Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit

Butt stuff is one of the great equal­iz­ers— every­one has a butt.

[Image: size comparison of the three plugs in the b-Vibe anal training kit. The booklet included is teal with a white vector unicorn on the cover.]

But I didn't write a guide to it for so long because the folx at b‑Vibe can (and do) present anal play far more cohe­sive­ly and with more jus­tice than I would.

Indeed, b‑Vibe's new Anal Training & Education Set exem­pli­fies their mis­sion. It puts togeth­er almost every­thing you'd need to start explor­ing butt stuff. A uni­corn in their sig­na­ture art style greets you when you open the box, which contains:

  • A 50-​page book­let titled Complete Guide to Anal Play
  • Lube launch­er
  • Bulb enema/​douche
  • Small (1" wide) butt plug
  • Medium (1.25" wide) vibrat­ing plug 
    • USB mag­net­ic charg­ing cord included
  • Large (1.6" wide) weight­ed plug 
    • 180 grams /​ 6.35 oz.
  • A zip­per bag for storage

How do the plugs in b-Vibe's anal training kit feel?

The three plugs in this kit each offer some­thing dif­fer­ent, but they have some fea­tures in common:

(Narrow butt plug bases make sense, fit­ting com­fort­ably between the cheeks for long term wear. To hell with the round ones.)

[Image: the smallest silicone butt plug in this anal training kit is 1" wide and looks very petite in my hand.]

My but­t­hole is once again a plug ple­beian. As such, my favorite toy in this kit is the small­est one, about a fin­ger and a half wide. Its gen­tle taper makes it prac­ti­cal­ly per­fect for butt begin­ners. And the medi­um one's motor? Like with the b‑Vibe Rimming Plug's, my clit would mere­ly find the vibra­tions accept­able. However, for a plug, it's pow­er­ful and espe­cial­ly enjoy­able for G‑spot/​prostate stim­u­la­tion on pat­tern set­tings. Equally impor­tant­ly, the vibra­tion pitch is pleas­ant­ly on the low side for help­ing relax the sphincters.

Similar to the b‑Vibe Snug Plug's weight, the met­al balls inside the biggest plug jig­gle for added sen­sa­tion when you move. There's more sil­i­cone damp­en­ing it, though, so the tap­ping sen­sa­tion is less dis­cernible. At 180g, it weighs some­where between the small and medi­um njoy Pure Plugs. But at its broad­est cross-​section, it's 1.6", slight­ly fat­ter than the large njoy Pure Plug. Its neck is also 1" wide, not near­ly as thin as the Pure Plugs' and Snug Plugs'.

If you're already com­fort­able with the small­er two plugs in the kit, then the size and shape of the large one are suit­able for prepar­ing for anal inter­course. Personally, though, I sel­dom do butt stuff nowa­days, so this plug is a bit big for me to wear com­fort­ably. As the book­let advis­es, think of anal play as a con­tin­u­ous jour­ney. Don't rush it, and don't think of the process as a one-​time thing.

How complete is b-Vibe's anal play guide?

Think of the guide book­let as dis­till­ing sex experts' years of expe­ri­ence with butt stuff into 50 pages. You could find all the infor­ma­tion scat­tered online by your­self, but the b‑Vibe butt book­let puts it all in one place and saves you so much time.

Education and mental preparation

[Image: inside the booklet, there's a section about anal play for bodies with a vagina.]

It doesn't start by telling you to use fin­gers (though that's not bad advice). No, it empha­sizes the psy­cho­log­i­cal aspects first and fore­most: dis­cussing desires with your part­ner, your state of mind, breath­ing and relax­ation, and so on. There are also sec­tions in this book that dis­cuss the stig­ma sur­round­ing butt stuff (e.g., tak­ing a sub­servient and unman­ly role or being a slut­ty and dirty woman). Trepidation towards anal play often isn't just about fear of pain, but also vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty— it makes sense to start by talk­ing about mindset.

The book­let is also high­ly inclu­sive when talk­ing about the anato­my involved. What makes anal play plea­sur­able for peo­ple with prostates is a bit dif­fer­ent for peo­ple with A‑spots and inter­nal cli­toral legs. As always, there's a "your mileage may vary" note: tak­ing hor­mones for tran­si­tion­ing can affect your sensitivity.

Lube application syringe launcher

Anal training, partner play, and beyond

  • After the men­tal comes the physical:
  • How to use an enema 
  • What kind of lube to use 
  • Butt plugs 101
  • Training to pre­pare for anal intercourse

And even if some­one is com­fort­able with receiv­ing anal, they might pre­fer or need to incor­po­rate oth­er forms of stim­u­la­tion to enjoy it. There's a sec­tion on com­bin­ing gen­i­tal and anal play, fol­lowed by (of course) the best posi­tions for anal sex, com­plete with diagrams.

The book­let then clos­es with some gold­en rules for after­care. Anal sex involves so much taboo and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, so check­ing in and express­ing appre­ci­a­tion goes a long way.

My verdict and closing thoughts on the b-Vibe Exploration and Education plug kit

If you've already tried a fin­ger or two and are cer­tain you want to take your anal explo­ration to the next lev­el, this is the kit for you. The butt plugs are just the right shape and size for train­ing and retrain­ing, with each bring­ing some­thing dif­fer­ent to the table. Everything about this kit is high qual­i­ty, from the mate­ri­als to the vibra­tions, to the infor­ma­tion, to the pack­ag­ing and presentation.

Other kits to consider for anal training and exploring butt stuff

Review: b-Vibe Anal Training & Education plug kit 1

If you're super new to anal play and aren't sure about invest­ing in a kit this com­pre­hen­sive, I get it. Here are some oth­ers to check out, to get you started:

  • Doc Johnson Mood Naughty Trainer Kit — 3 plugs (0.75", 1", and 1.25" max diam­e­ters) with slim, T‑shaped bases
  • Blush Luxe Night Rimmer Kit — 3 plugs (1", 1.25, and 1.5" max diam­e­ters) with rings for retrieval
  • Cal Ex Inspire Dilator Kit — 5 dila­tors (0.5", 0.75" in two dif­fer­ent lengths, 1", and 1.25" max diam­e­ters). They're not "set it and for­get it" plugs, but high­ly use­ful as dil­dos if you want to get used to thrust­ing with dif­fer­ent sizes

You can take 10% off any of these kits (or any­thing else) at Peepshow Toys with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE


I received the b‑Vibe Anal Training & Education Set/​plug kit in exchange for my freely giv­en and hon­est review. This post also con­tains affil­i­ate links, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for sup­port­ing my blog!

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2 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Thanks for the overview of this incred­i­bly com­pre­hen­sive kit.

  1. November 19, 2019

    […] end’s gen­tle curve can indi­rect­ly mas­sage my G‑spot while the beads pro­vide a rhyth­mic stretch. My ass is a plug ple­beian, and the Fun Wand’s small­est bulb is 0.75″, suit­ed for some­one who likes thin anal […]

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