Tantus Tsunami review: ridged dildo with bullet cavity

I've late­ly been spoiled with one fan­tas­tic sex toy after anoth­er; the Tantus Tsunami is a total grand slam. I'm in love.

Holding a strawberry pink Tantus Tsunami in my hand amid purple, white, and pink flowers. Ridges' side view.

After a rocky (but improv­ing) rela­tion­ship with tex­tured toys, the Tsunami has helped me lev­el up. The beau­ti­ful Bound's sur­face grit was down­right vagi­nal rugburn.

2023 UPDATE: Uberrime now makes the Bound dil­do and it's waaaay soft­er. I love it now!

The Tantus Echo's small, closely-​spaced ridges? I found them over­whelm­ing and irri­tat­ing when cast in the orig­i­nal sil­i­cone firm­ness. And I wrote a glow­ing review of the Splash, but it still took me 3 years to con­vince myself to try anoth­er firm, tex­tured Tantus toy.

Aquatic names aside, there's a crit­i­cal com­mon­al­i­ty between the Tantus Tsunami and Splash: the tex­tures are much more strate­gic. The Tsunami's struc­ture has few­er, big­ger bumps than the tex­tured toys I didn't like. Their com­bi­na­tion of inten­si­ty, depth, and spac­ing allow me to dis­cern the qual­i­ties of each wave. My entire front wall sings in har­mo­ny; there's noth­ing left to add or take away.

The Tantus Tsunami's shape

As with all Tantus toys, the Tsunami is anal-​safe and made of non-​porous, medical-​grade sil­i­cone. Its sil­i­cone is glossy and slight­ly flex­i­ble. The 1.25-inch-wide tip gen­tly curves— per­fect for A‑spot stim­u­la­tion but not quite pro­nounced enough for stim­u­lat­ing my G‑spot. The waves, how­ev­er, get more intense as you move down the shaft.

Strawberry pink Tantus Tsunami standing up side view in garden. Side view.

My G‑spot appre­ci­ates the sec­ond bump espe­cial­ly. It's gen­uine­ly well-​placed and raised just enough to indi­rect­ly grab my G‑spot. I say indi­rect­ly because my pubic bone is pro­nounced, so the wave doesn't hook or dig into the sen­si­tive area just past it. Nevertheless, it hones in on the shal­low­est inch and a half vagi­na, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with the curved tip against my A‑spot.

If I'm not already aroused, the much milder first ridge is still plen­ty to catch my atten­tion. Its sub­tle­ty reminds me of the Tantus Goddess, but just a lit­tle pointier. The third and last wave is mere­ly "what­ev­er" to me. While I can take the third wave, there isn't much room to thrust it and stim­u­late myself with it in any mean­ing­ful way. I have tak­en longer toys, but the Tsunami is very firm and has far less give at the tip.

The Tsunami's tip most­ly curves the away from my cervix, which works beau­ti­ful­ly for my A‑spot. Sometimes I can aim it to get a lit­tle (good) pres­sure on my cervix from in front. However, it's cer­tain­ly not a toy for press­ing behind my cervix. I think the dif­fer­ence is that the fornix/​pocket behind my cervix is a lit­tle big­ger than the one in front. Thus, it's hard­er to aim precisely.

Another simultaneous G‑spot and A‑spot dildo

Blush Novelties' Avant D3 and D4 can stim­u­late the same eroge­nous zones as the Tantus Tsunami, but in a total­ly dif­fer­ent way. The D4's design heav­i­ly relies on its girth and firm­ness to empha­size ridge and round­ed bumps. Tantus's Tsunami is thin­ner, sharp­er, more defined. I like both, but these fea­tures, com­bined with the glossy fin­ish, make the Tsunami more com­fort­able for every­day use.

Does the bullet cavity make a difference?

If you like a com­bi­na­tion of deep, A‑spotty pen­e­tra­tion, and vibra­tions against your G‑spot, then you already know the answer: Fuck yeah, it does!

Strawberry pink Tantus Tsunami side view of ridges next to charging pink We-Vibe Tango bullet vibrator.

The key is that I swapped the includ­ed 3‑speed bul­let for a We-​Vibe Tango. While the gener­ic watch bat­tery bullet's tip is delight­ful­ly pointy, I find that the shal­low, buzzy vibra­tions most­ly get lost in the sil­i­cone. The Tango's deep­er, rum­bli­er qual­i­ty trans­fers much better.

