Review: Pelle Orange Slice & Gummy Worm Grinding Toys

Soft candy-​inspired cushions for pushin’
Pelle squishy silicone grinding and humping toys

It was a sta­tis­ti­cal inevitabil­i­ty: squishy sil­i­cone grind­ing toys inspired by gum­my can­dy. Meet Pelle and Spectrum Boutique’s col­lab­o­ra­tion, Orange Slice and Gummy Worm. Think of them as an upgrade from fuck­ing your palm or hump­ing a pillow.

Pelle’s pli­a­bil­i­ty push­es the pussy in use, but its cushi­ness is between a marsh­mal­low and (of course) gum­my can­dy. I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly described the shape and size of the Pelle Whim as engulf­ing, “like a set of juicy, over­sized lips.”

Pelle Flex, Whim, Orange Slice, and Gummy Worm

They deliv­er exter­nal pres­sure that feels more organ­ic than most clit toys. My favorite hot spots to rub the Whim set included:

  • Along the cli­toral cru­ra (“legs”) on either side in the labia majora
  • Near the mouth of the vagina
  • Sandwiching it between bod­ies while dry humping

If the pil­lowy feel­ing appeals to you, read on. Pelle’s new­er Orange Slice, Gummy Worm, and Flex will give you even more ways to play.

This review is a repost of an arti­cle I orig­i­nal­ly wrote for Spectrum Boutique Journal.

Pelle Flex, Orange Slice, and Gummy Worm silicone clitoral grinders

Something Old, Something New

What’s dif­fer­ent about the more recent mod­els? The Pelle Whim and its con­stituents, Wave and Dune, fea­tured:

  • Soft sil­i­cone throughout
  • Double-​sided landscapes
  • A grainy mat­te fin­ish all over

My Shore A durom­e­ter is designed to mea­sure the firm­ness of rub­bers and plas­tics, and it doesn’t even reg­is­ter that there’s resis­tance from the Pelle Whim. The humpable sides of Pelle’s prod­ucts are con­sis­tent­ly soft­er than pret­ty much any sil­i­cone dil­do I’ve tried, as I’ve men­tioned in my Whim review. 

But that doesn’t apply through­out 100% of the Pelle fuckables. 

Pelle’s new­er Gummy Worm, Orange Slice, and Flex all have flat backs. A 2‑millimeter lay­er of firmer (Shore 5A) sil­i­cone spans the bases for stability.

Pelle Flex, Orange Slice, and Gummy Worm silicone grinder flat bases

They won’t give you the double-​sided, 2‑in‑1 piz­zazz of the Whim, but they offer a dis­tinct advan­tage: stick­ing to sur­faces easily!

  • Cling them to a wand head to buffer broad vibrations
  • Pair them with a dil­do har­ness for cushioning

Each design spe­cial­izes in some­thing slight­ly dif­fer­ent, ― a smor­gas­bord of sen­sa­tion for dif­fer­ent sets of anatomy.

Pelle Gummy Worm and Orange Slice super soft silicone clitoral grinders

Pelle Orange Slice for Squishy Frottage Fun

Of the new releas­es, the Pelle Orange Slice is my favorite. Its out­er edge’s ele­va­tion offers the best of both worlds: lux­u­ri­ant like the Whim set and fan-​freaking-​tastic inside a harness.

Its ten bitty-​bumpy seg­ments slide against my clit nice­ly with lube. If I’m not using lube, a more direct, doorbell-​style press and release feels love­ly, too. Apply it off-​center to a dil­do base or just ride it with the con­vex­i­ty against the cli­toral glans.

The Pelle Orange Slice also stretch­es and scrunch­es nice­ly against a penis head ― half-​wrap it, squeeze, and swiv­el like you’re juicing.

Pelle Orange Slice silicone clitoral humping toy

At 3.5” long and 1.7” wide, it’s about half the size of the Ripple or Dune, but its depth is still full-​bodied. The wedge ramps from 0.25” at the lean end up to 0.9” at the plush­er perime­ter. For com­par­i­son, Dune’s topog­ra­phy ranges from  0.5”–1” thick.

Either way, there’s plen­ty to low­er my hips onto, but the Orange Slice’s flush face lends even bet­ter for mount­ing against a wand head.

This petite pack­age does so much, and it’s so cute! I echo Zoë’s “EEEEEEEEEE” sen­ti­ment when she announced the Orange Slice and Gummy Worm on Instagram.

Pelle Flex silicone clitoral grinder and dildo base cushion

Pelle Flex Grinding Pad and Dildo Bumper

The Flex is the “lite” ana­log to the Whim: thin­ner, more afford­able, and a lit­tle taste of Pelle’s poten­tial. It’s best for har­ness play and pair­ing with wands for texture.

