4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal

4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 1


It's not a minor priv­i­lege. Without dil­dos, I couldn't effec­tive­ly mas­sage my cervix on my own, nor cul­ti­vate that bod­i­ly aware­ness for part­nered play. Without near-​effortless Magic Wand orgasms, I'd have less reprieve from my depres­sive funks. My life wouldn't be near­ly as pleasurable.

Exposed Nocturnal Bullet, Maia Jessi, and Avant Pride P1 in sunglasses case

The unfor­tu­nate truth, though, is that my job wouldn't be pos­si­ble in many parts of the world. Finding sex shops in Brisbane, London, and Montreal? No problem.

Phnom Penh? I'd have to find a black-​market dil­do deal­er. (My favorite line from the linked Vice arti­cle is, "I exam­ined an unnerv­ing­ly real­is­tic and veiny dil­do named, 'American Boy Dong.'" Maybe it tastes like Pepsi Cola.) And get­ting past cus­toms would be a pain in the ass.

While Cambodian law does not overt­ly ban sex toys in leg­is­la­tion, they are gen­er­al­ly pros­e­cut­ed under Chapter 5 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, which bans the dis­tri­b­u­tion of pornography.

Human rights groups also say the laws are unclear and unhelpful.

Sex toys a new pil­lar of free­dom in Cambodia, resist­ing cen­turies of sex­u­al repression

I could get away with wear­ing a neck­lace vibra­tor, but my suit­case of insertable per­vert­ibles would more than like­ly be confiscated—or worse, get me fined, detained, or arrest­ed in the fol­low­ing countries.

The list is by no means com­pre­hen­sive. There are some places where there's no law explic­it­ly about sex toy pos­ses­sion, but there is an anti-​obscenity law. Or cul­tur­al con­ser­vatism and cus­toms offi­cers who would hound you. You get the idea.

UPDATE TO REITERATE: These laws have a lot more gray than this post ini­tial­ly sug­gest­ed. Bear in mind that enforce­ment gen­er­al­ly comes down to cus­toms offi­cers’ inter­pre­ta­tions of what’s obscene, which could vary. So while sex toys might tech­ni­cal­ly be legal in some of these places, bring­ing a tee­ny clit vibe is fine, but a big real­is­tic dil­do is much more like­ly to offend some­one. Also, some sell­ers may bribe an offi­cer to turn a blind eye.


4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 2

Attempts to bring sex toys into Vietnam can result in con­fis­ca­tion and fines.

And that's too bad. Vietnam is the coun­try of my ances­tors. It's beau­ti­ful. You can stay at a five-​star hotel for $50 a night. The food is deli­cious. And of all the coun­tries that Anthony Bourdain has been to, Vietnam is one of his favorite places on Earth. "My first love — a place I remain besot­ted with, fas­ci­nat­ed by." I'd love to vis­it, but I wouldn't live there.

4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 3

You can drink on the streets, buy antibi­otics with­out a pre­scrip­tion, and pur­chase a woman’s “com­pan­ion­ship” with dispir­it­ing ease, but in Thailand, you can’t buy a sex toy — at least not legally.

Teirra Kamolvattanavith for Coconuts​.Co Bangkok

In Thailand, the trade or dis­tri­b­u­tion of sex toys was pun­ish­able by up to three years in prison and six thou­sand baht. Anecdotally, you might not have any prob­lems if your gad­gets are non-​representational, if you don't bring many, and if they're not pack­aged for sale.


4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 4

When you hear "the Maldives," you might imag­ine palm trees, white sand, and gor­geous turquoise beach­es — a top hon­ey­moon des­ti­na­tion. But think twice before pick­ing a couple's toy to bring with you.

Something non-​cylindrical like the Dame Pom might be pass­able, but sex toys are spec­i­fied in the Maldives' import laws. Your toy might get con­fis­cat­ed, and the author­i­ties might deny entry into the country.


4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 5

Along with the Maldives (and many oth­er Muslim-​dominated coun­tries), the UAE also has anti-​obscenity laws.

I've read con­flict­ing anec­dotes about what hap­pens if author­i­ties find sex toys in your bag. They might get con­fis­cat­ed, you might get fined 250 USD, and you might have to sign doc­u­ments in Arabic say­ing that you won't try to bring sex toys into the coun­try again.

Wrapping It Up!

