HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FUN FACTORY: Playfully Luxurious Toy Company Turns 27!

Happy 27th birth­day, FUN FACTORY! It’s been about 9 years since this Germany-​based lux­u­ry sex toy com­pa­ny stole my heart.

Fun Factory rumbly vibrators — Big Boss, Vim, Sundaze, Stronic Surf

FUN FACTORY has shaped the indus­try in many ways we take for grant­ed. For one, they were the first to make recharge­able, water­proof, medical-​grade sil­i­cone vibra­tors — and win a main­stream design award for one of them!

Not only was FUN FACTORY the first, but they con­tin­ue to be one of the best, with their:

  • Rumbly-​as-​fuck G5 insertable vibra­tors and VIM wand
  • Self-​propelled thrust­ing pul­sators with lin­ear mag­net­ic barrels
  • Fantastic con­trol pan­els with three but­tons and a trav­el lock

And they do all of that while maintaining:

  • A tiny car­bon footprint
  • Ethical labor prac­tices for their coworkers
  • Quality of long-​lasting toys for sustainability

Oh, and did I men­tion that their STRONICs were among the first lux­u­ry toys I ever purchased?

Let’s cel­e­brate the birth­day babes with a prod­uct showcase.

Fun Factory Big Boss vibrator in Jewels edition color


What to love about it:

  • It’s girthy, at about 1.8” across the widest point
  • 6.5” of insertable length — go deep
  • Rich, purrrrrring G5 motor with wob­ble bass

It’s just one of the best big vibra­tors you can get — usu­al­ly, lux­u­ry insertable toys don’t go up to this size because it takes a cer­tain size roy­al­ty type to appre­ci­ate it. Below is the BIG BOSS award-​winning XL vibra­tor in a lim­it­ed edi­tion amethyst-​inspired col­or swatch.

Fun Factory VIM rumbly wand massager in sunset orange


What to love about it:

  • Rumbly, thud­dy, front-​loaded weight in the head’s motor
  • 3 but­tons with fine-​tuning con­trols across a wide range of intensities
  • It makes me cum like no oth­er — suit­ing any mood when I’m crav­ing exter­nal stim­u­la­tion or sim­ply too lazy to take off my pants.

Y’all, FUN FACTORY’s VIM is seri­ous­ly the best recharge­able wand I have ever tried. It’s rum­bli­er with a deep­er pitch than the Magic Wand, and its high­est speed lands some­where between the Doxy’s first and sec­ond. On the low end, VIM feels delight­ful­ly bassy — think dub­step concert.

AND IT COMES IN A DREAMY SUNSET ORANGE SHADE, along with mid­night blue?! Just get it already.

Pink Fun Factory Tiger G5 ridged vibrator in India Red swatch


What to love about it:

  • Same rumbly motor as the BIG BOSS G5
  • Ridges ridges ridges to rav­ish your front wall
  • Slight for­ward tilt for A‑spotting

Between the ridges and angling, I cum real­ly fuck­ing quick­ly on the TIGER G5.

This pho­to was one of the B‑sides to a past review — beau­ti­ful set­up, and I love the red flow­ers, but the con­trast on the toy itself didn’t quite do jus­tice to the row­dy ribbing.

I’m drool­ing just think­ing about it again.

Fun Factory Limba Flex posable silicone dildo large, medium, and small comparison


What to love about it:

  • 7.1” of insertable length and 1.6” of girth
  • Firm wire core inside for bend­ing into dif­fer­ent curvatures
  • Edges along the sides, fun for twisting
  • Thin base for easy strap-​on harnessing
  • The logo on the base helps you feel which side is the front in the dark

Yup, this pos­able dil­do now comes in a girthi­er large size option! The LIMBA FLEX small is my favorite for begin­ner G‑spotting and prostate play due to the more pro­nounced head, but the large size’s rel­a­tive­ly relaxed build is bet­ter for explor­ing the A‑spot and pos­te­ri­or fornix behind the cervix.

It’s not my favorite when my vagi­na tends to straight­en out the curve, but how frig­gin’ cute is this photo?!

Fun Factory Sundaze Pulse Vibe Pistachio Green


What to love about it:

  • Pulsates and vibrates at a wide range of stroke lengths
  • Versatile head shape for broad spread or pin­point edges
  • Truly whisper-​quiet cli­toral stimulation!

SUNDAZE by FUN FACTORY has unpar­al­leled ver­sa­til­i­ty for those who like gentle-​to-​moderate stim­u­la­tion. It total­ly owns the quirks of the mag­net­ic STRONIC motors: the faster it thrusts, the short­er the strokes. So why not have deep pul­sa­tions and tap­ping and flut­tery vibra­tions all in one toy?

What FUN FACTORY sex toys are you most excit­ed about?

See my favorite Fun Factory releas­es of each year for more.

This post was spon­sored and con­tains affil­i­ate links. Opinions expressed are my own.

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