MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos

Spooky Day is over, but Nonstop November was just beginning.

I cel­e­brat­ed with THREE beau­ti­ful­ly mar­bled dil­dos from Uberrime and sent one of each unique UV glow dil­do to a lucky reader!

MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 1

Uberrime fantasy dildo spotlight

MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 2

These are all hand­made — while you can pur­chase them indi­vid­u­al­ly, each comes out to a slight­ly dif­fer­ent mar­ble swirl of color.

Uberrime Night King long fantasy dildo

a.k.a. The Longboi, in UV pink, blue, and purple

In case you couldn't tell, the Uberrime Night King dil­do is my favorite of the three. Its long length, for­ward curve, and intense tex­ture are unparalleled.

The Uberrime Night King's fea­tures har­mo­nize to extin­guish me when I feel like I could burst into flames and die. If a real­is­tic dil­do isn't doing it for me, the Night King is my go-​to for fin­ish­ing off.

It's per­rrrr­fect for deep pen­e­tra­tion, A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, and cervix mas­sage. If you like get­ting it all the way in, the Night King is a fan­tas­tic fit for you.

MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 3
MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 4

Uberrime Sensi super soft vaginal plug

A.k.a. the Squish Squish, in UV purple, blue, and orange

The Uberrime Sensi was designed with a bul­bous swell for a fill­ing sen­sa­tion and a small base. As such, it's explic­it­ly for vul­var use, leav­ing ample room for exter­nal stim­u­la­tion. Have fun clench­ing squeez­ing around it and feel­ing the tip squish up and down. 

MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 5
MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 6

Uberrime Baroba Little Monster dildo 

A.k.a. the leafy one in UV yellow, blue, and green

A lit­tle something-​something dif­fer­ent: the Uberrime Baroba is on the stout side, with 4.5" of insertable length and 1.75" max­i­mum diam­e­ter. Uberrime bought the Baroba design from Wormhole Emporium, and that's just the start of their expan­sion into more fan­ta­sy dil­do models.

MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 7
MAKER SPOTLIGHT: Uberrime Night King, Sensi, & Baroba UV silicone dildos 8

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23 Responses

  1. catherine wall says:

    Good luck every­one! These are great prizes! Love to try one myself!

  2. Catherine Wall says:

    The Night King though, oh my!!

  3. JB says:

    Thanks for host­ing! Love Uberrime toys

  4. Cate says:

    I've heard great things about the Sensi and I'd be real­ly curi­ous to try it. Thanks for host­ing this giveaway!

  5. Bitt says:

    I was actu­al­ly won­der­ing, is this night king the firmer ver­sion or the squishi­er ver­sion? I know it comes in two dif­fer­ent firm­ness levels.

  6. Bri says:

    I love that this give­away is for such unique col­or­ways! I'm espe­cial­ly lov­ing the Sensi in purple/​blue/​orange AND uv glow!

  7. Rox says:

    I guess it’s as good a time as any to final­ly buy a dil­do and it I can win one even bet­ter, but I think I will still look for a begin­ner one, any rec­om­men­da­tions? I’ve had sex before but I’ve nev­er use a dildo

  8. Bitt says:

    I mean, I would like to find out if I'm capa­ble of cer­vi­cal orgasms.

  9. Lynn says:

    These UV pours are so gor­geous! Thank you for giv­ing every­one a chance to win one.

  10. Alicia says:

    Good luck every­one <3

  11. Jimena says:

    So excit­ed!

  12. Patrick says:

    Fingers crossed November is a lucky month for us!

  13. L says:

    The Night King has been on my short­list for a while, so imag­ine my excite­ment when you post­ed your give­away. Good luck everyone!

  14. AJ says:

    These are BEAUTIFUL, love that you're doing this! 😀

  15. Shawn Stover says:

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  16. JK says:

    We’ve been want­i­ng to get a Night King for a while now, she said it was love at first sight.

  17. August says:

    Uberrime's pours are always on point, and these toys are no excep­tion! Thanks for the opportunity.

  18. Trix says:

    Love the Splendid (even though it took a few months for me to work up to it), and these look tru­ly beautiful!

  19. G says:

    thank you so much for anoth­er fan­tas­tic give­away opportunity ???

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