Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More!

Browse the bold bul­lets that shake up my plea­sure pathways.

Rumbly bullet vibrators from We-Vibe, Je Joue, BMS, and Blush, ranked and compared!

“Does it get me off?” isn’t the met­ric here — instead, we’re gaug­ing, “Can the orgasms knock me out from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion alone? Will this plea­sure princess need a nap after test­ing this pow­er­ful bul­let vibrator?”

These motors’ move­ments pen­e­trate deep into the skin, prov­ing that small is mighty.

Even more excit­ing news? The best, rum­bli­est bul­let vibra­tors — close to or par with the gold stan­dard We-​Vibe Tango X — are also quite often affordable!

BMS Factory’s Swan Maximum Bullet is just one exam­ple, and it:

  • Is rumbly AF, with a hard plas­tic shell for trans­fer­ring movement
  • Offers a wii­i­ide speed range, with easy “up” and “down” controls
  • Has a clas­sic lip­stick slant — use the point­ed tip for pre­ci­sion cli­toral stim­u­la­tion or dif­fuse the sen­sa­tion with the flat face or round­ed cylin­der side
  • Fits 0.8” wide bul­let cav­i­ties in vibrat­ing dildos
  • Comes with a squishy, stretchy sil­i­cone cuff
Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 1
It's meant to buffer the user's hands from vibra­tion trans­fer, but you could also wear it as a fin­ger vibra­tor loop.

In oth­er words, it nails spe­cial­iza­tion and ver­sa­til­i­ty. As long as I’ve known of BMS Factory, I’ve asso­ci­at­ed them with heavy vibra­tion qual­i­ty, dense motor weights, and micro-​adjustable speeds, as seen in their Pillow Talk Sassy G‑spot vibra­tor.

The BMS Swan Maximum Bullet still impress­es me, even with already high expec­ta­tions. I used to tell peo­ple that the We-​Vibe Tango was unbeat­able — but times have changed. We-​Vibe didn’t step up its game with the Tango X near­ly as much as BMS Factory did with the Swan Maximum bullet.

Best Bullet Vibrator Ranking Overview

It’s not hard to make a good bul­let vibra­tor — plen­ty of com­pa­nies do it for cheap — but only a few stand out in mak­ing excel­lent bul­lets that make me see stars:

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 2

The above bul­lets are the cream of the crop, and I’ll be com­par­ing the fol­low­ing vibra­tor features:

  • Intensity — how strong are the vibrations?
  • Vibration qual­i­ty — are they deep and low-​pitched like a purring engine, or are they surface-​level and mosquito-​like? (Foreshadowing: I wouldn’t have includ­ed them in this post if they were buzzy and weak, but some are cer­tain­ly rum­bli­er than others!)
  • Speed range — do they suit a wide range of moods?
  • Shape and size — size mat­ters, but not in the way you think here; com­pat­i­bil­i­ty is critical!
  • Control pan­el — have easy-​breezy con­trol with turn­ing the speed up and down as need­ed — a must for my mul­ti­ple orgasms, personally

One hon­or­able men­tion is Blush Novelties, with their Limited Addiction bul­lets — def­i­nite­ly buzzy, but with a great bang-​to-​buck ratio and just aes­thet­i­cal­ly awesome.

Got it?

Let’s start with the top contenders.

We-Vibe Tango X vs. BMS Swan Maximum Bullet

Both the Tango X and Swan Maximum bul­lets feel fan­tas­tic. Here’s where they con­verge, in a nutshell:

  • Versatile lip­stick slant tips
  • Hard plas­tic shells
  • Fantastic con­trols
  • Silicone grips
  • USB charg­ing with mag­net­ic contacts

But beyond that, there are some dif­fer­ences — some sub­tle, and some way more obvious.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 3

Vibration Strength and Quality

  • The We-​Vibe Tango is rum­bli­er, mov­ing with a more con­sid­er­able range of motion from the side view. With a light grip, its sen­sa­tion bor­ders on cli­toral tap­ping. How deli­cious! What more could you want… right?
  • BMS’s Swan Maximum bul­let is more pow­er­ful, with waaaaaay more options for inten­si­ty on the high end.
  • Their pitch­es and tim­bres are very dif­fer­ent — while the Swan Maximum’s vibra­tions feel very smooth, the Tango X has more of a flut­tery feel to it, like a sub­tle wob­ble bass. 
    • BMS Swan Maximum vibra­tion fre­quen­cies — 67 to 135 Hz
    • Tango X vibra­tion fre­quen­cies — 53 to 85 Hz

The Tango X oscil­lates between 53 and 63 Hz at the low­est speed, but it feels more uni­form as you increase the intensity.

