Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy

Hands down the best *budget* clitoral air pulse toy I’ve tried yet
La Boutique Voila Little Goo powerful dinosaur air pulse massager

Little Goo, the Suck-​a-​Saurus rex by Boutique Voila:

  • Wields pow­er par with Womanizer’s Premium 2 and the rose suc­tion toy at the high­est speed
  • Features six steady inten­si­ty options, with small­er incre­ments than the infa­mous rose
  • Is a frig­gin’ adorable and dis­creet dinosaur shape — arguably just as cute as the rose
  • Has a sil­i­cone suc­tion noz­zle that pops off, mak­ing it easy to clean
  • Is super afford­able — once again tread­ing on the ter­ri­to­ry of the rose

It used to be that cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers fell into one of the fol­low­ing categories:

  • Expensive and lux­u­ri­ous with all the frills, like Womanizer (the inno­va­tor) and LELO
  • Affordable but on the weak side, like Satisfyer (the first copy­cat) and Romp (Womanizer’s “younger sib­ling” company)
  • Affordable but straight-​up cli­toral bul­lies like the rose toy
La Boutique Voila Little Goo powerful clitoral suction air pulse massager and base

Boutique Voila’s Little Goo stepped on the scene and brought some­thing new: afford­able, cute, easy to clean, and pow­er­ful. Perhaps just as notably, it has no weird “Morse code” type settings.

Little Goo is frill-​free beyond being super cute but boasts plen­ty of ver­sa­til­i­ty and tenac­i­ty for the price.

How La Boutique Voila do it?

Well, they didn’t rely on exter­nal appear­ance alone.

Remember when Velvet Brands asked how I would shape the ulti­mate G‑spotty thruster? They con­sult­ed with anoth­er sex toy review­er and asked what a cli­toral suc­tion toy should be, do, and have.

That’s what Little Goo is: the result of hon­est expert input ear­ly in the devel­op­ment process.

And that’s part of why it’s the best budget-​friendly cli­toral air pulse mas­sager I’ve ever tried.

La Boutique Voila Bob the Alien, Ace Stroker, and Little Goo suck-a-saurus dinosaur clitoral suction toy

See, the met­ric for La Boutique Voila’s Little Goo goes above and beyond.

  • It’s not just a pow­er­ful soul-​snatcher for clits of steel.
  • It’s not just nov­el — which was enough to get Satisfyer praise back in the day.
  • It’s not just a cute cli­toral suc­tion mas­sager — which would have been enough for it to go viral on TikTok in 2021, with or with­out the inter­nal machin­ery to back up the acclaim.
  • It’s not just “good for the price.”

It is every­thing that it needs to be to stand out as the best of its class. It occu­pies this over­lap that I don’t see often.

And sure, at a frac­tion of the cost of the Womanizers, we do see some cor­ners cut:

La Boutique Voila Little Goo dinosaur clitoral suction massager nozzle

But that’s a tiny list of things it doesn’t include. (Let’s be hon­est: you can bare­ly tell the size dif­fer­ence between Womanizer air pulse toys’ nozzles.)

Voila Little Goo Settings & Controls

Little Goo also doesn’t have any pat­terns; as far as I’m con­cerned, that’s not some­thing miss­ing — it’s a fea­ture. I don’t want a stan­dard ten-​setting cycle with three steady speeds and sev­en pat­terns, most of which I won’t use.

With the con­stant clit-​pulsing menu, I’ll want to use every set­ting. There’s no men­tal band­width set aside for skip­ping some­thing when every inten­si­ty feels good.

(For com­par­i­son, Little Goo’s speed range goes from 7 to 14 out of 14 on the Womanizer Premium 2.)

If I acci­den­tal­ly click from the Little Goo’s high­est speed back to the low­est, it’s no big deal because at least going back up is super predictable.

Usually, I cum damn quick­ly and can still keep going and going and going — a sig­nif­i­cant perk of hav­ing rel­a­tive­ly small speed increments.

Sometimes, I want to cum quick­ly and call it a night — some­times, the high­est speed will knock me out pret­ty quickly.

La Boutique Voila Little Goo discreet clitoral suction toy nozzle

The biggest down­side for me per­son­al­ly is that, some­times, I might want a lighter touch right after I cum. That’s eas­i­ly man­aged by:

  1. Quickly mov­ing the noz­zle to a less sen­si­tive part of my clit.
  2. Clicking to cycle back to the low­est steady speed.

But a min­i­mal­ist inter­face is to be expect­ed with fru­gal fun, and that’s such a triv­ial quib­ble with a cli­toral mas­sager that goes above and beyond in any oth­er regard.

Little Goo Dinosaur Suction Toy Pros & Cons


  • Comparable pow­er to more expen­sive brands and the “soul snatcher”
  • Six steady inten­si­ty options from mod­er­ate “aAaAh”s to “AAAAAA”
  • Small speed incre­ments for sus­tained pleasure
  • Cute and dis­creet dinosaur suc­tion toy design
  • Easy-​to-​clean, detach­able sil­i­cone suc­tion nozzle
  • Yes, it's water­proof and sub­mersible for bath­time play!
  • Simple con­trol panel
  • Affordable
La Boutique Voila Little Goo suction toy nozzle and air pulse membrane


  • The shal­low noz­zle isn’t for every body — 13mm x 13mm x 13mm 
  • Could use some set­tings on the low­er end, but I’m hap­py overall 
    • The soft­est speed is com­pa­ra­ble to 7 out of the Womanizer’s 14
  • There are no note­wor­thy down­sides beyond that!

Little Goo punch­es above its price class, deliv­er­ing moderate-​to-​high inten­si­ty at an unbeat­able price for its performance:

Get the new­er, bet­ter “soul snatch­er” sex toy. Shop Little Goo and use code SUPER20 for 20% off La Boutique Voila. The coupon code applies storewide, so con­sid­er shop­ping my oth­er top picks from Voila, like the Smartee.

La Boutique Voila Little Goo discreet dinosaur clitoral suction toy in hand

This post was spon­sored. The views expressed here are my own hon­est opin­ions in my words.

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