Category: Articles & features

19 Best Fun Factory Sex Toys I Love (...And 6 I Dislike!) 1

19 Best Fun Factory Sex Toys I Love (...And 6 I Dislike!)

Fun Factory makes stel­lar vibra­tors and pul­sators, but I’ve cum more on some than oth­ers.  To cel­e­brate their 26th birth­day, let’s take a walk down mem­o­ry lane. Here are the best Fun Factory toys I’ve tried — and the worst…

High Libido Woman: Nature or Nurture? 2

High Libido Woman: Nature or Nurture?

Am I con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly wired to be hornier than the aver­age woman, or is there a "nur­ture" com­po­nent that I have inter­nal­ized? Today, we exam­ine some of the exter­nal fac­tors influ­enc­ing a woman's high libido ⁠— and her will­ing­ness to act…

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 3

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them

Play with pen­e­tra­tion beyond lying on your back and hand-​​thrusting dil­dos, missionary-​​style. The non-​​insertable por­tion of a dil­do can make a more con­sid­er­able dif­fer­ence than you'd think. I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly writ­ten about mak­ing mas­tur­ba­tion feel more real­is­tic, which encom­passed a wide…

Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them? 4

Are Creampies a Kink? Why Are People Into Them?

On today’s episode of pas­sion­ate, play­ful seman­tics: are creamp­ies a kink? Cue Carrie Bradshaw typ­ing at her Macbook with the voiceover, “And I couldn’t help but won­der…” Some of my read­ers have said, “If you call them creamp­ies, they def­i­nite­ly are…

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes? 5

How Do Sex Bloggers File and Pay Taxes?

My life isn’t all orgasms and rain­bows; there’s much unglam­orous admin work behind the scenes. If you want to kill a bon­er, just men­tion pay­ing tax­es. Unfortunately, tax returns are part of the busi­ness of sex blog­ging in the United…

Diary of a Sex Educator: my job and my dating experiences 6

Diary of a Sex Educator: my job and my dating experiences

I want to find a sanc­tu­ary in my long-​​term part­ner. That applies dou­bly when you're in a polar­iz­ing career field. Sometimes, being a sex edu­ca­tor can put me in uncom­fort­able sit­u­a­tions in the dat­ing world, but I have to remember…

A Sex Toy Reviewer's Ethical Code of Conduct 7

A Sex Toy Reviewer's Ethical Code of Conduct

Friends don’t let friends buy sketchy sex toys from Wish. And friends don’t let friends rely on fab­ri­cat­ed sex toy reviews where the writer hasn’t actu­al­ly fucked the toy. My sex toy reviews are writ­ten for humans look­ing for detail and…

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 8

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared!

My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as Mary Poppins’ purse. My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as Mary Poppins’ purse. A soda can fits inside. Yet, a recent part­ner had a mere sin­gle fin­ger inside me…

"Oops, That's My Kink": 2 Turn-Ons I've Discovered on Accident 9

"Oops, That's My Kink": 2 Turn-Ons I've Discovered on Accident

Do you ever jack off to some­thing unortho­dox and then, in the post-​​nut clar­i­ty, think, “Oh gosh, what have I done?” Sometimes, a kink catch­es you off guard. And some­times, you own it. The human brain is a fun­ny place.…

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do! 10

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do!

Sex toys can be so much more than phal­lic dil­dos inside and mini-​​vibes out­side! Here are 16 tips for con­vert­ing or improv­ing your toy box favorites. Mix it up and try some­thing new today! Dual Stimulation Tips Add a vibrating…

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit 11

2 Spicy Outfits I'm Wearing to Dirty Show 22 in Detroit

My pho­tog­ra­phy will be dis­played at Detroit’s upcom­ing, world-​​class Dirty Show art exhi­bi­tion! I guess even erot­ic art crit­ics love my col­lec­tion. 🙂 The event takes place over two week­ends, and thanks to Zoey from The White Unicorn shop, I…

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title 12

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title

The orgasm ratio between me and my male part­ners is eas­i­ly over 10:1 — 10 of mine for every one of theirs. I'm hav­ing a good time, and so are they. So why does the inter­net seem to hate Pillow Princesses…