There’s no defin­i­tive win­ner here since some users would pre­fer the Swan Maximum bullet’s inten­si­ty — high­er fre­quen­cy buzzi­ness and all — while oth­ers would rather have the Tango X’s low, purring quiver through­out the expe­ri­ence. Both are super strong for reli­able orgasms.

Control Panels and Settings

  • The We-​Vibe Tango X has 3 but­tons (speed up, pat­terns, speed down), while the BMS Swan Maximum has 2 (increase and decrease speed).
  • The We-​Vibe Tango has 8 sep­a­rate speed set­tings and, of course, a few pat­terns, while the Swan Maximum has one bii­i­i­i­i­i­i­ig range that ramps up or down and no patterns.
  • Their but­tons are placed dif­fer­ent­ly — the Tango X has its con­trol pan­el on the side, while the BMS Swan Maximum’s inter­face is on the bottom.

What does that mean in use?

Both feel great lead­ing up to orgasm, buu­u­u­u­ut what hap­pens after can make or break the expe­ri­ence. With strong cli­toral vibra­tors, the user may be sen­si­tive imme­di­ate­ly after orgasm, so hav­ing an eas­i­ly iden­ti­fied “decrease speed” but­ton is ideal.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 6

With the Tango X, you can turn it down super quick­ly by click­ing down, but your main options with the Swan Maximum bul­let are:

  • Hold down the small­er “decrease speed” but­ton and wait. The adjust­ment is a bit slow for my taste this way.
  • Quick press the “down” but­ton to turn it off and back on again at the low­est speed

Are you one-​and-​done, or do you want mul­ti­ple orgasms? Keep the con­trols in mind if you’re in the lat­ter camp.

Also, the Tango X’s but­tons on the side are about 2.2” down from the tip — which may or may not be an issue when insert­ing into vibrat­ing dil­dos’ bul­let slots. Any longer of a cav­i­ty makes the but­tons hard­er to access. Their shapes and sizes also dif­fer slightly.

Tango X vs. Swan Maximum Measurements

The BMS Swan Maximum fits bul­let cav­i­ties of a broad­er range of lengths, while the Tango X fits a more expan­sive range diameter-wise.

Tango X measurements:

  • 3.9” length
  • Tapered
  • 0.62” diam­e­ter just below lipstick-​cut edge
  • 0.92” max­i­mum diameter
Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 7

Swan Maximum measurements

  • 3.6” length
  • Mostly cylin­dri­cal
  • 0.75” diam­e­ter just below lipstick-​cut edge
  • 0.80” max­i­mum diameter

Check the mea­sure­ments of your favorite vibrat­ing dildo’s slot or the bul­let that came with it. How deep does it go? How wide is it?

The BMS Swan Maximum bul­let fits in dil­dos with Vac-​U-​Lock ports — quite com­mon if you’re a con­sumer of colos­sal cocks from Dee’s Big Daddies or Hankey’s Toys.

And, of course, what kind of vibra­tions do you pre­fer? Choose your bul­let upgrade from there.

I’m not often excit­ed about bul­lets, but hooooh, the Tango X and Swan Maximum are both next-​level in what they offer.

Next are some that aren’t as strong but are very much suit­able for those who care more about stand­alone shape and solo use.

Je Joue, Hot Octopuss Amo, and Blush Limited Addiction

Maybe you want a rumbly, dis­creet, com­pact vibra­tor that’s bullet-​adjacent — one that gives you ver­sa­til­i­ty via the shape, and you plan on using it for exter­nal use only. The Je Joue bul­lets are fan­tas­tic for that. Here are my favorites — and how they stack up to one anoth­er and the Tango.

