Karma Lilac Unihorn Review: Unicorn Vibrator With Pulsing & Tapping

Feel this Unihorn’s cutie patootie snoot boop­ing at 4 puls­es per sec­ond — and its boot(y)’s buzzing.

Karma Lilac Unihorn powerful unicorn-shaped vibrator

The face end puls­es back and forth, like light per­cus­sion, while the round rump deliv­ers vibration.

Fittingly, my favorite one’s trad­ing card bio reads:

Karma Lilac brings bal­ance to your inner­most desires — a mas­sage near your hole is great for the soul.”

The Karma Lilac Unihorn vibrator has a pulsing and "kissing" mouth

There are sev­er­al oth­er Unihorns, but Karma Lilac’s kiss­es jut out the most, allow­ing for more ver­sa­til­i­ty with hot spots it can caress and thrum against:

  • On the cli­toris, under or over the hood
  • On a penis frenulum
  • And, of course, on nipples
The Unihorn Karma Lilac and Wild Spirit unicorn vibrators come with cute AF trading cards

How does the Karma Lilac Unihorn feel?

Its throb­bing feels like the pad of a focused fin­ger press­ing and releas­ing, like tap­ping a tiny doorbell.

The Karma Lilac Unihorn’s high­est speed feels more intense than a reg­u­lar ol’ rumbly vibra­tor, splash­ing when dipped in water. (It’s splash­proof — take it in the show­er with you, or use the tip in the tub.)

My princess of a clit cher­ish­es the nar­row scope of the snoot. The “kiss­es” move hel­la fast, and they reli­ably pum­mel my pea when a sil­i­cone bul­let vibra­tor ain’t quite doing it for me.

In oth­er words, don’t let Unihorns’ cutesy exte­ri­or fool you; the tap­ping sen­sa­tion is sur­pris­ing­ly strong for the right user.

Sweet, petite, and discreet vibrations

Also notably, their sweet, petite, and dis­creet forms make them trusty carry-​on con­fi­dantes for get­ting off on the go.

Anyone who’s not active­ly scan­ning for sex toy but­tons will see Karma Lilac as just a chub­by uni­corn figurine.

But its tail serves a func­tion: it some­what focus­es the vibra­tions that might oth­er­wise be lost in the broad surface.

They’re buzzy — I could take or leave them, but they out­per­form oth­er play­ful­ly shaped vibra­tors and are just a tad bet­ter (read: less buzzy) than I expect­ed for the price.

My broth­er didn’t rec­og­nize Karma Lilac as a vibra­tor at first, ask­ing, “What’s this? It’s so cute!” then shrieked, “OH MY GOD, AAAAAAAAA! EW!” upon hear­ing my answer and learn­ing his les­son not to touch my belongings.

Comparison to Wild Spirit & its downsides

Wild Spirit, mean­while, is the longer-​tongued “goth” Unihorn, fea­tur­ing jubi­lant gyra­tions with its tongue.

Wild Spirit "goth" black Unihorn licking vibrator with its tongue against the Karma Lilac Unihorn's booty
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere

Once again, I could take or leave it, as it stalls suu­u­per eas­i­ly under pres­sure — too frail even for my sen­si­tive nipples.

That’s also the caveat with Karma Lilac, but to less of an extent: don’t get it if you’re the type to crush a clit vibe to the bone when you’re about to cum. You’ll slow down or even stop its movement.

If and only if you like light pres­sure, this Unihorn vibra­tor’s quick kiss­es can feel quite brisk.

Wild Spirit and Karma Lilac Unihorn buttons on the bottom
Look at those cute wid­dle peets

Who is the Karma Lilac Unihorn vibrator for?

Amid its cud­dle­some appear­ance, low price, set­tings (3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns on either end), and low-​to-​moderate inten­si­ty, it’s actu­al­ly beau­ti­ful­ly fit­ting for beginners.

Unihorn Wild Spirit unicorn with licking tongue vibrator vs. Karma Lilac's pulsating lips

I imag­ine Karma Lilac’s new friends would be shop­pers who:

  • Value dis­cre­tion — it’s easy for snoops to over­look Karma Lilac in plain sight, snug­gling with oth­er pas­tel paraphernalia.
  • Would rather mas­tur­bate in the show­er — no, it’s not remark­ably qui­et, but it’s qui­et enough to have its sound drowned out dur­ing dai­ly morn­ing routines
  • They are just explor­ing their sex­u­al­i­ty and don’t want to shell out much cash for any­thing fan­cy yet.
  • They’re fond of light but fast fin­ger taps against the clitoris.

If that’s you, you’ll love kiss­es from cud­dly Karma Lilac! Get it from Peepshow Toys or shop for oth­er Unihorn vibra­tors and take 10% off with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

If you like the thump­ing action but would rather have a more com­pact car­ry­ing case, try the Cal Exotics Ovation Acclaim instead.

Wild Spirit Unihorn snuggling with Karma Lilac unicorn vibrator

Further Reading: Match Karma Lilac's Aesthetic!

Find other cute pastel lilac vibrators and more

Other dain­ty options keep­ing it sim­ple, sweetheart:

These picks are still sweet but not quite petite:

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1 Response

  1. EJ says:

    “Pummel my pea” = Everything!!!

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