Review: Dorcel Double Do & Tantus Hook long dildos

My deep­est eroge­nous zones are so hap­py. These long dil­dos (18” and 10”) make me want to text a part­ner, “Thank you for your ser­vices for my cervix.”

Dorcel Double Do Self-Thrusting Double Dildo and Tantus Hook long dildo next to Double Do packaging

I am so sat­is­fied — a cud­dle pud­dle with these two dil­dos and my pil­lows. What can I say? Longbois do it for me.

We’ll start with the extra extra, 18” long, pul­sat­ing, vibrat­ing Double Do and then the sim­ple (but still extra) 10” long Tantus Hook dil­do.

Dorcel Double Do review: self-thrusting & vibrating double dildo

This silky sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­do fea­tures two ends, two motors, two thick­ness­es, and two dif­fer­ing degrees of flex­i­bil­i­ty. Semi-​realistic? Barely — the Dorcel Double Do’s heads are only sub­tly phal­lic, with ridg­ing under the crown for styl­ized “fore­skin.”

Dorcel Double Do double penetration dildo  with posable shaft folded next to the packaging

In oth­er words, it’s noth­ing too wild-​looking as far as big dil­dos go. What makes it unique is on the inside:

  • The thick­er side con­tains a lin­ear mag­net­ic weight that pro­pels and pul­sates the Double Do back-and-forth.
  • The small­er end has a pos­able wire core through­out its shaft for adjustable angling
  • At that tip is also a vibrat­ing motor that buzzes both ends

What is the Dorcel Double Do fantastic for?

If you like get­ting fin­gered with short, straight strokes on repeat, you’ll love the Dorcel Double Do throb­bing against your inter­nal cli­toris with pre­ci­sion — or your A‑spot, your G‑spot, whatever.

Its head shape isn’t the most G‑spotty, but the hard core makes it easy to angle the big end steeply against my front wall. From there, the motor’s pow­er takes over.

Dorcel Double Do Double Penetration Dildo Head Shape

The Double Do can be used in the fol­low­ing ways:

  • Going deep for solo sin­gle pen­e­tra­tion — cervix mas­sage, any­one?
  • Partner play with one end insert­ed in either par­ty, angled how­ev­er they want
  • Solo dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion in two holes
  • Partner play with one par­ty hold­ing the not-​inserted end for extra leverage.

Unfortunately, the firm­ness doesn’t make it a great can­di­date for dou­ble vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, but there are oth­er, soft­er, fully-​silicone dou­ble dil­dos for that! Read my dou­ble dil­do com­par­i­son or con­tin­ue this review if the Stronic-like pul­sa­tion has you drooling.

Dorcel Double Do Double-Ended Dildo, Blush Ruse, Tantus Hook
Blush Ruse slim sil­i­cone dou­ble dong, Tantus Hook, and Dorcel Double Do folded

Double Do measurements & specifications

Here’s how the Dorcel Double Do mea­sures up:

  • 18” total length when straight­ened out
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter across the big head
  • 1.4” diam­e­ter across the small­er head
  • ~7” insertable length on flex­i­ble vibrat­ing end when folded
  • ~10” insertable length on the thick, firm end when folded

When the Double Do is ful­ly flexed, the cen­tral seg­ment must be the hinge, and the sil­i­cone bunch­es up. Since the thick end hous­es a lin­ear bar­rel, you can’t bend it to make it short­er, nor can you adjust the tip cur­va­ture. My G‑spot is okay with that, though. Your mileage may vary.

Dorcel Double Do and Tantus Hook Tips

Other fast facts and functions:

  • Matte sil­i­cone finish
  • 2 motors, inde­pen­dent­ly controlled
  • 2‑button con­trol panel
  • 3 steady speeds and 6 patterns
  • Waterproof
  • Magnetic charg­ing contacts

How to use the Dorcel Double Do

Hold the power/​thrusting but­ton to acti­vate the unit. Both but­tons will glow while the Double Do is in stand­by mode.

Short-​press the but­ton again to cycle through the thrust­ing set­tings, or short-​press the zigzag but­ton to click through the vibra­tion options. There are three steady speeds and 6 patterns.

These motors can be adjust­ed inde­pen­dent­ly. To turn just one side off, keep click­ing until you return to the begin­ning of the “menu.”

To turn the whole Double Do off, long-​press the pow­er button.

The Dorcel Double Do contains two buttons to control the thrusting and vibrating motors

How do I feel about its motors?

I pre­vi­ous­ly described the Double Do’s self-​thrusting as “Stronic-​like,” but let’s be clear about some expec­ta­tions. First, it won’t thrust in any way that feels like nat­ur­al inter­course; get a Velvet Thruster for that yum­my, broad­er 3” stroke length.

Second, nobody does lin­ear mag­net­ic motors like Fun Factory does.

Their Stronic motors pul­sate a weight back and forth — and are heav­ier and thud­di­er than any imi­ta­tion, offer­ing a thrum with a stroke length of up to a half-​inch. Their high­er speeds deliv­er short­er thrums that can start to feel like vibra­tion, though — a quirk they ful­ly owned with the Sundaze Pulse vibe.

All of that said, the Dorcel Double Do jos­tles my G‑spot well for me at the sec­ond and third steady speeds. The range of motion is quite short — maybe an eighth of an inch long — but the force is far more notice­able to me than con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions. Think of it as a “Stronic lite.”

