BS Atelier Max Poly Pride striped silicone dildo review

How I wish I could gift my 2012 self a BS Atelier Max dildo!

BS Max Poly Pride striped silicone A-spot and G-spot dildo with lube on it

Back when I was pop­u­lar on FetLife and inter­net cucks show­ered me with gifts and wor­ship, I prob­a­bly could have request­ed any sex toy I want­ed. But I under­stood so lit­tle about the sex toy indus­try that I hard­ly knew what to ask for. 

The BS Atelier Max would have been the per­fect first dil­do for me. It fea­tures glossy, flex­i­ble sil­i­cone with a gen­tle, cervix-​massaging curve, a defined coro­nal ridge for my G‑spot, and a tapered tip that slides in front of my cervix for the most com­fort­able A‑spot stimulation.

It's the most ver­sa­tile dil­do I own, with a sat­is­fy­ing com­bi­na­tion of strengths that aren't too hard­core for long ses­sions. I'm always ready for Round 2 or 3 or 12. And, of course, after­glow snug­gles with a bun­dle of fluffy blan­ket if my part­ner isn't around. I've used the BS Atelier Max so often that I think of it as the "Johnny" lite. It gives me so many of the things I loved about the Johnny, but with­out as much bulk. And the Max's closer-​to aver­age girth than the Johnny has its dis­tinct benefits.

BS Atelier: more than rainbow-striped Pride dildos

BS Atelier Gender Queer Pride dildo thumbnail

2012 was "only" six years ago. But three weeks in the sex toy review­er world is like three months in "reg­u­lar" life. 2012 was before LELO start­ed going down­hill. It was before Peepshow Toys man­i­fest­ed their mis­sion to res­cue shop­pers from Yucky Stuff. And it was def­i­nite­ly before you could find rainbow-​striped sil­i­cone dil­dos at big chain shops like Condom Sense in Texas.

But BS Atelier, estab­lished in 2010 in Spain, didn't stop at rain­bows. They have many dif­fer­ent rain­bow designs and went above and beyond with their oth­er col­or schemes. This arti­san dil­do com­pa­ny makes dil­dos inspired by cow spots, paint splat­ters, and trans pride, along with butt plugs shaped like giant pills.

Their Max Poly Pride fea­tures diag­o­nal stripes of blue, red, and black. Its sib­ling, the Max Genderqueer Pride, fea­tures stripes of pur­ple, white, and green instead. Both are visu­al­ly ele­gant, and when it comes to prac­ti­cal fea­tures, there's noth­ing left to add or take away.

Split-time G-spot and cervix stimulation

BS Atelier Max dildo's defined coronal ridge

I know some read­ers are rais­ing their eye­brows. After all, coro­nal ridges and rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al head shapes are com­mon on dil­dos. But hear me out: the ridge's low place­ment is what stands out and rocks my entire front wall.

Most dil­do heads are about 1.5" long, while the BS Atelier Max's is 2.6" long— a full inch longer. With that longer head, I can let that slen­der tip slide behind my cervix on the "in" stroke, and have the ridge rub up against my G‑spot on the "out" stroke, all while thrust­ing in a way that feels nat­ur­al to me and gets me off.

With most oth­er dil­dos, I usu­al­ly have to choose between my G‑spot and PFE zone/​behind my cervix. In con­trast, with the BS Atelier Max, I don't have to make exces­sive­ly long thrusts to get both eroge­nous zones in one go. Let's do the math; my vagi­na is about 6.5" long, the BS Max's head is 2.6" long, and my G‑spot is about 1.5" in. So 6.5 — 2.6 — 1.5 = a 2.4" thrust length. That's per­fect for me.

For com­par­i­son, the Velvet Thruster deliv­ers 3" long thrusts. Its 3" thrust length works for my cervix only as long as I have the thrust­ing speed turned way up.

Stationary cervix stimulation during orgasm

The fun doesn't stop when the thrust­ing does. This sil­i­cone dil­do has enough "give" that I can push it into my pos­te­ri­or fornix to clench and push against dur­ing orgasm. The fab­u­lous clench, come, repeat. No, the BS Atelier Max is not super girthy like the VixSkin Johnny or Outlaw, but its firm­ness is just right for com­fort­able thrust­ing near my cervix. Think of it as just the Johnny's firm core, with­out the squishy and mat­te out­er layer.

