Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure: another tongue-flicking suction vibe review!

[Image: Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure with plastic oval and circle suction cup attachments off.]

No other sex toy has sent me on as much of an emotional roller-​coaster as the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure. I have gone through every stage of Kombucha Girl.

My ini­tial thought was, "Ew, a prod­uct by Pipedream." I usu­al­ly wouldn't accept prod­ucts from them for moral rea­sons. But a high­ly prin­ci­pled sex shop CEO whose judg­ment I trust — one who quot­ed 'There is no eth­i­cal con­sump­tion under cap­i­tal­ism' — decid­ed to stock the Her Ultimate Pleasure. So that had to mean something.

I'm no stranger to com­pro­mis­es, as my review of the LELO Mona 2 might sug­gest. Sometimes, a com­pa­ny sucks, but a prod­uct it offers is excep­tion­al. The Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral for a rea­son, not least because it deliv­ers suc­tion and 100 licks per minute. And that's worth talk­ing about. I had to find out for myself two things about it:

  1. Is this wacky con­trap­tion worth the hype?
  2. How does it com­pare to the NU Sensuelle Trinitii?
Both the Trinitii and Her Ultimate Pleasure are toys that lick, suck, and vibrate, but they look and feel drastically different from each other.

[Image: NU Sensuelle Trinitii and Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure licking and sucking vibrator side view.]

For one, the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure fea­tures a broad­er suc­tion area and fit a wider vari­ety of anatomies than the Trinitii does. As well, its hilt is slim­mer and curved, with inser­tion in mind. Despite the gen­dered name, poten­tial­ly any­body can use this toy. The flared cup serves as a stop­per and pre­vents it from get­ting lost in the rec­tum, mak­ing it safe for anal inser­tion. And, of course, you can use the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's tiny tongue, with­out suc­tion, any­where you desire its licks. Versatility is the name of the game here.

Using a full-​coverage pussy pump was a new expe­ri­ence for me, though. Two suction-​cup attach­ments come with the Her Ultimate Pleasure, as well as a soft, tex­tured sleeve for the tongue. One cup is an oval (2" long by 3" wide) con­toured to fit over a vul­va, and the oth­er a 2.75" diam­e­ter cir­cle with a flat open­ing (sug­gest­ed use: nip­ple stim­u­la­tion). Both are made of hard plas­tic with remov­able sil­i­cone rims for easy clean­ing. I'd like it if the sil­i­cone was thick­er and plush­er because the hard edges uncom­fort­able against my bony bits the first few times I used the Her Ultimate Pleasure.Over time, though, I got bet­ter at posi­tion­ing it, and it grew on me.

In this review of the Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure:

[Image: Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure with suction attachment and Sliquid Sassy lube.]

Let's begin with the big question on everyone's mind:

How does the Her Ultimate Pleasure's licking feel?

Short answer: its high­est speed, about 100 licks per minute, is only a lit­tle slow­er than the Trinitii's 120 licks per minute. Plus, the Her Ultimate Pleasure's tongue fea­tures sub­tle but con­cen­trat­ed vibra­tion. The long answer is that, of course, there are pros and cons to both products.

[Image: a closer look at the Her Ultimate Pleasure oval attachment's curved rim]

For one, both sound robot­ic, but the Her Ultimate Pleasure is quite a bit loud­er. You may want to play some back­ground music if you live with oth­er people.

It also slows down with pres­sure more than the Trinitii does. When you push on the Trinitii's flex­i­ble sil­i­cone tongue, it bends but main­tains its speed. There's only a lit­tle hard­ness at the base where it attach­es to the motor. In con­trast, the tongue on the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure is most­ly rigid with a some­what pli­able tip. It makes sense when you con­sid­er that the sil­i­cone encap­su­lates a vibrat­ing motor.

If I'm not using the suc­tion attach­ment to hold the unit in place, the move­ment some­times trans­fers to the han­dle. I find that it's eas­i­er to keep it steady when stim­u­lat­ing myself with the edges of the tongue rather than the tip. It's tar­get­ed, but not near­ly as sharp as the Trinitii or Aria Flutter. There are three steady tongue motion speeds on the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure and four patterns.

Most times, I use the high­est speed. But the motor is also pow­er­ful enough that, of the four pat­terns, I could use two to get myself off. The oth­er two rhythms have stilt­ed paus­es, ren­der­ing them use­less to me. One but­ton cycles through the sev­en tongue settings.

The Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's suction function

[Image: Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's suction against my thigh. It's REALLY pulling my flesh in!]

The suc­tion fea­ture is the one depart­ment where the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure blows the NU Sensuelle Trinitii out of the water. Yeah, the aspi­rat­ing motor is seri­ous busi­ness. Observe in the thigh pic­ture how much the Her Ultimate Pleasure pulls my flesh into the suck­ing chamber.

