Category: Reviews



“You sound like you’re get­ting stabbed,” a friend replied when I sent him a voice record­ing of me using the Je Joue G‑Kii. Another said, “If I didn’t already know you, I’d be wor­ried.” If someone's impres­sion of my…

Je Joue Hera vs. Hera Flex G-spot rabbit vibrator review 2

Je Joue Hera vs. Hera Flex G-spot rabbit vibrator review

Rabbit vibra­tors are a blursed sex toy cat­e­go­ry — a simul­ta­ne­ous bless­ing and curse. Their empha­sis on cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, on paper, sym­bol­ized the ulti­mate blend­ed orgasm. In prac­tice, they’re often akin to 2‑in‑1 sham­poo and con­di­tion­er; a vibra­tor can’t…

LELO Smart Wand 2 Large wand vibrator review 4

LELO Smart Wand 2 Large wand vibrator review

The LELO Smart Wand Large 2 is one of the rum­bli­est recharge­able wands I’ve ever tried. Purely vibra­tion frequency-​​wise, it’s in the top 5 best “back mas­sagers.” It thrums and purrs at a deli­cious­ly low pitch. However, strength is…

16 Best Fun Factory Sex Toys I Love (...And 5 I Dislike!) 5

16 Best Fun Factory Sex Toys I Love (...And 5 I Dislike!)

Fun Factory makes stel­lar vibra­tors and pul­sators, but I’ve cum more on some than oth­ers.  To cel­e­brate their 26th birth­day, let’s take a walk down mem­o­ry lane. Here are the best Fun Factory toys I’ve tried — and the…

Uberrime Divo Amante Squarepegtoys Nathan Dildo realistic heads

Review: Uberrime Amante and Divo + Squarepegtoys Nathan

Is it a drool-​​inducing, ecsta­t­ic expe­ri­ence, or is it mere­ly pass­able as meat? The art of sil­i­cone dil­do firm­ness is like cook­ing a steak — ten­der­ness can make or break your cre­ation.  Think of how a penis’s glans yields…

LELO Elise 2 review

Review: LELO Elise 2 Dual Motor Luxury Vibrator

The LELO Elise 2 vibra­tor reminds me of a more idyl­lic time for LELO ⁠— before the likes of the dick tux. In the ear­ly 2010s, their focus was revamp­ing vibes for female plea­sure. The Elise 2 roared with 200%…

Review: L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel vibrators 6

Review: L'Acier Capo and Slide stainless steel vibrators

I ordered under­wear that reads, “This machine does not know the dif­fer­ence between met­al and flesh, nor does it care.” That’s how much I love stain­less steel sex toys. "L'acier" means "the steel" in French, in case you were wondering.…

Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review 8

Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review

Disappointment set at the moment I insert­ed the Snail Vibe. It’s like get­ting a hotel room for a hookup and quick­ly real­iz­ing that your part­ner will prob­a­bly not get you off. At the Snail Vibe’s price, I might as well…

Review: Bombex Butterfly and Desire air pulse vibrators 9

Review: Bombex Butterfly and Desire air pulse vibrators

I got excit­ed when I first heard of the Bombex Butterfly vibra­tor. “Is it named after the silk­moth genus Bombyx?!” Unfortunately, Bombex’s affil­i­ate rep­re­sen­ta­tive didn’t com­ment on that part of my cor­re­spon­dence, but my biol­o­gy degree was excit­ed to…

Review: SelfDelve Corn, Hole Punch Evolver, Moonshiner silicone dildos 10

Review: SelfDelve Corn, Hole Punch Evolver, Moonshiner silicone dildos

Two allit­er­a­tive words sum up these three dil­dos: Midwest ‘mur­rikah. What could be more Midwest than corn and moon­shine? And what could be more tongue-​​in-​​cheek American than dil­dos shaped like guns and nuns in the same shop? You’d be forgiven…