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Je Joue Bullets

These bul­lets are fan­tas­tic vibra­tors for peo­ple who might oth­er­wise think they don’t like vibra­tors. The move­ment qual­i­ty is that unique — again, flut­tery, rumbly, almost like a light tapping.

I’ll dis­cuss the first two gen­er­a­tions of Je Joue’s bul­lets, which can be summed up as follows:

  1. Itty-​bitty basics, about 0.85” max­i­mum diam­e­ter, with min­i­mal frills
  2. Bigger, bold­er fun, with about 1.0” across the cylin­dri­cal bul­let body
Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 9

Some shared fea­tures across the board include:

  • 3‑button con­trols
  • 5 inten­si­ties and 6 patterns
  • Micro-​USB charg­ing (super convenient!)

However, the gen­er­a­tions have dif­fer­ent vibra­tion inten­si­ties, shapes, and sizes.

Je Joue Duet, Amour, and Vita

Je Joue’s second-​generation bul­lets are almost as pow­er­ful as the Tango X, but their unique shapes bring sen­sa­tion­al heights that the Tango X can’t. I’d put their top speed at a 7 out of 8.

These are wider in terms of the plas­tic shell’s diam­e­ter and the sil­i­cone lay­er encas­ing the bul­let. And as a result, they can house beefi­er build­ing blocks than before.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 10

The Je Joue Duet dot-​studded bul­let mea­sures 1.1” max­i­mum diam­e­ter and 4.5” long, with about 1.5” of that length being semi-​squishy sil­i­cone. I’ll quote my past self about what this means in use:

It feels frickin’ fan­tas­tic when tip drilling, giv­ing my vagi­na tac­ti­cal­ly placed resis­tance to grab onto […] Duet is implic­it­ly designed for inser­tion. Yet, even when it’s only on my cli­toral glans, it leaves me feel­ing more sat­is­fied than most recharge­able exter­nal vibrators

And the Je Joue Amour is a visu­al show-​stopper with a heart-​shaped, leaf-​like tip for flut­tery sen­sa­tions. Under the most osten­ta­tious pea­cock feath­ers are the meat: a taper­ing edge with crisp cor­ners where the sil­i­cone ramps from the bul­let base unit, down to the barely-​there flap. Here’s what past me had to say about the Je Joue Amour:

It can make me cum using just the flap­ping edge with the heart’s cen­tral cusp against my nip­ple. I’m small and sen­si­tive, though. If the user wants more focused pres­sure, they have not one but two pointy tips along the Amour’s sides. […] Je Joue Amour is… a daz­zling choice for alter­nat­ing between “wham-​bam” and soft sensations.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 11

And I could take or leave the Je Joue Vita. Read my Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita review for more!

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 12

Classic, G‑Spot, and Rabbit

How does the first gen­er­a­tion mea­sure up?

I’d put their top speed at 5.7 out of 8 com­pared to the Tango X.

Je Joue’s Classic Bullet shape is like the name says: round, long, tapered tip — but with soft­er sil­i­cone toward the end to feel a bit more like a fin­ger rub­bing. It’s about 3.75” long and has a wear­able (and remov­able) fin­ger loop.

Their G‑Spot and Rabbit bul­lets are a bit longer, with exten­sions to the head — an amply squishy one with a for­ward tilt, and “rab­bit ears” for sur­round­ing the cli­toral glans, respectively.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 13

Blush Novelties Realm and Limited Addiction Bullets

These bul­lets are slight­ly stronger than the Tango at the top speed but buzzi­er. The Tango’s most intense set­ting is about a 4 out of 5 com­pared to the Blush Realm and Limited Addiction bul­lets. And how pret­ty are they, with their mir­ror fin­ish and mat­te tie-​dye print, respectively?

They fea­ture, again, the clas­sic lip­stick slant for ver­sa­til­i­ty. And because they’re a bit big­ger than the Tango at 0.80” wide, they’ll fit more snug­ly into Vac-​U-​Lock ports.

And it’s hard to beat the Blush Addiction bul­lets for the price. Where’s the catch?

First, the two-​button con­trol pan­el works by hav­ing the + and — but­tons cycle through the set­tings — the 5 speeds and 5 pat­terns are all on one menu, rather than being quar­an­tined (as with the Tango X, Je Joue, or Hot Octopuss bul­lets) or just not there (like with the Swan Maximum bullet).

