Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos

“I am struggling to get them in, and it will probably take a while,” I emailed to the CEO of Spectrum Boutique. “Looks like I’ve met my limit.”
“How exciting!!! Love it,” she replied.

About the Tantus XL Super Soft Dildo Line

As the name would sug­gest, these dil­dos are for seri­ous play­ers who love push­ing their bound­aries with big, body-​safe toys. There’s a good rea­son why the Tantus Bishop’s prod­uct info page says, “Boilable, but good luck find­ing a pot big enough.”

Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos 1

Left to right: black Pawn XL, PBR can, red Fist Trainer XL, and red Bishop XL

At 2 pounds and 12 ounces, the Bishop is one of Spectrum Boutique’s biggest dil­dos. Its weight is about the same as the stain­less steel njoy Eleven’s, allow­ing it to dou­ble as a thud­dy impact toy.

My vagi­na was ready for the chal­lenge. Both the Tantus Bishop and Fist Trainer are thin­ner than the 2.88” wide VixSkin Gambler, which I had used before with­out much dis­com­fort. And the Pawn, at 3” wide, didn’t seem like that dras­tic of a gauge up.

However, the out­er lay­er of Vixen Creations’ dual-​density dil­dos is far more plush and pli­able than Tantus’s Super Soft for­mu­la. I knew I was in for a challenge.

Preparing to Consume Bigger Toys

You might be thinking, “HOW DO PEOPLE DO THAT?!”

So I’ll start with a crash course on lev­el­ing up your pen­e­tra­tion game. Listen to your body and take your time every step of the way, of course. In 2014, the 1.75” diam­e­ter Tantus Cush O2 was the thick­est toy I had ever insert­ed vagi­nal­ly. I’ve come a long way since then, but I wasn’t in any rush!

Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos 2

Left to right: Tantus Pawn XL, Bishop XL, a bot­tle of Sliquid Sassy lube, Magic Wand Plus with­out cord, Vixen Creation VixSkin Gambler, and Fist Trainer XL

Wetter Is Better

Lube is essen­tial in this endeav­or! I used Sliquid Sassy, a water-​based per­son­al lubri­cant with a gel-​like con­sis­ten­cy. You’ll prob­a­bly want to get the biggest bot­tle (8.5 ounces) and lie down on a tow­el— it’s bet­ter to use too much lube than too little.

Kegels and Reverse Kegels

Yep, the pelvic floor exer­cis­es that allow it to squeeze more tight­ly are actu­al­ly help­ful for safe­ly and com­fort­ably using big dil­dos. That’s because, with a strong pelvic floor, your body has more trust that big inserta­bles will not harm it, and can relax more eas­i­ly. So rest assured: they will not ruin pen­e­tra­tive sex with more mod­est phalluses!

Incorporate External Stimulation

I lib­er­al­ly used my Magic Wand Plus cli­toral­ly before insert­ing any of the XL toys. Arousal is key to get­ting it in for more than one rea­son. On a phys­i­cal lev­el, a mas­sager increas­es blood flow to the area. Mentally, excite­ment is far more con­ducive to a good time than fear and tension!

Once inser­tion starts, though, I found that the dil­do took up a lot of vul­var real estate, and I switched to a small­er wand: the BMS Pillow Talk Cheeky. An ultra-​powerful bul­let would suf­fice, too.

Tantus Fist Trainer XL: A Pointed Dildo for Tapered Insertion

I went for the Fist Trainer XL first. Out of the three Tantus XL dil­dos I tried, the Fist Trainer’s girth ramps up the most grad­u­al­ly. I was hard­ly new to hav­ing an actu­al fist inside me, but assum­ing that this 2.6” thick dil­do would be the eas­i­est of the trio was a mistake.

Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos 3

Magic Wand Plus and Tantus Super Soft Fist Trainer XL

A Difficult Start

When I got to the fullest part of the Fist Trainer’s hump, I had to take it slow, as it applied unpleas­ant pres­sure to my ure­thra. That was the most chal­leng­ing part for me— the vagi­nal stretch seemed minor in com­par­i­son. My fric­tion reduc­tion strat­e­gy: driz­zle more lube on, twist to dis­trib­ute, lube, twist, repeat. Lamaze breath­ing optional.

I used small thrusts. When I pushed my lim­it the right amount, I held the toy in place, just to get com­fort­able there, and had a few orgasms using the wand mas­sager. Thrust a lit­tle. Push in far­ther. Hold in place. Massage. Repeat.

The first time I got the Fist Trainer’s head in, I wasn’t entire­ly ready. My vagi­na “sucked” in the rest of the bulb with a pop, and my ure­thra had hell to pay. NOPE, NOPE. I took the Fist Trainer out, had a few more Magic Wand orgasms, and tried again. No shame in tak­ing a break.

Here’s Where the Fun Begins

Once I got past that, and the Fist Trainer’s head was sit­u­at­ed, came the non-​stop orgasms. Indefinitely blissed-​out, “I don’t think I can be qui­et,” pos­si­bly wak­ing up house­mates, “shud­der­ing for 15 min­utes (or what­ev­er I could han­dle)” type of orgasms. “I found some­thing that syn­er­gizes with and mul­ti­plies the Magic Wand’s con­tri­bu­tion” orgasms.

Better for Anal Use Than Vaginal Use

Unfortunately, there’s anoth­er major down­side to the Fist Trainer’s shape. Akin to the Tantus Ringo, it’s pointy and cen­tered against my cervix! Yes, I love deep pen­e­tra­tion, but that’s under the assump­tion that a toy’s tip can slip into the pock­ets in front of or behind my cervix, instead of jab­bing it directly.

