CHRISTMAS 2021 THROWBACK: flavored lube, penis strokers & plugs

Among the perks of the sex blog­ger life: gift box­es from busi­ness part­ners! <3

This hol­i­day sea­son, XOXTOYS​.ca sent me a pack­age full of sexy stock­ing stuffers — the lit­tle things that add a dash of spice to playtime.

A spread featuring the Tenga Easy Beat Egg Shiny, Tenga GEO Coral sleeve, Fun Factory Bootie Medium, System JO Flavors flavored personal lubricant, Doc Johnson Pussy Licker strawberry-flavored oral sex gel, and a hand-lettered notecard from XOXtoys to Super Smash Cache

The box con­tained a lit­tle something-​something for everybody:

Consider the many, many rea­sons to add plugs, mas­tur­ba­tion sleeves, and fla­vored lube into your draw­er of cou­ples’ sex toys!

Left to right: Tenga Easy Beat Egg, a jar of Doc Johnson's PUSSY LICKER flavored oral sex gel, and packets of Wicked Hybrid Jelle and Wicked Aqua Strawberry lube

Flavored personal lubricants, compared

What is the purpose of flavored lube?

Partnered sex doesn’t have to be lin­ear, and fla­vored lube reminds us of that.

By lin­ear sex, I mean how our cul­ture assumes sex pro­gress­es by default: kiss­es, fondling, oral on her, oral on him, inter­course, end when he finishes.

Not every ses­sion has to fol­low that rut, though; mix up the order. You can inter­sperse inter­course with cun­nilin­gus breaks. Or fist some­one with fla­vored lube and watch them lick their juices off your fin­gers. You get the idea.

Consider also lubri­cat­ing one’s throat dur­ing fel­la­tio for eas­i­er deep-​throating. Or, since latex con­doms and den­tal dams don’t always taste great, use fla­vored lube to make it a lii­it­tle bet­ter for the giv­er. (Flavored or not, some lube on the receiver’s end is gen­er­al­ly encour­aged for glide, too.)

UPDATE: Find my favorite fla­vored lubes & more in my sen­su­al body care guide!

How the flavors XOXTOYS​.ca sent me compare

XOXTOYS​.ca sent me System JO's Tri-​Me Flavors pack, a straw­ber­ry fla­vored lube sam­ple from Wicked Sensual prod­ucts, and a jar of Doc Johnson's straw­ber­ry Pussy Licker gel.

System Jo Flavors Tri-Me Triple Pack Flavors with 1 oz (30 mL) bottles of their Strawberry Kisses, H2O Tropical Passion, and H2O succulent watermelon flavored personal lubricants
Here’s my subjective ranking of them, purely flavor-wise.
1. System JO H2O Succulent Watermelon

Reminds me of water­mel­on Pop Rocks but mild. Not over­pow­er­ing. Quite watery. Not too bit­ter, but it may remind you of soap if you use melon-​scented Bath and Body Works products.

2. Doc Johnson Pussy Licker oral sex gel

HOOOH, this smells strong­ly like can­dy. Like a Push Pop. Slightly med­i­c­i­nal and bit­ter, but it start­ed to grow on me. THICC.

3. System JO H2O Tropical Passion

Eugh. I can tell they were going for a trop­i­cal fla­vor, and it’s present enough for some effort and style points.

4. System JO H2O Strawberry Kisses

EUUUGH! More tart, less candy-​sweet. But way more bit­ter. VERY cough syrup-​like. It will not grow on me.

5. Wicked Aqua Strawberry

Also very med­i­c­i­nal in taste. More candy-like.

A caveat about flavored lubes and vagina-friendliness

I wouldn’t use the above for­mu­las intrav­agi­nal­ly. Stick with using them on the exter­nal bits.

These fla­vored lube for­mu­las are way more osmot­ic than the vagina’s epithe­lial cells. In oth­er words, they can suck the water out of the tis­sues, lead­ing to less resilience to fric­tion (i.e., dur­ing inter­course!) and increased irri­ta­tion and risk of infection.

My top recommendation for the best flavored lube

Sliquid Swirl featuring Cherry Vanilla, Strawberry Pomegranate, and Green Apple flavored lube

For intrav­agi­nal use, I sug­gest Sliquid Swirl's fla­vored lube. Its for­mu­la is pH bal­anced and takes into account osmolality.

Instead of hyper­os­mot­ic glyc­erin or propy­lene gly­col, Sliquid’s fla­vored lube for­mu­las use small­er amounts of cot­ton cel­lu­lose as the thick­en­ing agent.

As such, Sliquid’s osmo­lal­i­ty is low­er and in the vagina-​friendly zone. The slip­per­i­ness might not last as long before dry­ing, but it’s easy to re-​activate it by mist­ing some water.

Taste-​wise? I like Sliquid Swirl’s Cherry Vanilla fla­vor a lot. Green Apple has been a crowd-​pleaser, too.

UPDATE: Find my favorite fla­vored lubes & more in my sen­su­al body care guide!

Tenga GEO Coral super soft masturbation sleeve

What is the Tenga GEO series?

The Tenga GEO mas­tur­ba­tion sleeves deliv­er dense­ly packed, nature-​inspired tex­tures to envel­op the penis in a DUMMY THICC lay­er of squishy elas­tomer. Like, macaroni-​in-​a-​pot lev­el squish­ing, soft­er than the soft­est sol­id sil­i­cone I’ve ever touched, and thick­er than the Tenga Easy Beat eggs.