This pussy pump stim­u­lates the entire vul­va, instead of iso­lat­ing the glans of the cli­toris. I still most­ly pre­fer tar­get­ed pres­sure with con­ven­tion­al vibra­tors and oscil­la­tors. But with this toy's pump­ing mech­a­nism, there's some­thing about the increased blood flow to my cli­toral cru­ra that gets me going.

The suc­tion doesn't only feel good but also helps increase the tongue's pres­sure, because my junk is being pulled far­ther into the cup. All three suc­tion set­tings on the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure are pat­terns, which annoyed me at first. Its low­est sucks for about two sec­onds and releas­es for one sec­ond each cycle, the mid­dle for three and one, and the high­est for four and one. Those paus­es meant that my clit didn't stay firm­ly pressed against the tongue.

Fortunately, I found a way to main­tain the vac­u­um and work around that. To keep the stim­u­la­tion steady, I like let­ting the suc­tion run and then turn­ing it off at the peak of the cycle to "freeze" my labia in place. Two but­tons con­trol the Her Ultimate Pleasure's suc­tion. One of them pow­ers on/​off (long hold) and cycles through the set­tings (short press). The oth­er quick­ly releas­es the vac­u­um. As a rule of thumb for safe­ty, I'd say not to keep your bits pumped for more than 10 min­utes at a time.

The vibrating handle? Hardly worth talking about

[Image: Holding the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's vibrating G-spott handle]

The insertable end does noth­ing for me— I'll prob­a­bly nev­er use it as any­thing but a han­dle. Yes, there's a slight bulge/​curve, but the straight taper miss­es my G‑spot. It's also flex­i­ble, which makes it even more frus­trat­ing for me to aim. I much pre­fer firmer G‑spot toys or those with a more volup­tuous dip to fit behind my pubic bone.

With five bendy inch­es of insertable length, the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's inter­nal stim­u­la­tor isn't long enough to sat­is­fy my A‑spot or cervix. Can it reach those eroge­nous zones? Yes, but it's not prac­ti­cal to thrust as freely with it as I would like. I keep think­ing about the annoy­ance of clean­ing vagi­nal secre­tions out of the seam between the sil­i­cone and plas­tic con­trol panel.

What's more, the vibra­tions are buzzy. Unlike with the NU Sensuelle Trinitii, I can't see myself using the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's han­dle as a clit vibe. The Trinitii's motor is on the moderate-​to-​high-​pitched side of rumbly, but it's robust and has defined edges for con­cen­trat­ed stim­u­la­tion. The Her Ultimate Pleasure's G‑spot vibra­tion motor is the epit­o­me of "meh." It can't get me off, unlike the Cal Exotics Surf City Centerfold, which is buzzy but at least has a pointy tip.

Why I'm not a fan of Pipedream as a company

The tox­i­c­i­ty of Pipedream, the man­u­fac­tur­er, goes far deep­er than the gen­dered name of the Fantasy For Her. In a nut­shell, they con­tin­ue to embody every­thing that was sleazy about the sex toy world in the 1990s and ear­ly 2000s.

Yes, the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure is made of body-​safe sil­i­cone and hard plas­tic, but most of Pipedream's prod­ucts are tox­ic and porous "jel­ly." And their mar­ket­ing is all kinds of big­ot­ed, from racist to sex­ist to trans­pho­bic. If you've found pock­et pussy pack­ag­ing that sounds like a Boomer brain­stormed every pos­si­ble stereo­type of a mar­gin­al­ized group, there's a good chance that Pipedream made it. I don't have to explain why that's bad, right? Right.

Check out the following pages for more about why Pipedream is shit:

My verdict on the Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure

So why did I write this review? Because I knew that people would look for it.

[Image: girl with long black hair holding the insertable handle and using the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's suction cup attachment to hold a snow cone outside.[/note]

If this post is the thing that con­vinces you not to buy the Her Ultimate Pleasure, I respect that. If you do decide to buy it, I get that, too. At least get it from the love­ly peo­ple at SheVibe, so that you're sup­port­ing a busi­ness that cares about its shop­pers.

If you're new to sex toys and not espe­cial­ly picky about your inserta­bles, the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's fea­tures make one hell of an ini­ti­a­tion into the sex toy world. Even by my stan­dards, it offers a pletho­ra of nov­el sen­sa­tions — and I've been col­lect­ing sex toys for over five years.

If the 2014 version of me time-​traveled to 2019, this is what I would tell her:

Okay, maybe it looks mild­ly gim­micky, but the ridiculous-​looking exter­nal stim­u­la­tor is my favorite part of it. This toy's tongue-​flicking and pussy-​pumping action are sol­id. The vibrat­ing han­dle, though, feels like an after­thought. Not that I was expect­ing excep­tion­al qual­i­ty vibra­tion from Pipedream. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Despite all the things the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure can do, I wouldn't want it to be my only sex toy. Between the G‑spot medi­oc­rity and lim­it­ed insertable length, that would have held back 2014 me's explo­ration. Every body is dif­fer­ent, and this vibe might ful­fill all of some­one else's sex­u­al needs, but I don't want any­one to think that it's the end-​all and be-​all of sex toys.

