Facebook detox: unplugging from social media as a form of self-care

Facebook detox: unplugging from social media as a form of self-care 1

Social media detox­ing can be a rad­i­cal self-​care step in today's hyper-​connected world. Of course, I'm hard­ly the first to say that. Telling some­one to quit Facebook (or just cut down) is kind of like telling them to med­i­tate, express grat­i­tude, or go to bed earlier.

We hear all the time that it's good for our hap­pi­ness. We know that we're "sup­posed" to do it. But there's a dif­fer­ence between hear­ing about the ben­e­fits and feel­ing them.

I get it — I've boomeranged on and off my per­son­al Facebook and Instagram over the years. This time, I've been able to stay off.

The dif­fer­ence? I stopped see­ing the lack of social media as just a lack, and re-​framed it as the pres­ence of more impor­tant things: time, mon­ey, ener­gy, and atten­tion, to name a few. And those are all things I need to run this blog.

In this post
  1. Nothing is free in this world
  2. Consuming con­tent with intention
  3. Saving my ener­gy for writing
  4. Not deal­ing with Facebook's sex-negativity
  5. Letting go of comparison

1. Nothing is free in this world

Facebook is a busi­ness and, just like any oth­er busi­ness, it wants mon­ey. This not-​so-​little ecosys­tem makes mon­ey by using your data to tar­get ads while col­lect­ing pay­ment from the advertisers.

The news feed, once pre­sent­ed as a way to con­nect with friends, is pret­ty much a ves­sel for ads and links, with some friend updates sprin­kled in. The busi­ness mod­el is sim­ple: have as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble use Facebook, for as long as possible.

The prob­lem isn't that there's noth­ing good about Facebook. I love an inspi­ra­tional pup­py video just as much as any­body else. And some­times tar­get­ed ads lead me to some­thing real­ly great. It's just that there's so much noise on my news feed— too much junk food for my mon­key brain.

Before I know it, "just check­ing some­thing for a few min­utes" turns into a half hour. I've relin­quished to Facebook my time, my most valu­able resource, in a way that doesn't exact­ly make me proud.

2. Consuming content with intention

Yes, I could find a lot of excel­lent con­tent via Facebook. However, I could arguably just as (if not more) eas­i­ly do that with­out Facebook— with­out spend­ing as much time let­ting my mind bounce around and sift­ing through the crap.

All those links and screen­shots I've saved from Facebook (or StumbleUpon… or Pinterest…), of cool stuff to check out "lat­er"? I nev­er looked back at them. Before, I was hoard­ing the nov­el­ty of new knowl­edge, but nev­er actu­al­ly used it.

I'm now on an infor­ma­tion diet plan: I try not to con­sume or save media unless I have a plan for how I'll use the infor­ma­tion with a con­crete deadline.

Lest you think this sounds too dra­con­ian, I can smell the ros­es and think that's essen­tial to a good life — a fifteen-​minute break to look at pup­pies, an hour before bed to watch a stand-​up spe­cial, a day binge-​listening to a pod­cast while doing some­thing. But I'm not going to scroll through a mish­mash for a half hour just because there might be some­thing I'll enjoy.

And as far as news rel­e­vant to my blog­ging busi­ness goes, cen­sor­ship on Facebook and Instagram wouldn't let all that much reach my dash­board anyway.

3. Saving my energy for building a brand

As a con­tent cre­ator, it's also impor­tant for me to be inten­tion­al about where I direct my cre­ative ener­gy. I'm get­ting old­er and run­ning out of fucks to give — doing stuff for the "expo­sure" and "likes" doesn't cut it anymore.

For one, I start­ed car­ing a lot less about tak­ing amaz­ing self­ies when I real­ized I could make $75 an hour for pho­to shoots (not even pornographic/​adult nudes) or make a liv­ing by mod­el­ing for art stu­dents.

Likewise, once the Super Smash Cache blog start­ed pick­ing up, I want­ed to save my words and my time spent writ­ing. Composing Facebook posts does con­sume writ­ing "juice" and spoons, even if it's sup­posed to be fun. Now that I know I can mon­e­tize writ­ing on my blog, why would I give that away for free for Facebook?

And if you've made fun­ny Tweets your thing, I hope you rec­og­nize that you have tal­ent — tal­ent that peo­ple are will­ing to pay for— and build some­thing out of it that's unde­ni­ably your own. Something that brings you more than just likes and followers.

I'm not say­ing that you shouldn't absolute­ly nev­er share your tal­ent for free. Rather, I'm empha­siz­ing that you only have 24 hours in a day to work and play and sleep. If you're pas­sion­ate about some­thing, and good at it, and know how much you could get paid for it, doing it for free often sounds a lot less appealing.