And it’s not intu­itive which but­ton is which by feel alone, so some­times you click past the high­est speed and go into pat­terns. That’s eas­i­ly rec­ti­fied by press­ing the oth­er but­ton, though.

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 14

Last, don’t expect it to last very long com­pared to the lux­u­ry mak­ers’ bul­lets. If you just want a strong bul­let vibra­tor for the price, the Blush Limited Addiction bul­lets would be my top choice.

Maia Jaguar Powerful Budget Bullet

Maia's Jaguar Bullet takes it a step further:

  • Stronger than the Blush Limited Addiction and We-​Vibe Tango
  • But far buzzier
  • Its bot­tom speed is a sim­i­lar­ly high pitch to the Limited Addiction's top speed
  • Purely power-​wise, the Tango's top speed is a 3/​5 on the Jaguar's scale
Maia Jaguar Bullet packaging

Also notable is its round tip shape — you won't get as much pin­point action as with the oth­er bul­lets on this list.

All in all, the Maia Jaguar bullet:

  • Is super strong
  • Makes a fun stock­ing stuffer or Easter bas­ket type of gift
  • Is for those who want sheer inten­si­ty and don't mind buzz

Personally? I'd rather have a pointier tip and two but­tons, but you might not care about that so much. For exam­ple, it's a cheap way to make a Vac-​U-​Lock dil­do vibrate!

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 15

Hot Octopuss Amo Versatile Mini-Vibrator

I love all the options for tar­get­ing or dif­fus­ing the vibrations:

  • The sharp sil­i­cone edge
  • The swoop­ing con­cav­i­ty for light­ly cup­ping the clit
  • The curved tip
  • Turning it back­ward to use the flat face

The Hot Octopuss Amo fea­tures 3 but­tons: on/​cycle patterns/​off, up, and down. They click through 5 steady speeds and 5 functions.

Its high­est inten­si­ty is just slight­ly above the Tango X’s halfway point — a 5/​5 on the Hot Octopuss Amo feels like a 4.5/8 on the Tango X. On the low end, a 1.5 on the Amo feels like a 1 on the Tango.

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All in all, it's under­pow­ered com­pared to the oth­er vibes on this list, but it's rumbly. And there’s still much to love about it:

  • It’s afford­able for the rum­ble and range you get
  • The soft­er end thrums with a deeeeeep pitch 
    • Its vibra­tion fre­quen­cy ranges from 45 to 110 Hz
  • The 3‑button con­trol inter­face is easy to use
  • Its effec­tive­ness lies in its dynam­ic shape

I mean, look at that sharp edge! I could apply eye­lin­er with it if I real­ly want­ed to — and the Hot Octopuss Amo doesn’t break the bank.

If you’re will­ing to splurge on an even sharp­er mini-​vibrator, the Zumio E is also a fan­tas­tic contender.

Rumbly Bullet Vibrator Comparison Table

*Top speed com­pared to We-​Vibe Tango X’s speed range

Closing Thoughts on the Rumbliest Bullet Vibrators

Bullets are com­pact, offer­ing a fan­tas­tic fun-​to-​size ratio like Toyland’s dyna­mite. When choos­ing the best bul­let vibra­tor, a few con­tenders stand out, leagues above the rest.

The Tango X, BMS Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and Hot Octopuss are all hedo­nis­tic pow­er­hous­es here, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • We-Vibe’s Tango X is rumbly AF through­out its whole speed range and fits in nar­row­er bul­let cav­i­ties (about 0.70” diameter)
  • BMS’s Swan Maximum has a slight­ly more bit­ing buzz and is far more intense. It fits in Vac-​U-​Lock-​sized ports (0.80” diameter)
  • Je Joue’s second-​generation bul­let shapes send a seis­mic smor­gas­bord — stud­ded, flut­tery, sharp but soft soft, and more!
  • Blush Novelties’ Limited Addiction and Realm bul­lets are super afford­able. So is Maia's Jaguar bullet.
  • Hot Octopuss’s Amo is weak­er but offers a sharp edge for focused sensation
Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More! 17

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