As a consumer, I probably wouldn't buy the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure.

[Image: NU Sensuelle Trinitii teal 3/4 view to show its "tongue" next to the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure]

Let's imag­ine that there was a house fire that destroyed all of my sex toys (except the inde­struc­tibles). I'd replace my Velvet Thruster Teddy and VixSkin Colossus in a heart­beat. The Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure? Probably not.

I like its lick­ing, but I pre­fer the NU Sensuelle Trinitii's sharp­er tongue, even if its suc­tion is more iso­lat­ed. And the Trinitii's vibra­tions are far stronger — about par with the Bougie Bullet. Most like­ly, I'd buy a Trinitii. It's an all-​in-​one toy where I love every­thing it does, includ­ing the simul­ta­ne­ous tongue-​flicking and suction.

Maybe you don't want both sensations at the same time

In that case, here are some recommendations to save money

[Image: Doc Johnson automatic rechargeable pussy pump thumbnail]

For broad and auto­mat­ed suc­tion, get a recharge­able pussy pump. The ones from Doc Johnson are usu­al­ly less than the Her Ultimate Pleasure. And yes, Doc Johnson is anoth­er one of the Big Five sex toy man­u­fac­tur­ers. They do have some porous prod­ucts, as do the rest of the Big Five, but their mar­ket­ing isn't as trashy as Pipedream. From the per­spec­tive of vot­ing with my dol­lars, I'd feel com­fort­able with that decision.

…or maybe you do. There's another option to consider

Read my com­par­i­son of the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. the Cal Exotics Empowered Queen. The lat­ter lacks the insertable han­dle, but the exter­nal por­tion feels a looooot bet­ter for me.

Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure: another tongue-flicking suction vibe review! 1

tl;dr I like the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, but I'm not head-​over-​heels for it.

[Image: Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure suction and licking vibe 3/4 view next to Sliquid Sassy pink lube bottle]

It's a prime exam­ple of how far sex toys have come since I start­ed col­lect­ing them. As such, I respect that it's still among the few options sat­ing the demand for sex toys with tongue-​like, back-​and-​forth movements.

I actu­al­ly like the Her Ultimate Pleasure a lot.

However, it's not the best fit for my pref­er­ences. I am, after all, a cer­vi­cal orgasm con­nois­seur and pin­point princess. I'm stick­ing to my clas­sics: the flap­ping Fun Factory Volta, the Trinitii's tiny tongue, and, of course, prop­er­ly cervix-​loving insertable per­vert­ibles. There's no roller-​coaster ambiva­lence there — just love.

[Image: SheVibe logo]

Want a Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure? Get it from SheVibe!

Another note: this review was super long and labor-​intensive. If you'd like to sup­port me and make more posts like this pos­si­ble, you can do so by clear­ing your cook­ies and buy­ing sex toys via my links. Also, con­sid­er tip­ping me. I appre­ci­ate it!

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6 Responses

  1. EJ says:

    Hmmm curi­ous about these suc­tion toys! Never tried one. Also curi­ous why only 10 min of suck­ing play for safe­ty.. will have to do more research on that! Thanks 🙂

    • Jane Louis says:

      Sucking toys can be very intense. So, if they are not well-​made, they can do some real dam­ages to the clit. In some cas­es, it may even cause bleed­ing. That's prob­a­bly why it's not rec­om­mend­ed to use it for more than 10 mins con­tin­u­ous­ly. There is a thin line between "intense & good" and "too intense & unpleas­ant" when it comes this type of toys. This is just my opin­ion. Hope it's helpful 🙂

      • EJ says:

        Thank you so much!! Yes very help­ful. 🙂 def­i­nite­ly some­thing to con­sid­er. The only thing I won­der is I have a Womanizer (star­let) and have used that toy for like prob­a­bly around an hour con­tin­u­ous­ly lol or more and didn’t at all find it too intense (almost not intense enough at times) so that’s why I was like huh could that real­ly cause dam­age, but I haven’t expe­ri­enced any pain etc, so I think I should be ok! Haven’t yet tried any oth­er suck­ing toys, though. So will keep those tips in mind for the future. Thank you so much again. 🙂 🙂

        • The Womanizers and oth­er air pulse toys both blow and suck air, so they don't latch on like strong one-​way suc­tion does.

          • Jane Louis says:

            Totally agree! @supersmachache. I am also a sex toy review­er. What a fun job!
            Just want to let you know that I like many of your arti­cles — very hon­est and to the point :)!

  2. G says:

    I real­ly appre­ci­ate such hon­est reviews.

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