Rub your clit or frenu­lum up and down along the apex. Alternatively, swift­ly sway it side-​to-​side to feel the con­trasts of all the promi­nences. The swoop­ing peaks vary in height, rang­ing from 0.7” at the high­est moun­tain to 0.3” at the low­est valley.

This mod­el lacks depth com­pared to the Whim set, despite its breadth (3.2” long by 2.8” wide) cov­er­ing my whole vulva.

Pelle Flex, Gummy Worm, and Orange Slice super soft silicone grinding toys for tribbing and frotting

Consider how that con­trasts with the Pelle Wave. It also has a defined crest for focused (yet yield­ing) cli­toral stim­u­la­tion and sub­stan­tial bumps and padding all around for my cli­toral cru­ra to savor.

The plus side to the Pelle Flex’s dain­ti­ness is how eas­i­ly vibra­tions trans­fer through it. As such, I think the Pelle Flex is best for a base buffer or use with a wand. However, my vul­va prefers the Wave, Dune, and Orange Slice as stand­alone exter­nal toys.

Pelle Flex, Orange Slice, and Gummy Worm silicone squishiness against my fingers

Pelle Gummy Worm Phallic Humping Toy

Pelle’s Gummy Worm strad­dles the line between frot­ting and con­ven­tion­al strokes. Whether you use it as a vagi­nal dil­do, mini-​sleeve for a penis, or vul­va grinder is up to you!

This semi-​phallic spec­i­men is mild­ly S‑curved by default. Its firmer base gives it some struc­ture, but it’s still super easy to straight­en out or roll up.

Pelle Gummy Worm soft silicone sex toy

Such a gen­tle insertable smoosh­es against the cervix well; it may be a com­fort­able can­di­date if you’re new to pen­e­tra­tion. However, I wouldn’t rec­om­mend the Gummy Worm for anal since there’s no flared base to serve as a stop­per, lest it gets lost inside.

Pelle’s Gummy Worm mea­sures about 9.5” long by 1.1” wide by 1” deep ―or 4.2” by 1.1” by 1” if you fold it in half. The sig­na­ture marshmallow-​like den­si­ty is soooooo, so slight that, with the slight­est squeeze, the halved Gummy Worm com­pacts into mere­ly a slight­ly above-​average penis diameter.

“Shape-​shifting” rests on the Pelle Gummy Worm’s list of iden­ti­fiers. Its sup­ple con­sti­tu­tion makes it a blast to exper­i­ment with.

Pelle Flex, Orange Slice, and Gummy Worm soft silicone sex toy

Closing Thoughts on the Pelle Orange Slice, Flex, and Gummy Worm

I just want to trib all the squishies in sight! Every item in the Pelle line has some­thing whim­si­cal­ly spe­cial about it:

  • Whim offers oodles of options, with many vari­a­tions amid its sum­mits and hollows
  • Flex is flat for stick­ing to wands and dil­do bases — sim­ple, sup­ple, noth­ing dramatic
  • Gummy Worm pret­zels for pen­e­tra­tion and exter­nal pres­sure on penis­es and pussies
  • Orange Slice is a lit­tle of almost every­thing! Bounce on it, slide it, flex it.

Penises don’t have a monop­oly on want­i­ng some­thing fleshy to frot. It’s dreamy to be in a time­line with plen­ti­ful pos­si­bil­i­ties for grind­ing gratification.

Pelle silicone clitoral grinders: Whim, Ripple, Dune, Flex, Gummy Worm, and Orange Slice

Further Reading About Clitoral Grinders

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2 Responses

  1. cxu says:

    eeee these squishies make me want to go buy some gum­my can­dies! I too think that of these col­lab releas­es, I'd be most keen on try­ing the Orange Slice.

    I loved your Pelle Whim review and have been obses­sive­ly check­ing Pelle and Spectrum's web­sites for it, since I'd like to try Whim before get­ting the Orange Slice. However, the set's been out of stock every time I've looked. Other (legit) retail­ers also seem to be per­pet­u­al­ly out of stock, too.

    Do you (or any fel­low read­ers) know what might be going on with that and when stock might become avail­able again? I tried DMing Pelle since their web­site doesn't have con­tact info, but their Insta looks kin­da inac­tive? I also emailed Spectrum, too. Fingers crossed!🤞🏻

    Thanks Cy for both reviews and offer­ing such detailed and thought­ful ideas on how to use these toys. I hope I can try Pelle's prod­ucts soon!!

    • I don't actu­al­ly know. My guess is that it's not super prof­itable to sell them as a pair, and more peo­ple want to buy just one piece at a time. Hopefully there's a sale on the Ripple and Dune pieces soon. <3

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