NS Novelties Firefly Glass G-Spot Glow Wand review: the ultimate A-spot dildo

[Image: Clear Glow-in-the-Dark NS Novelties G-Spot/A-Spot Glass Dildo in my hand in the sun. The forward angling and bulbous head make this one of the best A-spot dildos]
"That dildo looks like something queen Elsa would use in her palace."

A friend said that about the Firefly Glass G‑Spot Glow Wand. Its ele­gance was what drew me in. But for a mod­est price, its effec­tive­ness shocked me. "How could some­thing make me cry so much?" I thought to myself in the after­glow of using it.

The NS Novelties Firefly Glass G‑Spot Wand is to my A‑spot what the njoy Pure Wand is to my G‑spot. The archer and the prey. The mis­sile and the target.

Just a few thrusts for effortless orgasms

Its pen­chant for firm force is inescapable. It's my go-​to for when I want deep pen­e­tra­tion with the pre­ci­sion of fin­gers. Thrust it, rock it, swiv­el it. Whatever motions I use, it's the insertable ana­log to an "instant orgasm" button.

Yeah, I said some­thing sim­i­lar about the Pure Wand for G‑spotting. But if you know me, you know that I'd choose bot­tom­ing out over shal­low entry any day.

As a bonus, the Firefly wand I have is glow-​in-​the-​dark! There are oth­er col­or choic­es for the NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wands, like pink, but I think the clear dick­si­cle with swirling phos­pho­res­cent pig­ment is the prettiest.

The best dildo for A-spot stimulation!

[Image: NS Novelties Firefly G-Spot / A-Spot Glow Wand among autumn leaves and snow]

I can insta-​come with the Pure Wand focused against my G‑spot or the njoy Eleven's front-​loaded and unyield­ing girth in my pos­te­ri­or fornix (behind my cervix). To me, they are the best dil­dos for those respec­tive hot spots. 

My anterior fornix, though, is the NS Novelties G‑Spot Glow Wand's domicile.

The A‑spot/​AFE zone also resides on the front vagi­nal wall, but almost all the way in. It's just shy of the pock­et in front of the cervix. And this A‑spot dil­do has just the right com­bi­na­tion of cur­va­ture, size (6 insertable inch­es by 1.4‑inch diam­e­ter), and rigid­i­ty to dom­i­nate the area. Cue heart-​eyes emojis.

UPDATE: I've writ­ten anoth­er arti­cle all about the A‑Spot! Read it here.

The NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand is the absolute best and most intense A‑spot toy I have ever had the privilege of trying.

Its quality-​to-​price ratio is out of this world, and for that rea­son, I'd rec­om­mend it to any vagina-​owner who appre­ci­ates the pres­sure that glass dil­dos offer. Even for begin­ners to sex toys, glass is a high­ly under­rat­ed mate­r­i­al! Its slick sur­face is easy-​to-​insert and hard­ly demands any lube, and its rigid nature allows for pre­cise aim­ing and explo­ration of the inter­nal eroge­nous zones.

Why A-spot? Isn't it called the Firefly Glass G-Spot Glow Wand?

[Image: Uberrime Supero, Desirables Dalia, and NS Novelties Firefly Glow G-Spot / A-Spot Wand in my hand in front of a snowy shrub in the winter]

Despite what the name sug­gests, its forté is not the Gräfenberg spot, in my opin­ion. Pubic bones vary in shape and size, and as a result, so do G‑spotting preferences.

The NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wands fea­ture a gen­er­ous bend for angling behind the bone— a pos­i­tive attribute, on paper. In prac­tice, the taper and bulging from neck to head is very straight, skip­ping over the sen­si­tive area where my pubic bone dips. This dil­do tends to aim a lit­tle past that, which works for many users but not me.

A‑spot mas­sage is much sim­pler, and the NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand's for­ward arch push­es against the front wall just right when I thrust all the way in. Yours might be a bit deep­er or shal­low­er than mine, but the gen­er­al for­mu­la is still the same.

How NS Novelties' Glass G-Spot Wands feel against my cervix

[Image: a side view of the NS G-Spot / A-Spot Glass wand among autumn leaves and snow]

If I use the not-​curved end, the Firefly Glass G‑Spot Glow Wand feels fan-​fucking-​tastic in my pos­te­ri­or fornix, too. Its swell does a love­ly job!

But here's the dif­fer­ence. It locates my A‑spot for me and intu­itive­ly goes in front of my cervix. I have to know already how to mas­sage my cervix and aim behind it.

This dildo is more of an A‑spot specialist than an all-arounder.

Posterior fornix stim­u­la­tion is more intu­itive when a dil­do has more bul­bous­ness to the head and maybe a gen­tle curve. If you're look­ing for a firm begin­ner dil­do, think of some­thing more like the Desirables Dalia and Chrystalino Champ. (Or any­thing else on my list of oth­er best dil­dos for cervix mas­sage!).

My verdict on this glow-in-the-dark glass A-spot dildo

NS Novelties Firefly Glass G-Spot Glow Wand review: the ultimate A-spot dildo 1

The NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand is the definition of low-​risk, high-​reward investment.

It com­bines the girth of a penis with the firm­ness and strate­gic curl­ing of a partner's fin­gers for high-​force, low-​friction "oomph" and extend­ed orgasms. If you know you like hard toys, get this A‑spot dil­do. If you want to play with deep pen­e­tra­tion, get this A‑spot dildo.

I won't tell you to skip your morn­ing cof­fee or avo­ca­do toast, but I will tell you that its price for repeat­ed hits of oxy­tocin and dopamine is a steal.

Get the Firefly Glow-​in-​the-​Dark Glass G‑Spot dil­do at SheVibe.

Further reading:

[Image: SheVibe.com Vibe Responsibly banner]

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3 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    It’s a beau­ti­ful toy, and your pho­tog­ra­phy is gorgeous!

  2. J says:

    If you use the bulb on your g‑spot, does it have the ten­den­cy to twist? As my vagi­na is oval with it being wider left to right then front to back, when I used one of my first toysit did not work at all, It would twist side­ways. I real­ly wish man­u­fac­tur­ers would make g‑spot toys that are wide.

    I don't get how this can get in front of your cervix by the way (ante­ri­or fornix)! The shape makes it seem like it would hit the cervix in the mid­dle and the diam­e­ter makes me think that it's too thick to go into the fornixes.

    About fornix­es by the way: do the ante­ri­or and pos­te­ri­or fornix feel dif­fer­ent when stim­u­lat­ed? Also, what about the sides? Which would be called lat­er­al fornix­es, but appar­ent­ly do not have enough fame to pop up in Google. It's strange to me that the front and back have a name, while the fornix­es are like a cir­cle around the cervix. I'm going to buy this glass wand and see how it feels to make cir­cles around the cervix, stim­u­lat­ing all fornixes!

    • It doesn't real­ly twist for me, though that kind of thing is why Uberrime dils have an ori­en­ta­tion nub so you know which way is "for­ward."

      My A‑spot just hap­pens to be most sen­si­tive a lit­tle below the cervix, so I don't actu­al­ly bot­tom myself out with it.

      As for the lat­er­al for­nices, they cer­tain­ly exist, but they're so much small­er. So you're quite unlike­ly to insert dil­dos in those pock­ets. I do love using fin­gers for cir­cles all around the cervix though!

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