Body Dock Lap Strap Review: Suction Cup Dildo Mount & Thigh Harness

Elevate your suc­tion cup dil­do rides — lit­er­al­ly and figuratively.

Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness on pillow with Solina Mega Large dildo

Maybe you've mount­ed a dil­do to the mir­ror, the show­er, or a wall.

But you can go beyond hard sur­faces to suc­tion cup a dil­do in the bedroom.

Straddling a stur­dy pillow-​turned-​toy mount is as easy as snap­ping the straps.

The Body Dock Lap Strap har­ness cir­cles a thigh for a lover to ride a dil­do in your lap — which is a mag­i­cal expe­ri­ence in itself. But there’s even more mag­ic in how looooong the straps can be extend­ed — up to 30 inch­es, let­ting you get cre­ative with where to mount your dildos.

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness

Where there’s a pil­low, blan­ket, or even a small seat, there’s prob­a­bly a way to mount the Body Dock Lap Strap. Ride this thigh har­ness for a hands-​free expe­ri­ence — or use your free hand for a clit vibe.

I love it when I’m cli­max­ing, and my part­ner push­es up their hips to stay deep — all I have to do is low­er my body weight.
And when I’m mount­ing a pil­low or cush­ion with the Lap Strap and a suc­tion cup dil­do, I love that effort­less extra depth. That lever­age is prob­a­bly the biggest ben­e­fit of a thigh har­ness for dil­dos vs. suc­tion cup­ping to a flat surface.

Pipedream's Lap Strap opens up the pos­si­bil­i­ties for plea­sur­able posi­tions — and for a frac­tion of the cost of Liberator toy mounts like the Wing or Bonbon. (Plus, it’s way eas­i­er to hide away or take on the go!)

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness and realistic dildos
Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap with Solina Mega L, Spotta, and Maxima real­is­tic dildos

How to Use a Body Dock Strap Thigh Harness

  • Wrap the nylon straps around a firm pil­low or rolled-​up blan­ket of your choice, buck­le them up, and tight­en them.
  • Pop a suc­tion cup dil­do on the dock­ing plate to match your mood.
  • Press down on the low­er shaft to squeeze out the air between the base and the dock.
  • Straddle and ride safely.

When you’re done, unbuck­le (and prob­a­bly put the pil­low­case or duvet cov­er in the wash).

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness hand size comparison

Want to use with a part­ner? The Body Dock Lap Strap was made to be strap-​on thigh har­ness for suc­tion cup dil­dos, too!

Its ver­sa­til­i­ty is also in the wide dock­ing plate — about 3.4” across — mean­ing you can mount many of your biggest suc­tion cup base dil­dos — with­out need­ing to find the right size O‑ring.

For ref­er­ence, my VixSkin Gambler’s base bare­ly fit. Cash and Randy would do just fine. And many of my flat-​based dil­dos could quick­ly mount with a double-​sided suc­tion cup adapter.

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness straps

Body Dock Lap Strap Thigh Harness Specs

  • Nylon straps wrap 12–30” around
  • 3.4” diam­e­ter con­cave dock­ing plate
  • Silicone-​coated ABS plate
  • 6” x 5” PU faux-​leather backing

Body Dock Lap Strap Pros and Cons

I love it when I’m cli­max­ing, and my part­ner push­es up their hips to stay deep — all I have to do is low­er my body weight.

And when I’m mount­ing a pil­low or cush­ion with the Lap Strap and a suc­tion cup dil­do, I love that effort­less extra depth. That lever­age is prob­a­bly the biggest ben­e­fit of a thigh har­ness for dil­dos vs. suc­tion cup­ping to a flat surface.

But how does this alter­na­tive to strap-​on har­ness­es com­pare to oth­er ways to play?

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness docking plate and suction cup dildo

Body Dock + Pillow vs. Liberator Toy Mount

The Body Dock’s advan­tages here are strength and ver­sa­til­i­ty — find a pil­low with the right height and firm­ness. You get to exper­i­ment more with what works for your body, and it’s sub­stan­tial­ly more affordable.

Some suc­tion cup dil­do mount­ing tips from my per­son­al experience:

  • Find a larg­er pil­low you can lean for­ward and push down on (think body pil­low vs. Liberator Wing)
  • Maybe find some­thing to weigh down the bot­tom side of the pil­low — or put the Lap Strap around a heavy, full backpack.

I say those tips with love as some­one who didn’t like how easy it was to lift the dil­do AND Liberator Pulse toy mount with her vagi­na. There are ways to work around that when you have a more cus­tomiz­able sys­tem like the Body Dock Lap Strap and your choice of what­ev­er the fuck you want to con­nect it to.

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness nylon straps and buckles

However, the Liberator mounts’ edge is their cov­ers’ machine washa­bil­i­ty. Meanwhile, the Body Dock Lap Strap’s polyurethane faux leather care means spot clean­ing with mild deter­gent and warm water. Dry it thoroughly!

