Tagged: Dating & Hookups & SW

Diary of a Sex Educator: my job and my dating experiences 1

Diary of a Sex Educator: my job and my dating experiences

I want to find a sanc­tu­ary in my long-​​term part­ner. That applies dou­bly when you're in a polar­iz­ing career field. Sometimes, being a sex edu­ca­tor can put me in uncom­fort­able sit­u­a­tions in the dat­ing world, but I have to remember…

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title 2

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title

The orgasm ratio between me and my male part­ners is eas­i­ly over 10:1 — 10 of mine for every one of theirs. I'm hav­ing a good time, and so are they. So why does the inter­net seem to hate Pillow Princesses…

Artistic diagram of menstrual cycle phases and uterus

How Each Menstrual Cycle Phase Affects My Sex Life

If some­one says that cis women are wildest dur­ing their peri­ods, they've nev­er seen me sex toy shop­ping and booty-​​calling dur­ing ovu­la­tion. One of my Instagram fol­low­ers com­mis­er­at­ed: You're not alone, girl. My Tinder bio when I'm ovu­lat­ing goes from,…

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort? 3

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort?

For me per­son­al­ly, [being a good man] means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too. Guest writer intro­duc­tion incom­ing! The escort­ing indus­try gets a bad rap…

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself 4

7 Questions to Unfuck Your Love Life & Yourself

Can you jour­nal your way to a more ful­fill­ing, bet­ter love life? I cer­tain­ly think so. It takes a degree of intro­spec­tion to dis­cern one's own: … along with their part­ners' to see if they're com­pat­i­ble and in align­ment. Consider this…

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What? 5

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What?

I went on dates with 22 peo­ple with­in 13 months between rela­tion­ships. People get exhaust­ed, just hear­ing that sta­tis­tic. While meet­ing peo­ple to date is often sim­ple, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy — I don’t want to min­i­mize the time and ener­gy it…

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing 7

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing

I'm grossed out by preda­to­ry online mar­ket­ing towards women deal­ing with con­fu­sion and heartache. I get that, when you're strug­gling, a quick web search here and there can be ther­a­peu­tic for know­ing you're not alone. But it doesn't take long…

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist) 14

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist)

It's not easy to share your dark­est thoughts with some­one and trust that they'll under­stand — let alone advise with a har­mo­nious bal­ance between accep­tance and growth. And when a ther­a­pist doesn't hear you out, it takes only a minute…

How to "Date Yourself" 15

How to "Date Yourself"

After British Vogue inter­viewed Emma Watson, the media fix­at­ed on the 20 sec­onds where she talked about being sin­gle and "self-​​partnered." It was a con­ver­sa­tion where she spoke about men­tal health, her place in the world as an activist, history…

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers 16

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers

When I reveal that I'm a sex toy review­er, I some­times hear vari­a­tions of "Really?! But you're so quiet/wholesome/[insert anoth­er syn­onym for demure]!" On a bad day, I might clap back, "I'm sor­ry— I didn't real­ize that intro­ver­sion meant not…

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 17

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!)

In the cur­rent gig econ­o­my, you've prob­a­bly heard Millennial femme friends joke about sug­ar baby­ing, finan­cial dom­i­na­tion, or sell­ing used panties to pay off stu­dent loans. Or just for extra spend­ing mon­ey. It's not a myth— there's no short­age of…