue for light but pin­point stimulation
  • Something beginner-​friendly to sam­ple the sen­sa­tions, one at a time
It's not for those who want:
  • Intense G‑spot stim­u­la­tion — its bulb is very grad­ual and its shaft bendy
  • Precise con­trols
  • Super deep pen­e­tra­tion — 5.5" works for me, but I pre­fer more.
  • Something not pink or purple

In oth­er words, the Honey Play Box Jubilee isn't ide­al for me. However, it's cheap, ver­sa­tile, rumbly, and cov­ered under a 1‑year war­ran­ty. These fea­tures make it palat­able for a user who craves exter­nal stim­u­la­tion but isn't picky about pen­e­tra­tion like I am.

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1 Response

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I recent­ly acquired their Joy which appears to be quite sim­i­lar, but does come in Some oth­er col­or options. It is only OK for me, but is great for part­ners, so I con­sid­er that par­tic­u­lar acqui­si­tion a win.

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