Category: Sex Ed

A guide to organizing your sex tools for easy access and fun presentation!

5 Ways to Optimize Sex Toy Storage & Organization!

Back in 2018, I had the free­dom to dis­play what I (at the time thought) was a met­ric fuck­ton of toys. Times have changed a lot: I have way more now! But I have fond mem­o­ries of the built-​​in bookshelf…

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs! 1

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs!

American cock vs. European cock: have you ever won­dered the dif­fer­ence? Or had aspi­ra­tions to trav­el the world and, maybe in the process, hook up with lovers of dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al back­grounds? If you're an in the U.S., you might (depend­ing on the…

Cervical Orgasms & Stimulation: a BS-Free Guide to Deep Erogenous Zones 2

Cervical Orgasms & Stimulation: a BS-Free Guide to Deep Erogenous Zones

Cervical orgasms are per­haps the most polar­iz­ing type of orgasms. Some peo­ple feel like their cervix and the sur­round­ing areas (the vagi­nal for­nices) are divine white light. Others can't fath­om that play­ing around a body part asso­ci­at­ed with deep OB-GYN…

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" Is BULLSHIT 3

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" Is BULLSHIT

Even the most sup­port­ive friends can have mis­con­cep­tions. "I don't know how you still have sen­si­tiv­i­ty," I often hear when I talk about my We-​​Vibe Tango. "Don't vibra­tors numb you? I mean, a man can't com­pete with that." My short answer is, "No,…

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics. 4

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics.

The G‑spot is the area of, for many peo­ple, sen­si­tive tis­sue on the front wall of the vagi­na, near where the pubic bone recedes. It's nick­named such because Gräfenberg coined the name for it in the 1970s. Bullshit claim: “The…

Blow job glitch art

4 Tips For Basic Blowjob Troubleshooting

An anony­mous fol­low­er asked this ques­tion about oral sex: Hello, when I give blowjobs to my boyfriend, some­times he shakes and quiv­ers but recent­ly he has stopped doing that. He also has nev­er come from blowjobs and so I'm won­der­ing if…

[Image: Super Smash Cache "No Toxic Toys" banner, featuring a cartoon drawing of a melting butt plug with a skull face in the drips]

The Bare Minimum For a Sex Toy That Doesn't Suck: Materials & Safety

You read food labels and make sure your ingestibles are safe. Why should you inspect your insertable sex toys any less care­ful­ly? Many con­sumers buy mys­tery mate­r­i­al jel­ly dil­dos and vibra­tors because they’re cheap, with­out stop­ping to think about what…