4. Not dealing with Facebook's sex-negativity

Yes, Facebook can be a great way to pro­mote a busi­ness, but it's not worth it for me, even just for my blog.

For one, the algo­rithm is con­stant­ly chang­ing. It used to be that if some­one liked your busi­ness page, your posts would show up on their feeds. Makes sense, right? But today, busi­ness pages have to pay Facebook in order for their posts to show up on people's feeds… and even then, your posts' vis­i­bil­i­ty is not a giv­en.

With how much Facebook hates sex blog­gers, pic­tures that lit­er­al­ly don't even include any­thing that looks like a body part can get your account dis­abled or delet­ed. Because they're "too" sug­ges­tive. Even post­ing a link to a post on Medium about a sex work­er get­ting banned can lead to a Facebook account suspension.

And it's not just Facebook — I've been banned on TikTok and sus­pend­ed on-​and-​off on Instagram, too.

Oh, but they don't hate everything sex-​related, I guess.

Facebook has denied my attempts to pro­mote my blog posts about:
❌ why I don't for­give my abuser
❌ plea­sure as resis­tance
❌ sup­port­ing fem­i­nist sex shops in the age of Trump

But a shit­ty, misog­y­nis­tic, uneth­i­cal sex toy com­pa­ny that makes dan­ger­ous con­doms?

— Formidable Femme (@SarahBHoll) April 2, 2018

5. Letting go of comparison

A for­mer high school class­mate bought a house, at age 21. Another's get­ting mar­ried. Another is the youngest stu­dent in her master's pro­gram. So-​and-​so has a rock­ing fig­ure. My ex-​FWB was fea­tured on the radio.

I know the rab­bit hole of com­par­i­son all too well. Instagram, in par­tic­u­lar, dis­tills the most comparison-​conducive fea­tures of Facebook: pho­tos and likes. It kind of makes it con­ve­nient to scroll through images of attrac­tive women, loose­ly con­nect­ed to my crush­es or friends, and feel inad­e­quate upon see­ing how many "likes" and "fol­low­ers" they have.

It's eas­i­er said than done to take num­bers out of the equa­tion. However, I can rec­og­nize my bad habits' trig­gers over time and replace them with some­thing bet­ter.

Instead of even hav­ing a num­ber of "likes" or "fol­low­ers" to look at, I most­ly share pho­tos pri­vate­ly with those close to me. It feels a lot more per­son­al — I like my pic­ture because I like it, and my friends like it because I like it.

Facebook detox: unplugging from social media as a form of self-care 2

When I feel down about being short, I adapt Jameela Jamil's #iweigh #fuckingKG move­ment to fit my own needs. I stand: build­ing a rad AF sex blog, stud­ied 4 lan­guages, my hand­some dog­gie loves me, over­com­ing ADHD and depres­sion, a STEM major and art minor, fire danc­ing FUCKING INCHES TALL.

No matter what I look like, and no matter the numbers, I'm a sensual being who has accomplished a lot and has a fantastic body.

Ani over at The Story of A has put it so eloquently:

My body, fat or not, is a mir­a­cle. I’m a mir­a­cle for breath­ing, for eat­ing, for writ­ing these words. How many peo­ple in the world can­not even type? My mind is a mir­a­cle. How many peo­ple in the world are stuck with minds that can’t access the out­side world? My con­scious­ness is a mir­a­cle. How many beings in the world can­not express that they are con­scious and self-aware?

I don't think social media is all bad...

…but it can make bad habits more con­ve­nient. This applies espe­cial­ly those of us who are prone to novelty-​seeking, com­pul­sive behav­ior, and/​or depres­sion. Just like with any­thing else, it is just a tool.

Myself, I've already decid­ed that the cost-​to-​benefit ratio of hav­ing per­son­al Facebook and Instagram pro­files is just too steep for my liking.

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7 Responses

  1. Clara says:

    I love this post so much. It’s real help­ful and I’m so glad that you’ve writ­ten it for any­one who may see it. Thank you

  2. Trix says:

    I've nev­er used FB, but this post still res­onates with me in oth­er ways…

  3. B R says:

    I've pret­ty much stopped using Facebook. I go about once a week to see if any­one I care about has mes­saged me. Too many pity par­ties and too much boasting.

  1. June 6, 2018

    […] A glass of wine can help you increase your blood flow. So if you’re increas­ing blood flow, and get­ting turned on you’ll be sure to send all that blood to all the right places. It can also help you feel more relaxed, which means you’ll be ready for sexy time. Just be sure to not over do it. Drinking too much alco­hol can seri­ous­ly put a damper on your sex­u­al respon­sive­ness, sen­si­tiv­i­ty, and can cause some con­sent con­cerns. Try freez­ing your wine, for a yum­my sum­mer insta­gram­ma­ble drink. Or go on a social media detox (read more here) […]

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