Lovense Gravity vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy comparison

Controlling a partner's orgasms by fuck­ing them from afar isn't just a thing of the future. That teledil­don­ic tech­nol­o­gy is avail­able now — in the form of self-​thrusting dil­dos with long-​distance Bluetooth app controls.

Lovense Gravity Bluetooth remote control self-thrusting dildo vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy TX
Red Lovense Gravity and black Velvet Thruster Teddy TX

The Lovense Gravity remote con­trol self-​thrusting dil­do has much mass appeal:

  • Up to 140 thrusts per minute
  • A mod­er­ate 1.5” long stroke length
  • A strooooooong suc­tion cup
  • A very aver­age 5” of insertable length
  • Remote con­trol apps for cou­ples and cam shows

Do you know the Lush bul­let that vibrates faster for a cam mod­el the more view­ers tip? Yeah, you can do the same with the Lovense Gravity thruster. Plus, pre-​record pat­terns to sync to porn or con­nect it to your favorite music app.

For most of us, the Lovense Remote app offers bells and whis­tles galore — espe­cial­ly for the price. If you want it, you want it. This com­pact fuck­ing machine does it all for casu­al players.

Lovense Gravity self-thrusting dildo head shape
Lovense Gravity self-​thrusting dil­do solo shot

However, hard­core hedo­nists have already raised an eyebrow.

Lovense Gravity vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy Mini

Lovense's Gravity thrust length is only 1.5”, while the Velvet Thruster Teddy TX's is 2.5”. And there­in lies the tradeoff.

You don't get full frills with the Velvet Thruster Teddy's 6 steady speeds and 3 but­tons, but you get a more robust motor. The tar­get audi­ences for these com­pact fuck­ing machines ulti­mate­ly only have a lit­tle overlap.

That said, I'm putting the Gravity and Teddy TX head-​to-​head because they're sim­i­lar in shape, size, and price. Both are great for users who want some­thing that's the mid­dle of the road and not too hard­core. Let's dive deep­er into the Lovense Gravity vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy comparison.

Lovense Gravity self-thrusting dildo vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy TX compact fucking machine.

Thrusting speed

On paper, the Lovense Gravity boasts 140 beats per minute, while the Velvet Thruster Teddy fucks at 125 BPM. In prac­tice, it only takes a lit­tle effort to stall the Gravity thruster.

Its bot­tom two speeds can stop mov­ing entire­ly at times. The sav­ing grace is that the Gravity's top set­ting can keep going in just about any posi­tion I've tried vagi­nal­ly. It slows to 50 strokes per minute, but it'll keep going. Considering the price and fea­tures packed in, I'm impressed. And there's plen­ty to love about the scenic ride.

(Unsure how fast 140 or 125 or 80 thrusts per minute is? Type the num­ber in this dig­i­tal metronome.)

Velvet Thruster's Teddy is some­what resis­tant to pres­sure; it also slows down, just not quite as much. The high­est inten­si­ty is 125 thrusts per minute when it's smooth sail­ing, but it drops to 80 when going against a wall or ceil­ing. Nevertheless, it'll bot­tom me out and keep going and going and going.

Motor voltage

That makes sense when con­sid­er­ing that the Lovense Gravity has less juice, at 7.4V, com­pared to the Teddy TX's 12V. The Teddy TX excels at one objec­tive: fuck.

Meanwhile, the Lovense Gravity has to make room for all the doo­dads: a vibrat­ing motor, a thrust­ing one, and all the hard­ware it takes to make the Bluetooth remote con­trol app pos­si­ble. It does a good job at all the things, rather than spe­cial­iz­ing in one.

Lovense Gravity vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy control panel and accordion shaft

The Lovense Gravity's 1.5” thrust length still feels good but doesn't pound with the same brava­do. As always, though, arousal is holis­tic; let­ting a part­ner con­trol the Gravity while video chat­ting or dirty talk­ing might be the thing that does it for you.

