Category: Reviews

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 2

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush

Squishy, sweet, niche treats for my vul­va and part­ner play. The sex toy world is so much big­ger than dil­dos and vibra­tors, extend­ing to sleeves and squish­ables aplen­ty. Enter the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni, a glow-​​in-​​the-​​dark SILICONE stro­ker. While…

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 3

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo

The Uberrime Astra dil­do is lit­er­al­ly named after the stars — cue pun about space pants and see­ing stars. I bought mine for its one-​​of-​​a-​​kind neb­u­la­ic col­or swirls, which embody the word "extra." The pala­tial pig­ment mix­ing catch­es one's…

Doc Johnson iVibe Select iRing vibrating cock ring review 6

Doc Johnson iVibe Select iRing vibrating cock ring review

Rumbly vibra­tors splash when dipped in water. Run-​​of-​​the-​​mill buzzy ones make tiny rip­ples — and the Doc Johnson iVibe Select iRing hard­ly does even that. Ants would get bored surf­ing on these vibrator-​​generated wavelets. "Buzzy" doesn't do jus­tice to how…

Hot Octopuss Kurve review: rumbly G-spot vibrator with squishy tip 7

Hot Octopuss Kurve review: rumbly G-spot vibrator with squishy tip

Hot Octopuss's vibra­tions are rumbly AF across the board, and now you can — at last — find them in a lux­u­ri­ous­ly squishy G‑spot vibra­tor. Their focus was first on guy­bra­tors penis vibra­tors, then came their deli­cious­ly deep bullets,…

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review 8

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review

"What's the best remote con­trol panty vibra­tor?" I wish I had a defin­i­tive, clear-​​cut answer. It's no secret that petite and wear­able "cou­ples'" vibra­tors are in high demand, but in prac­tice, the cat­e­go­ry has a long way to go. The…

Lora DiCarlo Filare vs. LELO Ora 3 review & comparison 12

Lora DiCarlo Filare vs. LELO Ora 3 review & comparison

Hype mar­ket­ing is one hell of a drug. How do the new Lora DiCarlo Filare and LELO Ora robot­ic oral sex sim­u­la­tor mea­sure up to the claims? The Filare is one of Lora DiCarlo's many external-​​only toys, this time…

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 16

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width

Galactic glit­ter, girth, glow, and gloss The Pris Toys Basilisk packs it all into a wild­ly eye-​​catching semi-​​realistic dil­do. Its dual-​​density sil­i­cone is just the cher­ry on top. Oh, and did I men­tion that it's 2.3" across — about the…

Review: Pelle Whim Squishy Vulva Grinding Toy 19

Review: Pelle Whim Squishy Vulva Grinding Toy

External cli­toral mas­sage that stim­u­lates even the parts you can’t see The first two nights that I was inti­mate with my part­ner, our go-​​to activ­i­ty wasn’t inter­course or oral or butt stuff or fin­ger­ing or hand­jobs. Instead, we gravitated…

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades! 22

7 We-Vibe Tango X & Touch X super powerful vibrator upgrades!

We-Vibe's bold­est and best bul­let and exter­nal vibes, the Tango and Touch, are revamped and even bet­ter than before! Meet the Tango X and Touch X. For more than ten years, the We-​​Vibe Tango was revered as one of…

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 27

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor

This penis mas­tur­ba­tor comes with a whole-​​ass charg­ing sta­tion that fits right in with my boyfriend's VR equip­ment and com­put­er set­up. His words of choice for the Arcwave Ion's case were "fleek" and "min­i­mal­ist style [com­mon] for elec­tron­ics." The…