Tagged: Dating & Hookups & SW

4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort 1

4 Great Reasons to Consider Hiring an Escort

An escort's job is to make fan­tasies hap­pen, immers­ing clients in the expe­ri­ence. It often goes beyond phys­i­cal grat­i­fi­ca­tion to include psy­cho­log­i­cal cap­ti­va­tion and emo­tion­al com­fort. And for that, I have mad respect for their skill sets. Here are four…

Why I Don't Hunt For "Unicorns" / FFM Threesomes 3

Why I Don't Hunt For "Unicorns" / FFM Threesomes

Given a long enough time­line, prac­ti­cal­ly every straight dude I've been with has asked me for: an FFM three­some, espe­cial­ly with one of my (unspec­i­fied) cis female friends butt stuff, but with only me receiv­ing My response to the for­mer used…

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them 5

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them

[Content warn­ing: this post con­tains rec­ol­lec­tion of sex­u­al assault. If that's a hard top­ic for you, skip #5.] I wish we talked about chlamy­dia the way we talk about strep throat. It's not the infec­tion that ter­ri­fies peo­ple — a…