Washable Thigh Harnesses For Mounting Dildos

Looking for a wash­able thigh har­ness and toy mount com­bo that can be cleaned more thor­ough­ly? I got you.

Uncover Creations' Silicone Suction Cup Mount & Harness

This sil­i­cone dil­do mount is a penetration-​focused remix of a toy I pre­vi­ous­ly reviewed: Undercover Creations' ten­ta­cle grinder.

It fea­tures many of the same com­po­nents, like a sil­i­cone plate to strad­dle and adjustable straps for hump­ing a pil­low (or thigh or hand or… what­ev­er else you can think of.)

What makes Uncover Creations' Suction Cup Mount har­ness dif­fer­ent from the Body Dock Lap Strap is how easy it is to take the com­po­nents apart and which dil­dos are compatible.

Uncover Creations silicone suction cup mount

The down­side? Its suc­tion cup seal isn't as strong as with the body dock's firmer plate.

Uncover Creations Suction Cup Mount Harness Specs
  • Silicone-​based with remov­able nylon straps!!!
  • Nylon straps also fit about 30" around pil­lows or on thighs
  • The suc­tion cup is about 3" wide 
    • Best for big flat base dildos
    • Softer sil­i­cone, not as stur­dy for small­er dildos
  • Flip it over and use the flat side for big­ger suc­tion cup bases
Care and Cleaning Tips
  • Take it apart for easy clean­ing and san­i­tiz­ing
  • The sil­i­cone part can be cleaned: 
    • By boil­ing for 5 minutes
    • In a dishwasher's "san­i­tize" function
    • With bleach solution
    • Or good ol' soap and water
  • Hand-​wash the nylon straps or gen­tly machine wash in a mesh del­i­cates bag and air dry.

Thanks to the remov­able sil­i­cone sec­tion, Uncover Creations' Suction Cup Mount wins when it comes to ease of clean­ing. Its suc­tion cup was meant for indie-​made dil­dos with big­ger flat bases, though it's not as strong as a suc­tion cup dil­do on the Body Dock.

Another option? Use an O‑ring instead of rely­ing on suction.

Sportsheets Pivot Forced-O thigh harness strap-on

Sportsheets' Pivot Forced‑O Strap

This thigh har­ness is made of neo­prene, which isn't as read­i­ly san­i­ti­z­able as sil­i­cone, but eas­i­er to clean than polyurethane faux leather.

The down­side to Sportsheets' Forced‑O thigh har­ness? You're lim­it­ed to dil­dos that fit the O‑ring — gen­er­al­ly those in the mid-​sized to slightly-​above-​average range.

  • Conventional O‑ring
  • Use it as a thigh har­ness for flat-​based dil­dos up to 2" wide
  • Or strap it on a pil­low to mount 
    • Fits up to 28" circumference
  • Or as a wand har­ness to keep a back mas­sager against someone's crotch 

Body Dock vs. Traditional Harnesses

How does a Lap Strap com­pare to a con­ven­tion­al harness?

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness vs. hip harness

First things first, there’s a whole line of Body Dock har­ness­es, some meant to fit against the wearer’s mons pubis. They car­ry all the advan­tages of the dock­ing plate over tra­di­tion­al strap-​on har­ness­es:

  • A poten­tial­ly wider range of dil­do sizes, depend­ing on what O‑rings you can find
  • Showing off more of the shaft and balls front and cen­ter rather than behind the O‑ring

Some plus sides of a thigh har­ness vs. a tra­di­tion­al har­ness also include:

  • Giving peo­ple with mobil­i­ty lim­i­ta­tions more options
  • With cre­ative posi­tion­ing and two Lap Straps, both part­ners can pen­e­trate each oth­er simultaneously!

That said, there's much vari­a­tion among con­ven­tion­al strap-​on har­ness­es, and you might enjoy:

  • A min­i­mal design that lets you get phys­i­cal­ly clos­er to your part­ner — no thick dock­ing plate between bodies!
  • The no-​fuss, free feel­ing of an underwear-​style har­ness for every­day wear (and wash!)

As always, you can use code SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off at Peepshow Toys. <3

Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness and realistic dildos

Closing Thoughts on Pipedream's Body Dock Lap Strap

If mis­sion­ary posi­tion ain’t your fave, you don’t have to lim­it your­self to lying on your back when fuck­ing your­self in bed.

This ver­sa­tile har­ness for suc­tion cup base toys was made for:

  1. Partner use as a thigh strap-on
  2. Solo ses­sions as a way to mount your suc­tion cup dil­do to a pil­low, cush­ion, chair — what­ev­er it’ll fit — and ride it!
Pipedream Body Dock Lap Strap thigh harness and Solina realistic dual-density dildos

Fuck your fave in the show­er, then take it to the bed­room and pop it on the Body Dock Lap Strap. This har­ness is your tick­et to ride — wher­ev­er and how­ev­er you want it.


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