Magic Wand Plus review: rumbly corded wand vibrator / Hitachi upgrade by Vibratex

The Magic Wand Plus is the first exter­nal wand-​style vibra­tor that I love. I could tell from the moment I turned it on and heard the motor's glo­ri­ous­ly low purr that it was meant to be.

Magic Wand Plus powerful rumbly massager vibrator in front of Carlin Rose collage
[Background col­lage by @carlu­pand­dye]

I stan it. I have only one whole com­plaint about the Magic Wand Plus, and even that isn't a deal-breaker.

That's say­ing a lot, con­sid­er­ing I'm a pin­point princess who usu­al­ly doesn't fuck with wands. Here's the thing, though: if you're a sex toy review­er, it's just rude to turn down an upgrad­ed Magic Wand, espe­cial­ly with the knowl­edge that the Magic Wand Rechargeable is con­sid­er­ably rum­bli­er than the Magic Wand Original. The Magic Wand Plus is an in-​between where you have the Rechargeable's four set­tings and vibra­tion qual­i­ty but at a price clos­er to the Original's.

Magic Wand Plus powerful rumbly wall-powered massager

When not in use, my Magic Wand Plus rests not on my night­stand, but in my purse. Condoms? Check. Coconut-​flavored Hathor/​SUTIL lube? Check. Magic Wand Plus? Check. If I remem­ber, I'll add a tooth­brush, make-​up remover, brow pomade, and an angled brush, and that right there is my sexy date kit. I wouldn't be with­out my Magic Wand Plus in my bag nowadays.

UPDATE: Sorry, Magic Wand Plus. You have been dethroned by the Fun Factory VIM and Doxy Die Cast.

Why the (formerly Hitachi) Magic Wand is a must-have for many

I usu­al­ly hes­i­tate to make sweep­ing gen­er­al­iza­tions like, "Everyone neeeeeds this sex toy!" There's no such thing as a sex toy that works for every­one. However, the Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable came clos­er to that than any­thing else I'd ever owned in 2019.

UPDATE: Times have changed, and my cur­rent favorite wand is the Fun Factory VIM. The VIM, Magic Wand Plus, and Magic Wand Rechargeable speed ranges suit many peo­ple, where­as the Doxy Die Cast is for diehard pow­er queens want­i­ng the inter­nal cli­toris shak­en and bones rattled.

Okay, so it's not pinpoint, but it's rumbly and defined enough for me

Magic Wand Plus back massager vertical view

The round­ed "edge" around the top of the Magic Wand's head is about as defined as the side of a mid-​sized G‑spot vibe. Consider, for exam­ple, the Mona 2 or BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy's sides. Pinpoint? No, but com­bined with the rum­ble of the Magic Wand Plus's low­er set­tings, it's nev­er­the­less the right type of pow­er for me. And the three but­tons allow me to turn the inten­si­ty up and down as my orgasms ebb and flow, and my sen­si­tiv­i­ty wavers.

That brings me to a perk of broad stim­u­la­tion: when I'm over­sen­si­tive after orgasm, I press the Magic Wand Plus's head against one of my labia and let the thud­dy vibra­tions trav­el through my inter­nal cli­toris. Yes, if you like indi­rect stim­u­la­tion or want your whole CUV com­plex shook to obliv­ion, this is for you.

Impressive as a vibrator for penises

The side of the Magic Wand's head is also broad enough that I'd hap­pi­ly hold it against a partner's dick through his pants. And, let's not for­get: there is no short­age of pin­point or penis-​oriented attach­ments to use with it. All of these perks apply to every iter­a­tion of the Magic Wand.

Magic Wand Plus vs. Magic Wand Original

Magic Wand Plus back massager base and detachable cord

But now we're get­ting to the good stuff: what sets the Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable apart from the orig­i­nal. Unlike the Magic Wand Original's two speeds, the Magic Wand Plus fea­tures four speeds. Think of the Original's pow­er, plus two low­er set­tings. But deep­er and rich­er in tim­bre and sub­stan­tial­ly quieter.

Though the Plus's high­est set­ting is loud, it's not at the lev­el of a gen­er­a­tor or a thou­sand simul­ta­ne­ous­ly whin­ing Squidwards, unlike the orig­i­nal. As well, the Magic Wand Plus's cord detach­es for eas­i­er storage.

The Magic Wand upgrades feature lower-​pitched vibrations

Magic Wand Plus LED speed indicator

My favorite speed on the Magic Wand Plus is the low­est one, which I feel enhances rather than veils the ampli­tude. Mostly, I alter­nate between that and the sec­ond speed. The result: mind­less self-​indulgence. Coming with­out tak­ing my pants off. Rapid cycling between plateaus and peaks. Back-​to-​back mul­ti­ple orgasms that blur togeth­er. Just the way I like it. Coming for 20 min­utes straight isn't unusu­al for me with this wand, putting it on the same god­ly tier as the Eroscillator. As well, along with the Eroscillator and Zumio, the Magic Wand Plus is one of the few toys that can make me squirt.