The dildo attachment

Another thing that makes the Velvet Thruster Teddy TX rel­a­tive­ly intense is the insertable por­tion itself. It's veiny AF with its tex­tures and girthi­er, mea­sur­ing 1.55” across the head, while the Lovense Gravity is about 1.45” in diam­e­ter and has min­i­mal ridges. That's about the aver­age penis size, though, and plen­ty to sat­is­fy most users.

Also worth con­sid­er­ing is that the Lovense Gravity is firmer since the tip's vibrat­ing motor is encased in a hard shell and coat­ed with a thin sil­i­cone lay­er. In con­trast, Velvet Thrusters’ insertable seg­ments are all sil­i­cone at the top 3” or so.

Lovense Gravity dildo flexibility
Velvet Thruster Teddy TX dildo flexibility

Both have 5” of insertable length, though. If you want more, try a dif­fer­ent thruster.

Compact thrusters with more insertable length

Velvet Thruster Teddy XL

  • 6” insertable and 1.5” wide
  • 2.5” stroke length

Teddy Universal

  • Pop on your own Vac-​U-​Lock dildo
  • 1.5" stroke length

Velvet Thruster Prime

  • Attachments range from 6.5" to 8” long
  • 3.5” stroke length
  • Way more power

I'm par­tial to the 7.25” long Nanci, but that's because I designed it. 😛

Who is the Lovense Gravity for?

The Lovense Gravity isn't quite for me, but I can think of a few dif­fer­ent demo­graph­ics that would espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate it:

  • Anyone who likes the ver­sa­til­i­ty and is okay with trad­ing inten­si­ty for that
  • Couples that spend time apart, whether due to trav­el or liv­ing long-distance
  • For peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties (or who want con­ve­nience) — the app makes con­trol way eas­i­er, with­out hav­ing to reach down every time you wish to adjust the speed setting
  • Cam mod­els (of course!!) can use the Lovense Connect app to incen­tivize more sig­nif­i­cant tips for a more inter­ac­tive view­er experience
  • Customization geeks who want to record thrust­ing pat­terns to sync with, say, the thrust­ing speed in their favorite porn clip
  • People who reaaaaaal­ly fuck­ing love music and want to get fucked to the beat of songs they enjoy 
Lovense Gravity and Velvet Thruster Teddy handheld fucking machines side-by-side

Overall, both the Lovense Gravity and Velvet Thruster Teddy TX are great self-​thrusting dil­dos, but only you know your must-​haves and deal­break­ers. Gravity by Lovense is game-​changing for cou­ples' play.

Lovense Bluetooth apps are com­pat­i­ble with the following:

  • iPhone/​iPad Air/​iPad Mini/​iPod Touch iOS 11 and later
  • Android 5.0 and lat­er (with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • Mac (with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • Windows PC (needs a Lovense USB Bluetooth adapter to connect)

Lovense Gravity vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy TX comparison table

Lovense GravityVelvet Thruster Teddy TX
Total Length10"10"
Insertable Length5.1"5.0"
Dildo Diameter1.45"1.55"
Controls2 buttons
Bluetooth apps
3 buttons
Speed Settings3 steady speeds
4 patterns via buttons
App customization
6 steady speeds
Strokes Per Minute
(max, no pressure)
Strokes Per Minute
(pressure applied)
Stroke Length1.5"2.5"
Battery Voltage7.412

Where to get 25% off a Lovense Gravity

You can now get the Lovense Gravity via the Velvet Thruster web­site. Take 25% off when you use my Velvet Thruster dis­count code, SUPER25

Long sto­ry short: Velvet Co. has a patent on The Thruster's screw design, and Lovense emu­lat­ed it with­out the patent holder's per­mis­sion. The legal bat­tle is ongo­ing as of April 2023, but for now, the com­pa­nies are work­ing toward an agree­ment with Velvet Brands now the dis­trib­u­tor of the Lovense Gravity in the United States.

Lovense Gravity suction cup base screwed off

This post is spon­sored. The writ­ing and views expressed here are my own.

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    What about the noise factor?

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