4 Countries Where Traveling With or Buying Sex Toys Is Illegal 6

The words "might" and "could" recur in this post. Since "obscene" is sub­jec­tive, out­comes depend on the cus­toms offi­cers and whether they're in a good mood. It's not black-​and-​white; the con­ver­sa­tion about import laws, obscen­i­ty laws, and pri­va­cy rights around the world is ever-changing.

As a Midwest American, I'm priv­i­leged to have easy access to retail­ers that give fucks about con­sumer safe­ty and plea­sure. Informing the mass­es about the dan­gers of tox­ic sex toys is enough of a bat­tle in my coun­try. (I added "Midwest" because Texas and Alabama have anti-​obscenity laws, too. Bummer.)

But in coun­tries where adult prod­ucts are on the black mar­ket, it's far hard­er to find qual­i­ty and body-​safe sex toys.

It's not that I wouldn't vis­it any of the above coun­tries. If I did, I'd sched­ule blog con­tent before leav­ing the US. That would keep the blog posts com­ing, with­out stress over how many toys to bring. But I know I'd bring at least one. If an author­i­ty found a sil­i­cone pep­per in my bag, I could calm­ly claim that it was a chew toy for a dog. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All oth­er pho­tos in this post are mine.


Hey! This post is spon­sored. Thanks for read­ing. As always, you can sup­port my work by buy­ing sex toys via my links or tip­ping me/​buying me a coffee.

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21 Responses

  1. DragonFist says:

    Heres my "con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry" on this. Basically, being able to solve your own prob­lems, as an adult, is not what "author­i­ty" want. Governments and cor­per­a­tions want to be able to sell peo­ple "non per­ma­nent solu­tions" or even bet­ter, "stop gaps" (gig­gi­ty). If some­one could solve thi­er own sex­u­al needs, they would­nt need a part­ner, so would­nt need to pay or "give pow­er" to cer­tain "author­i­ties" to get mar­ried for instance… If you can use a device to sat­is­fy a part­ner, then you dont need via­gra or oth­er sup­pos­ed­ly safe "med­ica­tions" etc. Keeping peo­ple sex­u­al­ly frus­trat­ed and gen­er­al­ly inse­cure, makes for a real­ly eas­i­ly manip­u­la­ble pop­u­la­tion that becomes much eas­i­er to feed from like some kind of leech or even vam­pire. They use excus­es like "it's to keep peo­ple safe", yet many of these places are more than hap­py to send wave after wave of young peo­ple into actu­al dan­ger­ous things… like a war. Doesn't make any sense at all until you realise it's actu­al­ly more about prof­it, pow­er and con­trol­ling peo­ple, than any­thing about "safe­ty" or "decen­cy".
    I don't know man, that just seems much more like­ly to me, than some "god" sit­ting on a cloud above every­one going "oh tut tut, humans using these great tool invent­ing skills to solve sex­u­al "issues" again… naughty naughty! I'm let­ting the red guy know about all of youuuu…"
    And any­ways theres always ways around these things? Like just get a great big fruit or veg­gie, cut the mid­dle out, seal some bees in it, you are good to go? 😀

  2. Terry says:

    Are sex toys real­ly ille­gal in Mauritius, because on some red­dit pages users say that they are legal, and that even are online sex toys shops like on Facebook? The law too isn't clear on if whether or not the impor­ta­tion and pos­ses­sion of sex toys is legal but from recent local arti­cles they say that they are now, so it is very confusing.

    • Idk about Mauritius exact­ly, but these laws gen­er­al­ly come down to cus­toms offi­cers' inter­pre­ta­tions of what's obscene, which could vary. So bring­ing a tee­ny clit vibe is fine, but a big real­is­tic dil is much more like­ly to offend someone.

  3. I actu­al­ly can­not believe this is a thing? Like, I know homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and stuff was a crime in many places but sex toys??? why? lol
    Very inter­est­ing to read!

  4. missy says:

    This is a real­ly inter­est­ing post. Thanks for sharing

  5. Kakia says:

    I went to Thailand not know­ing this was actu­al­ly a thing until I got there. Thankfully didn't get my bag of toys con­fis­cat­ed, how­ev­er the only lube I could find was ky jel­ly 🙁 and I think fla­vored con­doms are banned as well because they could make it more plea­sur­able. I also read that when there was a big under­ground dil­do bust, and the cops col­lect­ed all of the dil­dos, they just mys­te­ri­ous­ly went miss­ing after that… Lol

  6. G says:

    As soon as I saw the title of this arti­cle I was like, yep, your tweet ear­li­er prob­a­bly inspired this. Really liked this!!

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