Vibease wearable Bluetooth app-controlled clitoral vibrator review

I left my Vibease behind in a hotel room dur­ing my recent sex­ca­pade. "Do I want to go back and retrieve it?" I asked myself.

[Image: a 3/4 back/side view of a purple Vibease vibrator and its curved, hooked profile on a hotel notepad]

My hes­i­ta­tion wasn't sole­ly because the room was booked under my partner's name— he'd prob­a­bly be embar­rassed to claim a sex toy from the hotel desk.

There's a more obnox­ious rea­son. For the rest of my life, I will nev­er feel the slight­est twinge of desire for this vibrator.

[Image: top view of the Vibease and its pointy "beak"]

Never will I ever think to myself, "The Vibease would be per­fect for a cli­toral orgasm right now!" If any­thing, I'm more (irra­tional­ly) embar­rassed about the slen­der off-​chance that a rather unpro­fes­sion­al hotel house­keep­er would turn on the Vibease and judge my taste in vibrations.

Save your­self some time and check out my guide to the best panty vibra­tors.

I assure you: I'm not the kind of con­sumer who would spend over $100 on this mechan­i­cal wasp in dis­guise. But I do under­stand the appeal to the Vibease's tar­get audi­ence, so let's dis­sect this vibrator's design and what's up with that price tag.

The Vibease's shape: ideal for sitting on

[Image: 3/4 view of my purple Vibease, showing its curves designed to nestle along the vulva]

The Vibease is wear­able; it slips in the gus­set of snug under­wear and curves along the vul­va. The firm, point­ed hook con­cen­trates the cli­toral vibra­tions. I'm a pro­po­nent of lazy mas­tur­ba­tion, so sit­ting on a pin­point vibe hands-​free is a sell­ing point (no pun intend­ed) to me. The Vibease's shape is a firmer and more pro­nounced ana­log to the Dame Pom, hypo­thet­i­cal­ly also mak­ing it easy to nes­tle between bod­ies dur­ing ventro-​ventro intercourse.

Sex tech app capabilities

[Image: screenshot of the Vibease marketplace, featuring titles like "Rough and Sweet" and "Orgasm Command"]

But the stand­out fea­ture is the Vibease's Bluetooth remote con­trol capa­bil­i­ties. I've said it before: I'm not too cur­mud­geon to use a smart phone app to con­trol vibra­tion inten­si­ty and edge a part­ner. The Vibease iPhone app takes the remote con­trol a step far­ther with its split-​screen chat mode for part­ner play from afar. Half of the screen is for the video call or mes­sage thread, and the oth­er half is the con­trol pad.

Its oth­er strong point? Psychological arousal for solo play. The Vibease's vibra­tions can sync to audio erot­i­ca on the app and tease as the sto­ry pro­gress­es. If the nar­ra­tor says, for exam­ple, "Yeah. Come for me, hon­ey. I know you love that fat cock. Come for me. That's all I want, sweet­heart. Give it to me. Give it to me," the vibrator's inten­si­ty max­es out.

I don't often use porn or erot­i­ca when mas­tur­bat­ing (frankly out of lazi­ness), but the dirty talk in the app library is well-​executed. I appre­ci­ate sit­ting back and let­ting the tech do all the work, while still hav­ing the option to change the speed to what­ev­er I want at any time.

The Vibease's vibrations in use

[Image: back view of the Vibease with its LED "on" indicator lit up]

Unfortunately, though, the Vibease is only as potent as its weak­est link: the vibra­tions. It is a vibra­tor, after all. I knew from the moment I turned it on that I'd nev­er use it again after this review. "It's so piti­ful!" I told my part­ner. "Ugh! I have to keep using it to chan­nel my dis­plea­sure in writ­ing." (Or I did. Until I left it in the hotel room.)

If not for the dirty talk audio, the Vibease would epit­o­mize a "work orgasm"— I have to orgasm with these vibra­tions when I could be hav­ing "recre­ation­al orgasms" with some­thing else. You know, for fun.

[Image: another profile view of the Vibease and its logo]

In absolute terms, the Vibease's motor isn't hor­ren­dous, espe­cial­ly when the tip is plen­ty pointy and focused. But for me, it's paired with the guilt of know­ing that some­one out there could spend over $100 on it, think­ing it would be rumbly and pow­er­ful for the price. And for that rea­son, I can't rec­om­mend the Vibease in good faith.

Verdict on the Vibease

We have bet­ter options for panty vibra­tors nowadays.

If buzzy but pin­point vibra­tions are your thing, though, have at it. Enjoy all that the Vibease app's erot­i­ca library has to offer, but don't expect sig­nif­i­cant pow­er from this lit­tle motor. As a con­sumer myself, I'm salty about sex tech that doesn't deliv­er on a cli­toral vibrator's rai­son d'être. As a review­er, if I didn't have to take pic­tures of the Vibease, I would have left it in the hotel for good.

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Yo, there are affil­i­ate links in this post. When you clear your cook­ies and buy sex toys via my links, I earn a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. I received the Vibease from The Pleasure Garden Shop in exchange for my freely giv­en and hon­est opinion.

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3 Responses

  1. Jeff says:

    One of our fan­tasies is for her to wear a remote con­trolled vibra­tor in pub­lic. Specifically walk­ing in pub­lic and attempt­ing to talk to peo­ple while I tease her. This might do the trick.

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