Tenga GEO Coral stroker next to the Tenga Easy Beat Egg Shiny on the Magic Wand

The GEO Coral sleeve's web­bing is quite pro­nounced, with many small peaks sur­round­ing the penis. My part­ner com­pared it to “grav­el, in the best of ways.” Like fid­dling around with smooth rocks in your under­wear, but soft­er and more sensual.

It may be too short for some users, though. If your penis is on the long side, con­sid­er using the Tenga GEO just on the tip or main­ly on the shaft, like the Fleshlight Quickshot. If an intense­ly focused and local­ized tex­tures are what you crave, the Tenga GEO stro­kers fit the bill.

Also, the lube includ­ed? Also THICC. Like, ovu­la­tion cum thick. Watch the vis­cous strands form between your lubed fin­gers when you slow­ly spread them apart thick.

Tenga’s Easy Beat Egg sleeves are cheap­er and an entry-​level upgrade from your hand alone. In par­tic­u­lar, the Easy Beat Egg Shiny tex­ture also has a lot of angu­lar­i­ty to it, so with many tiny, focused points of con­tact in the rib­bing— almost sharp, but too squishy for that to be quite the right word.

Tenga GEO penis masturbation sleeve vs. Easy Beat Egg turned inside out

One major perk of a stretchy sleeve over a cup-​style stro­ker is that you can adjust the pres­sure as you go. Rather than one set tight­ness lev­el, you can tight­en it as you please or loosen your grip after ejac­u­la­tion when you’re super sensitive.

Unfortunately, the Easy Beat Eggs are easy to bot­tom out. After a cer­tain point, you’re less slid­ing the sleeve and more stretch­ing it over the head. They’re best for focus­ing on the tip but can help you fig­ure out what kinds of tex­tures you like before com­mit­ting to some­thing pricier.

Browse Tenga Easy Beat Eggs at XOXTOYS​.ca

Ways to use a penis masturbation sleeve with a partner

The “obvi­ous” answer: to enhance hand jobs.

Another fun answer: enhance clit rub­bing or use it as a hump­ing toy, too! Slip the stro­ker, texture-​side-​out over your hand or onto a Magic Wand. (Yes, there are so many ways to use wand vibra­tors with part­ners!) If both part­ners have penis­es, con­sid­er stick­ing both of them inside the sleeve simultaneously.

Tenga Geo Coral stroker inverted and placed on the Magic Wand Plus massager's head as a Magic Wand topper

Fun Factory Bootie medium silicone butt plug

What is the Fun Factory Bootie

The Fun Factory Bootie is a slight­ly tapered butt plug with a gen­er­ous for­ward curve for G‑spot or prostate stim­u­la­tion. Its base is slen­der and gen­tly curved to fit between the cheeks or lips. I gave it a shout-​out in my guide to the best butt toys for begin­ner and inter­me­di­ate play.

Why it’s so great

For starters, the Bootie’s forward-​leaning bulb press­es against the front wall. It slight­ly tips back-​and-​forth with your move­ments; you can’t help but feel its pres­ence every time you clench-release-clench-release.

Fun Factory Bootie Small and Medium size comparison to njoy pfun plug
Size com­par­i­son: Fun Factory Bootie Small vs. Bootie Medium vs. njoy pFun stain­less steel plug

The neck is slim for com­fort­able long-​term wear. And the base? YESSS, a long and thin butt plug base makes sense! It’s big enough to stay anchored for safe­ty (i.e., it won’t get lost inside you) and com­fort­ably stays put.

And the clas­sic shape comes in three sizes for a vari­ety of expe­ri­ence levels:

  • Small — 3” long x 1.1” max diameter
  • Medium — 3.5” long x 1.4” max diameter
  • Large — 4.4” long x 1.6” max diameter

Ways to use a butt plug with a partner

The “obvi­ous” answer: for anal train­ing or vagi­nal dila­tion. Or pair that with an exter­nal vibra­tor for extra pizzazz.

There's a new Bootie Fem designed with a short­er base, so that it doesn't block the front hole if you have vagi­nal inter­course while wear­ing a butt plug.

Wicked Simply Hybrid Jelle lubricant

Wicked Simply Aqua Jelle and Hybrid Lubricant
Wicked Sensual Care Simply Hybrid lube pump and Simply Aqua Jelle tube

Ah, I love hybrid lubes for their longevi­ty and cloudy, jizz-​like con­sis­ten­cy. Hybrid lubri­cants are a com­bi­na­tion of pri­mar­i­ly water-​based lube with juu­u­ust a lit­tle silicone.

They’re longer-​lasting than pure­ly water-​based but still most­ly okay for use on sil­i­cone toys. Wicked Simply Hybrid Jelle is nice­ly cush­ioned for glid­ing, and, again, I love how it looks.

Use it with a lube launch­er to sim­u­late a creampie or, bet­ter yet, water it down to fill up an ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do syringe.

Further reading

What about you? What's your favorite sexy stock­ing stuffer for spic­ing up part­ner play time?

(Also, just FYI, this post was spon­sored and does use affil­i­ate links, which give me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. <3)

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1 Response

  1. Alex says:

    The tex­ture of the Tenga Geo coral sleeve is so fas­ci­nat­ing. It just looks so entic­ing­ly squish­able, I could see it mak­ing a rather delight­ful fid­get toy.

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