BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 1

Affordable dual-​density dil­dos are always excit­ing, but there are so many oth­er rea­sons why I'm over the moon for this har­ness­able pack and play. The BMS Addiction David's pos­able core is what makes it such a potent all-arounder.

No sur­pris­es here — this dil­do comes from the same man­u­fac­tur­er as the amaz­ing Pillow Talk Sassy and Mini Swan Rose. It's hard to beat BMS Factory when it comes to jaw-​dropping cost-​to-​quality ratio.

Key features of the BMS Addiction David dildo

The BMS Addiction David is a semi-​realistic with a fleshy squish and a vel­vety, mat­te fin­ish. Its veins and detail­ing are min­i­mal, but the coro­na and tight balls unmis­tak­ably rep­re­sent a penis with 8" length (6" insertable) and 1.6" width. As a bonus, it's a suc­tion cup dil­do, too!

You may want to handgasm with it, squeez­ing the tip and balls. My boyfriend described the sur­face as "pow­dery" — I don't quite agree, but the con­sen­sus is that it's remark­ably skin-​like for the price.

A promi­nent head juts out for deli­cious G‑spot and A‑spotty pres­sure, while my cervix adores the looong length. What's more, because the BMS Addiction David has a pli­able core, you can pose it. The adjusta­bil­i­ty serves both aes­thet­ic and func­tion­al purposes.

All of these fea­tures com­bined make the BMS Addiction David dil­do high­ly versatile.

  • Use it for solo masturbation.
  • Suction cup it to sur­faces for a real­is­tic rid­ing experience
  • Wear it under your clothes as a pack­er — then play, if you wish!

What is a pack and play dildo?

Packers are pros­thet­ic phal­lus­es that eas­i­ly tuck up or down under the wearer's clothes when "flac­cid."

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 4
Comic by Alex Kotkin, fea­tured in SheVibe's Gender Expression section

Pack and play dil­dos do that, and they can straight­en out and "erect" for pen­e­tra­tion. For peo­ple born with­out penis­es, it can be a fun gen­der expres­sion tool.

A bendy wire core tends to help pack and play dil­dos ful­fill both pur­pos­es. The BMS Addiction David, for exam­ple, is firm enough to insert, but not so unyield­ing that it's pok­ing out like a con­stant boner.

And how is the BMS Addiction David different from other flexible dildos?

I recent­ly reviewed anoth­er pos­able dil­do: the Fun Factory Limba Flex, which has a firmer core than the BMS Addiction David. In short, the Limba main­tains its shape while thrust­ing, for more ver­sa­tile exper­i­men­ta­tion with eroge­nous zones. However, it's decid­ed­ly not a real­is­tic dil­do, nor does it pack as neat­ly as the David.

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 5

How does the BMS Addiction David dildo feel?

This pack-and-play's versatility continues throughout playtime, finessing a variety of internal erogenous zones!

The David most­ly straight­ens out in use, but not entire­ly. That's excel­lent news for those look­ing to explore their deep eroge­nous zones.

Why? Because you can curve it and swerve it a lii­i­it­tle bit away from your cervix so that the force isn't as direct. That way, it's far eas­i­er to aim into the "pock­ets" in front of or behind the cer­vi­cal os — the ante­ri­or fornix/​A‑spot and pos­te­ri­or fornix, respectively.

Massage the cervix with­out jab­bing into it. Orgasms with the BMS Addiction David are boun­ti­ful. My womb is elated.

If you pre­fer shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, the BMS Addiction David can accom­mo­date that pref­er­ence, too. Its head shape is a clas­sic crowd-​pleaser for G‑spot play and front wall pres­sure, even with a straight shaft.

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 6

My verdict on the BMS Factory Addiction David

I love this thing! Everything about the BMS Addiction David dual-​density pack-​and-​play dil­do is fun:

  • Mooshing it around like a pug's face
  • Wearing it and declar­ing it
  • Hitting my vagina's hot spots

And for the price?

It's on the cusp of unbe­liev­able. I only wish it was avail­able in dark­er skin tones, too. But oth­er­wise, I can't say enough good things about the BMS Addiction David! It feels fan­tas­tic, it's afford­able, and it radi­ates Big Strap Energy. What's not to love?

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 8

Further reading:

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2 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This looks like so much fun and a great way to try out poseable toys with­out going over budget.

  2. Ali says:

    Wow!! This sound so cool. I love the BMS addic­tion dil­do, but this one sounds very ver­sa­tile. This would def­i­nite­ly make for some great futa or gen­der bend­ing play.

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