Of course, the vibra­tions are con­cen­trat­ed just under the sec­ond ridge, where the tip of the Tango rests. If you use only the top half, you'll get some vibra­tion out of it (enough to get me off cli­toral­ly with the tip).

But feel­ing the sec­ond ridge rat­tling real­ly takes advan­tage of the Tsunami best fea­tures. I get A‑spot pres­sure, G‑spot tex­ture, and G‑spot vibra­tion at the same time. Plus, adding the vibra­tion helps me relax against the waves and get more com­fort­able quickly.

Make sure to lube up the cavity!

The bul­let cav­i­ty is very grip­py. Lube it up before­hand and have a wide rub­ber band to wrap around your bul­let so you can grip to remove it. Don't be like me. I strug­gled with remov­ing the Tango mid-​fap because I want­ed to use it on my clit.

It makes me think of get­ting mul­ti­ple Tangos. Not every­one likes G‑spot vibra­tion, but I think hav­ing two Tangos for dual stim­u­la­tion would be the bomb.

So which ridged Tantus toy is right for you?

It might look over­whelm­ing, but I think the Tantus Tsunami is an excel­lent toy for get­ting to know your anato­my. For one, the curve makes it easy to explore the A‑spot with­out irri­tat­ing the cervix. Also, if you can take 6 inch­es, the vari­ety of waves can help you decide just how much tex­ture you like.

Tantus Tsunami review: ridged dildo with bullet cavity 1

Want more of the sub­tle waves? Try a Tantus Goddess or Goddess Handle. The OG Goddess has a bul­let cav­i­ty, while the Goddess Handle has a han­dle (of course) and doesn't vibrate. A Charmer could also be a good fit.

Tantus Tsunami review: ridged dildo with bullet cavity 2

If you want more pro­nounced waves spaced clos­er togeth­er, try one of the Echoes. There's the OG Echo, the Echo Super Soft, and the Echo Handle. While some agree with me about the OG Echo being too intense, plen­ty disagree.

Tantus Tsunami review: ridged dildo with bullet cavity 3

The Flurry O2 has two even more close­ly spaced ridges near the tip, and with more give; the out­er lay­er is made of Tantus's Super Soft silicone.

Tantus Cush O2 in Twilight Purple.

If you want some­thing chunki­er (1.8" wide) with just one sub­tle ridge just at the vagi­nal (or anal) entrance, try a Cush O2. Its girth and squishy tip are per­fect for some­one get­ting com­fort­able with big toys.

But if you want a mod­er­ate­ly girthy toy that's A‑spotty and mild­ly G‑spotty at the same time, the Tsunami might be the thing you're look­ing for.

Where to get Tantus sex toys

The manufacturer's online shop has aaaal­l­l­l­ll of their prod­ucts in one place, includ­ing lim­it­ed edi­tion designs and col­ors. Up front, buy­ing direct­ly from Tantus might seem more cost­ly. However, their web­site has a dif­fer­ent big sale every month. By "big," I'm talk­ing about 25–50% off. So that's worth keep­ing an eye on.

Buying sex toys through my links is a win-​win: I get com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you, and you save a lit­tle mon­ey while still buy­ing from a rep­utable retailer.

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8 Responses

  1. G says:

    The pic­tures in this review are so gorgeous.

  2. DizzyD says:

    I’ve been think­ing about get­ting the echo or the tsuna­mi. I’m lean­ing towards the tsuna­mi, because of the place­ment of the ridges. The size and the space between them will make the expe­ri­ence more enjoy­able for me. And I real­ly have a thing for firm toys!

  3. Jay says:

    I nev­er con­sid­ered the tsuna­mi because it’s shape nev­er made sense to me—I thought the bot­tom two ridges would be irri­tat­ing. However, from your descrip­tion I can kind of under­stand how the tsuna­mi can simul­ta­ne­ous­ly stim­u­late the g- and a‑spots. Great review!

  4. Super Squishy says:

    Should total­ly do video reviews of how and what you do with toys.

  5. denise smith says:

    i still need my bul­let with this

  6. Trix says:

    Just get­ting into ridges late­ly, so this is helpful!

  7. Kalliopeia says:

    I love the pho­to! The flow­ers are lovely

  8. Fantastic review, I love the design of the Tsunami, I have only been lucky enough to review the Flurry and I love the sil­i­cone blend used by Tantus.

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