Mini-Reviews: Dame Kip & BMS Mini Swan Rose 2

Mini-Reviews: Dame Kip & BMS Mini Swan Rose

Some days, I'm lazy with mas­tur­ba­tion and want a clit vibe through my panties. Conveniently, bul­lets like the Dame Kip and BMS Mini Swan Rose car­ry a fan­tas­tic fun-​​to-​​size ratio…

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them 4

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them

[Content warn­ing: this post con­tains rec­ol­lec­tion of sex­u­al assault. If that's a hard top­ic for you, skip #5.] I wish we talked about chlamy­dia the way we talk about strep…

Lumberjill Grace ebony wood G-spot dildo review 6

Lumberjill Grace ebony wood G-spot dildo review

I gasped when I tilt­ed the Lumberjill Grace's volup­tuous bulge against my G‑spot. The intense pres­sure of the wood and wicked curves could have made me come right then and…

Uberrime Aqua-King Aquaman-Themed Silicone Fantasy Dildo 8

Uberrime Aqua-King Aquaman-Themed Silicone Fantasy Dildo

Ever want­ed to cry imme­di­ate­ly after a cathar­tic orgasm? Because that's how the Uberrime Aqua-​​King makes me feel. And not nec­es­sar­i­ly cry­ing dur­ing an intense orgasm, or feel­ing depressed afterward.…

Zalo Marie G-spot vibrator review featured image banner

Zalo Marie Rococo-themed G-spot vibrator review

Everything about Zalo's vibra­tors and their Versailles-​​inspired pre­sen­ta­tion embod­ies "extra." Not least, the Zalo Marie's ornate box almost looks like there should be paint­ings of hap­py cherubs all over it. Inside…