BS Atelier Max Poly Pride striped silicone dildo with lube on it

A-spot stimulation with the BS Atelier Max

Because the BS Atelier Max's head is so slim and tapered, it finess­es my the area in front of my cervix (my ante­ri­or fornix /​ AFE zone) with ease. And I can't say that about the Johnny. Nor can I say that about the Chrystalino Champ, which does fit in front of my cervix but feels more "bleh" there. The Max's shaft is curved enough to be tar­get­ed, but with­out need­ing bulk.

No dis­re­spect to the Blush Novelties Avant D4 or Temptasia Elvira's boxy heads— the G‑spot and A‑spot stim­u­la­tion the D4 pro­vides is more intense, but its brute force isn't always what my pos­te­ri­or fornix craves. My cervix gets the per­fect amount of pres­sure from the Max. I can tilt tip towards my bel­ly but­ton to press against my cervix or A‑spot while get­ting some extra G‑spot pres­sure from the bend­ing shaft.

My review of the Blush Avant D5 said that I didn't like its bendy shaft. However, I think the real dif­fer­ences are that there's no curve in the D5's shaft and the head is too blunt. The BS Atelier Max is bendi­er than the D5, but its curve and taper does much of the work. Its fit is so much more intu­itive to me.

My verdict on the BS Atelier Max

BS Max Poly Pride striped silicone dildo on red metallic fabric bacground

I once called the Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny the "meat and pota­toes" of my sex toy col­lec­tion, but I think the BS Atelier Max may usurp that title. It stim­u­lates more of my eroge­nous zones, its sur­face is less drag­gy, and I don't need to warm up to the girth as much. The orgasms are quick and build­able with lit­tle added effort on my part. And it's not a coin­ci­dence that the BS Max reminds me of my beloved Vixskin Johnny— their shaft cur­va­tures are similar.

If you want a smooth and average-​sized every­day dil­do, it's hard to beat the Max's ver­sa­til­i­ty. It's about the same size as the Vixen Woody or dual-​density Vixskin Mustang. You get a less mush­room­ing G‑spotting head with the Max, but its taper and head length make it more A‑spot friend­ly for me. The trade-​off is worth it to me because my AFE zone is less roomy than the area behind my cervix. Plus, the Max's coro­na is about as defined as the Mustang's, which is enough for my G‑spot.

A dil­do needs to stim­u­late my cervix well for me to real­ly love it, but the BS Atelier Max gives me so much more than that. If I want pen­e­tra­tion and not crav­ing any dil­do in par­tic­u­lar, it's become a habit to grab the BS Max. I don't have to think about it— I already know it'll quell that urge for my favorite inter­nal hot spots any time.

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5 Responses

  1. Kelly says:

    Does it keep its curve when held hor­i­zon­tal­ly? If so, how much of it? The Vixen dual den­si­ty Mustang los­es ALL of it when hor­i­zon­tal, it's not a g‑spot or a‑spot dil­do at all in real­i­ty. Many dual den­si­ty curved dildo's lose their curve when hor­i­zon­tal­ly unfor­tu­nate­ly. And even when you are using it in anoth­er posi­tion, this means that it's straight­ened with ease, no g‑spot pressure.

    • It straight­ens a lit­tle but is firmer than the Mustang. I think, if someone's going to use the Mustang for G‑spotting, they'd real­ly have to like the head shape. If you haven't tried using a glass toy for G‑spotting, I'd rec­om­mend that instead.

  2. Annie says:

    Those butt plugs — ha!

  3. Jay says:

    I’ve always been tempt­ed by BS Atelier’s colorful/​themed dil­dos, but have been under­whelmed by the toys’ mea­sure­ments and prod­uct reviews. This is the first time I’ve read a review of the Max mod­el, though. I might get the Max one day instead of the Vixen Johnny, which you’ve com­pared it to and so many peo­ple love, but I pre­fer Max’s col­or­ful­ness and lack of balls.

  1. January 4, 2019

    […] It’s larg­er but a bit squishy so it’s not too over­whelm­ing for me. As Cy from Super Smash Cache point­ed out, the longer dis­tance from the tip to the ridge means that it can be great for […]

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