During orgasm with the Tantus Fist Trainer, I have to be mind­ful to pull the dil­do out a lit­tle, lest my vagi­na squeezes and sucks it in deep­er. For this rea­son, I would more read­i­ly rec­om­mend it to some­one who likes anal fist­ing than vagi­nal fisting.

Tantus Bishop XL: G-Spotty and Easier on the Cervix

The Tantus Bishop gave me every­thing I loved about the Fist Trainer and more with­out near­ly as much strain. Its round­ed head has just the right amount of taper­ing for me — not too blunt but also not so pointy that it irri­tates my cervix. At 2.5” max diam­e­ter, it’s not as thick as the Fist Trainer, but the cur­va­ceous and round­ed sil­hou­ette tes­sel­lates more tight­ly against my G‑spot.

Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos 4

Left to right: PBR can, Tantus Super Soft Fist Trainer XL, and Bishop

In short, the Tantus Bishop XL is more defined in the right places and gen­tle in oth­ers. Both dil­dos are front-​loaded, but part of why the Bishop feels more for­giv­ing is because the dips between each bulb give it flex­i­bil­i­ty when aim­ing. The Fist Trainer’s cone shape is far more struc­tural­ly stubborn.

As such, the Bishop’s head slides behind my cervix more read­i­ly than expect­ed. I shouldn’t be that sur­prised, con­sid­er­ing my pos­te­ri­or fornix adored the also-​thick and round­ed SelfDelve Eggplant and VixSkin Gambler.

Thrusting with this dil­do feels nat­ur­al to me; its shape allows for long strokes that knead my cervix and my G‑spot at the same time. Orgasms with it feel as intense as with the Fist Trainer, but more dif­fuse and full-​bodied. So of the entire Tantus XL line, the Tantus Bishop is eas­i­ly my favorite. Trying it was like find­ing out that my dear Blush Novelties Avant D4 had a dis­tant cousin.

Many of the oth­er Tantus XL dil­dos were designed pri­mar­i­ly for anal use or for a fan­tas­tic stretch­ing sen­sa­tion. And I respect that, but I’m not their tar­get audi­ence. The Bishop XL makes the most sense for the vagi­nal eroge­nous zones — both deep and shal­low— on top of being the most visu­al­ly elegant.

Tantus Pawn XL: “There’s No Way She Inserted That!”

Upon see­ing my sex toy col­lec­tion for the first time, a cis male friend imme­di­ate­ly eyed the Tantus Pawn XL. “I’m get­ting anal fis­sures just look­ing at that,” he com­ment­ed. Even I all but gave up upon see­ing the Pawn XL in person.

Review: Tantus Bishop, Fist Trainer, & Pawn XL Super Soft Dildos 5

Left to right: black Vixen Creations Randy, Tantus Super Soft Pawn XL, and PBR can

Based on the manufacturer’s giv­en mea­sure­ments (2” top diam­e­ter and 5.5” base diam­e­ter), I thought the Pawn XL’s head would be man­age­able. For com­par­i­son, my beloved single-​density Vixen Randy is 2.25” across.

On paper, it sound­ed fun to find out how much of the Pawn’s shaft I could con­sume. In real­i­ty, the diam­e­ter of the Pawn’s head is 3”. That’s quite a dif­fer­ence! It’s big­ger, firmer, and blunter than my VixSkin Gambler. “Time to die by impale­ment,” I thought as I low­ered myself on the Pawn XL.

To my cred­it, I did insert maybe an inch of its length. Beyond that, my vagi­na was not hav­ing it— espe­cial­ly my fourchette, the flap where my labia meet in the back. How do I say this nice­ly? I wasn’t so much con­cerned about blow­ing out the room’s walls, as tear­ing the cur­tain on the doorway.

And if I went past the bulb, what would I have to say beyond brag­ging rights? Nothing. Maybe lat­er this decade, that will change, and I’ll ful­ly con­quer the Tantus Pawn XL. In the mean­time, it’s mere­ly a sil­i­cone art piece for the eyes only.

Closing Thoughts on Some of the Biggest Silicone Dildos I Have Ever Tried

After writ­ing this post, I want­ed to be extra kind to my mom for her brav­ery in bring­ing me into the world. I wouldn’t tell her the rea­son I thought about that, but the Tantus Pawn gave me a glimpse into how child­birth would feel.

The Fist Trainer sound­ed fun on paper, but in prac­tice, it’s too pointy for my tastes. With an actu­al fist, it’s eas­i­er to move one’s fin­ger­tips out of the cervix’s way. On days where my vagi­na craves some­thing big and more front-​loaded than the Eggplant or Gambler, I’ll def­i­nite­ly reach for the Bishop. Its strik­ing appear­ance was what drew me in, but its bux­om bulges have earned a spe­cial place in my heart.

[Image: Tantus Super Soft Bishop XL, Fist Trainer, and Pawn]

[This review is a repost. I orig­i­nal­ly wrote it for Spectrum Journal.]

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6 Responses

  1. Yam says:

    I can­not afford it but I can­not resist, the bish­op is in my cart.

  2. Yam says:

    I got the Uberrime Maxime because it's so pret­ty and the over 2" diam­e­ter was SO tempt­ing at the time of plac­ing my order. I don't know what I was think­ing. Thank you so much for the tips!

  3. D. Dyer says:

    Thank you for the infor­ma­tive overview, I’ve been con­sid­er­ing pick­ing up one of these and this real­ly helps guide my deci­sion so it is gen­uine­ly appreciated.

  4. Space Dame says:

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Tantus H‑Bomb some­day, I've heard some mixed stuff and won­der what you'd think! You're the best source of reviews on big toys.

  5. G says:

    this is anoth­er one of my fave posts, a very fas­ci­nat­ing read ^^

  6. OMG, just seen this review and I love it. The toys look pret­ty­fan­tas­tic, I may have to take up chess in the near future 😉

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