Would you rather have slow, deep, puls­ing pres­sure or small vibra­tions? Both are options with the Double Do.

Dorcel Double Do vibrating motor dipped in water to show splash

The vibra­tions on the oth­er end are fine — when dipped in water, they make mod­er­ate waves and will splash a lit­tle. Not bad, but also noth­ing to write home about. It’s the thrust­ing and length that take cen­ter stage here.

What about its shape and structure?

Solo shallow penetration

I love feel­ing the light foreskin-​like tex­ture under the head, grip­ping and thrum­ming against my G‑spot while — and this is impor­tant — hold­ing the oth­er end in place like a han­dle. Otherwise, my vagi­na grips it in place while the out­er part of the Double Do wags.

Stronics, in com­par­i­son, are strong enough to con­tin­ue pul­sat­ing with only a fin­ger or two under for posi­tion­ing and direc­tion — for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, anyway.

This double dildo's shaft is posable

Double penetration and partner play

I also futile­ly tried the Double Do for dou­ble vagi­nal; it’s too firm for that. Remember: it has hard shells encas­ing the motors. The thrust­ing side is most­ly rigid, except for about 2” of sil­i­cone at the tip.

If you want to work one end in each hole solo, con­sid­er that the rigid por­tion of the thruster is way longer than the oth­er side. One hole has to have the thrust­ing end about 2” inside before the oth­er end can be insert­ed. If you’re using it with a part­ner, you have way more options for positioning!

In con­trast, the vibrat­ing side is rigid at the tip, flex­i­ble at the neck (mean­ing it will bend there but not stay in place), then pos­able at the rest of the shaft. There are bumps and struc­tur­al plat­ing inside, almost like it has a wire spine and vertebrae.

Folded Dorcel Double Do DP vibrating dildo and Tantus Hook long dildo for pegging

Read: The Double Do prob­a­bly con­tains ted­dy bear arma­ture, but at least uses it effec­tive­ly, unlike some oth­er toys. This pos­able dou­ble dil­do stays bent at the mid-​shaft por­tions that aren’t insert­ed. And that makes sense for part­ner use and positioning.

Going deeper

If I want deep­er vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, hand-​thrusting with vibra­tions is my favorite way to use it. Of course, the ample length and firm­ness eas­i­ly go behind my cervix for both for­ni­cal and cer­vi­cal mas­sage. Deep spot orgasms are the pin­na­cle of plea­sure to me — long, full-​body, con­tin­u­ous, rapturous.

And if that’s not for you? Use it in either hole. Enjoy the throb­bing stretch just at the entrance; the Dorcel Double Do’s puls­ing motor will do most of the work.

Double Do and Hook barely-phallic head shapes

Tantus Hook review: long, firm, 10” dildo for deep penetration

If you’re won­der­ing, “Who the fuck wants a 10” dil­do for solo use?” here are some poten­tial buyers:

  • Someone who likes lever­ag­ing their toys with ease
  • Someone who likes ample length to serve as a “buffer zone.”
  • An expe­ri­enced anal depth play­er since the rec­tum doesn’t have a “ceil­ing” the way the vagi­na does 
    • Many of the Tantus Hook’s users are cou­ples that enjoy pegging.
  • Someone who needs more of a han­dle for reach (short arms, mobil­i­ty issues, ample body fat)

Just because you’re not insert­ing it all doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean you’re not using it all.

With a longer dil­do, there’s no sub­con­scious con­cern of run­ning out of insertable length. A “buffer zone” means my thrust­ing cadence can keep going and going and going. The Tantus Hook also just feels fuck­ing good for being frill-free.

Tantus Hook 10 inch long dildo

Tantus Hook measurements

  • 10” total length
  • 9.2” insertable length
  • 1.7” max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.5” mid-​shaft diameter
  • Shore 22A firmness

It’s veeeeery firm but has some bend at the shaft. In con­trast, Uberrime’s Aptus and Night King are about 8A. They’re medium-​firm by my stan­dards and def­i­nite­ly firm by indie sil­i­cone dil­do stan­dards. The Tantus Hook is fuck­ing hard.

How does it feel in use?

It’s fun to bend and aim while it’s inside me. The Tantus Hook’s firm­ness makes it easy to direct behind or in front of my cervix or even slight­ly to the side, whichev­er fornix I’m more in the mood for. And I get extra front wall pres­sure while thrust­ing indi­rect­ly against my cervix.

Tantus Hook head shape

This dil­do is suu­u­per easy to tilt against what­ev­er eroge­nous zone I want. Its length can, of course, go deep for A‑spotting or cervix stim­u­la­tion while bot­tom­ing me out.

And because the head is about 2” long, it’s great for push­ing the bul­bous head against my G‑spot and A‑spot in the same stroke. Angle it for­ward. Use smooth, small-​ish thrusts. My entire front wall is enthralled.

Tantus Hook dildo head shape in hand

It’s so easy to cum on this dil­do if it’s direct­ed depth you crave. It’s basic but has many hall­marks of the best A‑spot and cervix mas­sage toys. Excuse the brevi­ty. I’m just a cud­dle bug who needs a nap after all the times I came.

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1 Response

  1. Rob says:

    great review and in-​depth knowl­edge of toys real­ly helps when it comes to selec­tion. A real mul­ti toy!

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