This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap!

This super soft sil­i­cone dil­do has one of the most fondle-​worthy, realistic-​feeling skin lay­ers I have ever tried — and it's super pret­ty with its curved, juicy watermelon-​pink gra­di­ent tip, too!

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 1


Observe me squish­ing this dil­do in the video below.

The way its curved head yields between my thumbs and fin­gers and the skin on the shaft slides is enough to get me horny. I want to rub it with both hands before putting it inside me and feel­ing myself clench around it.

And the frenu­lum on the under­side is also h a w t? I'd lick that spot over and over again if it were a partner's cock.

Aesthetically, the only thing I don't like is the vein detail­ing — I don't think the mak­ers should even have both­ered with paint strokes so scratchy-​looking atop an oth­er­wise juicy, smooth­ly glid­ing exte­ri­or. If it feels like blood, flesh, and meat, that's because it's lit­er­al­ly soft, sol­id sil­i­cone atop a lay­er of liq­uid silicone.

More on that and mate­r­i­al safe­ty later.

And yeah, I keep say­ing "juicy," like my brain is repeat­ing a thought before I cum:

"Oh, gosh. I want to wrap my lips around that. I want to wrap my lips around that."

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 2

Either set of lips will do, whether I'm suck­ing it or rid­ing it while it's suction-​cupped. Its 7.1" insertable length, 1.5" across the head, and 1.6" across the shaft of sump­tu­ous, sinewy sil­i­cone will take me a long way.

And it vibrates — 3 speeds and 4 pat­terns! I could take or leave the vibra­tions when going deep with a dual-​density dil­do, but you might like a lit­tle buzzy movement.

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 3

My walls want to grip it so bad when the tip is pressed up against my cervix and its pos­te­ri­or fornix — my favorite hot spot inside me—no words — just grunt­ing, clench­ing, and maybe pant­i­ng while this dil­do con­forms to my insides.

It felt sur­pris­ing­ly stel­lar for a cheap, white-​label dil­do. Usually, I expect inserta­bles from Chinese shops like BestVibe to just get the job done well for their cat­e­go­ry — I don't expect this one to leave me starry-​eyed and woozy-​faced every time I look at it.

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 4

BestVibe calls this mod­el the Widowmaker. Do they antic­i­pate the next-​level orgasms will feel like dying and res­ur­rec­tion? Are they imply­ing that it's so frig­gin' good you don't need a real human part­ner? I'm not sure, and to be frank, when I think "Widowmaker," I think of Nash's rifle in Cyberpunk.

But I did dis­sect this dil­do to dis­cern why it was so shock­ing­ly effective.

Dual-​density dil­dos usu­al­ly have a firm core for sta­bil­i­ty and soft­er "flesh" for a real feel, yeah? BestVibe's Widowmaker dil­do has a lot more going on:

  • The suu­u­u­per pli­able "flesh" lay­er. It's among the plush­est dil­do den­si­ties I've felt.
  • Literal liq­uid sil­i­cone, like a moat of lube, encased inside and under the "skin."
  • Mechanical com­po­nents near the cen­ter, housed in a hard shell, like a built-​in bul­let vibrator
  • A medium-​firm suc­tion cup base to stay firm­ly mount­ed — against walls, floor tiles, books, you name it — or har­nessed with straps for part­ner play 

And yes, I did flame-​test it to check for mate­r­i­al safe­ty. The result? A min­i­mal flame died quick­ly and left behind pale gray ash that flaked off eas­i­ly, mean­ing it behaves the way body-​safe sil­i­cone should when burnt.

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 5

BestVibe's Widowmaker real­is­tic vibra­tor is anoth­er sign that the future is here:

  1. It's an afford­able dual-​density sil­i­cone dil­do — rel­a­tive­ly unheard of when I first start­ed test­ing sex toys. Such a sex toy used to be exclu­sive to lux­u­ry arti­sanal mak­ers. Granted, a small-​batch hand­held mak­er in the USA can­not be com­pared to a white-​label man­u­fac­tur­er in China — get the deluxe expe­ri­ence if you can afford it. If you can't, you still have options.
  2. Its skin sli­i­i­ides, a new­er fea­ture mark­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of life­like dil­dos, great for gen­der expres­sion and Pacinian plea­sure. Sliding skin dil­dos tend to be priced on the high end, but I think omit­ting the float­ing balls for a cheap­er option was a good call.
  3. Last but not least, it's pret­ty as a peach. I know I sound like a bro­ken record, but that vibrant­ly rosy and swoop­ing head looks so suck­able and fuckable.
This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 6

I took mine apart for qual­i­ty assur­ance pur­pos­es, but I'd loooove to have two more dil­dos just like it for extra-​realistic dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion play — with­out break­ing the bank. I want to feel both slip­ping inside me and how my cunt con­tracts while one goes in front of my cervix and the oth­er behind.

Surely, if a dil­do makes my imag­i­na­tion run wild like that, it's doing some­thing right — like its real­ism does most of the work for me, while I fill in the gaps with what I'd want to do with actu­al peo­ple but just haven't got­ten around to — yet.

This post was spon­sored! Opinions expressed are my own

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5 Responses

  1. PJ says:

    Your post influ­enced me to get my own! I was super excit­ed once I got my hands on one, but after thor­ough wash­ing, I noticed that the shaft's tex­ture turned slight­ly sticky on the shaft. I haven't done the flame test yet, but did yours have any kind of stickiness?

  2. D says:

    It’s nice to see this kind of toy get­ting picked up. Looking for­ward to more vibrant unre­al­is­tic col­or options! The only thing that puts me off these kinds is the idea of main­te­nance for the liq­uid and the unfa­mil­iar­i­ty I have with the paint­ed color.

  3. Cai says:

    This is a Chinese prod­uct from a Chinese mar­ket­place, which prob­a­bly is a par­al­lel of the usu­al big ones…I would not put this inside me or any­one else with­out protection.

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