The Magic Wand Plus and Magic Wand Original splash about the same amount when their heads are in water. SO MUCH SPLASHING. SO MUCH MOVEMENT. But sub­jec­tive­ly, the Magic Wand Plus's sil­i­cone head feels deep­er and more knead­ing. I reserve the high­est speeds for when I want to kick it up a notch and turn it back down. Or if I feel like com­ing and cry­ing and dying and resurrecting.

I don't love the original Hitachi Magic Wand, and that's okay

It's not even that I can't han­dle the high­er set­tings or that they're painful. They're "insta-​come or insta-​numb" for me, which reminds me of why I wasn't head-​over-​heels for the orig­i­nal. For one, lib­er­al use of the high­est speed makes my vul­va itchy. But also, if I try to use only speeds 3 and 4 with­out warm-​up, I either come instant­ly, or I'm numb and stuck try­ing to for fif­teen minutes.

Magic Wand Plus best corded back massager and wand vibrator

The most annoying downside of the Magic Wand Plus

Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot to you, but it's dis­tract­ing to know that I'm at the mer­cy of the 20-​minute auto­mat­ic shut-​off timer. Yep, it turns off after 20 con­sec­u­tive min­utes of use, regard­less of what speed set­ting you're using. That is A Thing with the Magic Wand Plus and Magic Wand Rechargeable. Ostensibly to pre­vent the wand from over­heat­ing. But nei­ther of the Magic Wand upgrades heat up— only the Original does.

And I can imme­di­ate­ly turn the Magic Wand Plus back on????? What's the point??? If the so-​called "fea­ture" were of any use to pre­vent the damn thing from break­ing, it'd let the wand chill before turn­ing back on. So at best, the Magic Wand Plus's auto­mat­ic shut-​off is use­less, and at worst, it's a curse.

It's been four years since Vibratex released the Magic Wand Rechargeable. With the new Magic Wand Plus, they had a chance to nix this nui­sance— to bring it clos­er to per­fec­tion. But no, they ignored the feed­back. What's up with that, Vibratex?

My verdict on the Magic Wand Plus by Vibratex

Magic Wand Plus packaging

My annoy­ance lasts at most 30 sec­onds before I come again, though. The trade-​off is worth it to me. This vibra­tor is a per­fect sweet spot between the Magic Wand Original's price and the Magic Wand Rechargeable's low­er speeds, purring vibra­tion qual­i­ty, and non-​porous sil­i­cone head. And I'm all for that. There are plen­ty of pricey toys that are well worth it, but the Magic Wand Plus's quality-​to-​price ratio is hard to top.

The Magic Wand isn't for everyone…

If you want the rum­bli­est cord­less wand, get the Fun Factory VIM. If insert­ing the Magic Wand's head appeals to you, maybe con­sid­er a BMS Swan Wand (oof, check out its splash). And maybe the Magic Wand isn't pow­er­ful enough for you. In that case, get a Doxy Die Cast — the strongest wand vibra­tor I have ever tried.

From my Doxy review:

The Doxy Die Cast's six inten­si­ties, in con­trast, range from "OMFG!" to "EXCUSE ME WHILE I EXTRACT MY SOUL FROM MY BODY?!?¿?!"

…but it's a fantastic fit for many, including me

Let's say you're look­ing for a depend­able pow­er tool. If the Magic Wand Original intim­i­dat­ed you because you didn't want to be stuck with only "holy fuck" and "HOLY FUCK" set­tings, yes, get the Magic Wand Plus Separate light dim­mer not required.

Magic Wand Plus on a floral watercolor fabric background

The Magic Wand Original felt like some­thing I "should" wor­ship because I'm a sex geek, instead of some­thing I per­son­al­ly enjoyed. But once I checked out the upgrades, the Magic Wand Plus was a sta­ple in my emer­gency kit for years to come — as essen­tial as con­doms and lube.

Take 10% off a Magic Wand Plus

Use dis­count code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys.

You heard me. Get it.

I do make a com­mis­sion when you clear your cook­ies and buy from my links. But even if I didn't, I'd still tell all my friends about the Magic Wand Plus, with its quirks and all. It's a vibra­tor that every­one deserves to be at least aware of.

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3 Responses

  1. DavidPNW says:

    How does it com­pare to the orig­i­nal Magic Wand on a lamp dim­mer? That was always the secret with the orig­i­nal — add a $10 Home Depot lamp dim­mer and you get con­tin­u­ous­ly vari­able speed.

  2. Yam says:

    I've had one for a few months and I've only pulled it out 2 or 3 times I need to take it out more!

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