The Realm Silver Bullet review + comparison to Blush Exposed Nocturnal

Hoooh, anoth­er afford­able bul­let that’s more pow­er­ful than the We-​Vibe Tango? It’s strong, but how does this Silver Bullet com­pare to the gold stan­dard of rumbly vibrators?

Blush Novelties The Realm Silver Bullet vibrator in purple satin-lined storage box

If you’re get­ting déjà vu flash­backs to a review I wrote in 2018, there’s a good rea­son: The Realm Silver Bullet vibra­tor has the same shell as the Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal. Both of these vibrators:

  • Measure 4 inch­es long and 0.9”  across
  • Feature the same lipstick-​slanted tip
  • Have 2‑button con­trol panels

The Exposed Nocturnal bul­let shocked me with its wand-​level pow­er in bul­let form. I could use it through a men­stru­al pad. However, its grat­ing buzzi­ness and lack of sub­tle­ty make it unsuit­able for every­day use.

The Realm Silver Bullet’s motor, though? I’m thrilled to announce that it’s an upgrade.

The Realm Silver Bullet vs. Exposed Nocturnal

Thank you to Blush Novelties for tak­ing review­er feed­back; vibra­tion qual­i­ty mat­ters more than raw strength. They made the Realm Silver Bullet lower-​pitched with a bit of flutter.

Remember when I dis­sect­ed the Je Joue clas­sic bul­let to com­pare it to oth­er vibra­tor motors? It was rather anti­cli­mac­tic; I found noth­ing dif­fer­ent about the motor shape. I deduced that the secret to their rich and rumbly vibra­tions was prob­a­bly in the pro­gram­ming chip.

That’s the impres­sion I get from The Realm Silver Bullet, too.

Blush The Realm Silver Bullet lipstick vibrator stronger than the We-Vibe Tango

The Silver Bullet’s motor car­ries a com­bi­na­tion of buzzy and rumbly. I wouldn’t quite call it thud­dy, nor is it as deep in tim­bre as Je Joue or We-​Vibe — but it’s more refined than its pre­de­ces­sor.

If you’ve ever tried Dame Products’ new­er vibra­tors, think of The Realm Silver Bullet as that on a few espres­so shots. The flut­ter is there, but the inten­si­ty range starts at a high­er fre­quen­cy. And the waves become more uni­form as you turn up the speed.

I hypoth­e­size that if I dis­sect­ed The Realm Silver Bullet, their innards would look the same. It’s the “soft­ware” that’s different.

The Realm Silver Bullet strength

Consider The Realm Silver Bullet and Exposed Nocturnal’s pow­er range com­ple­men­tary; one stops where the oth­er ends.

Blush The Realm Silver Bullet powerful vibrator next to acrylic play blades by Chaotic Kink

Both lipstick-​slanted vibra­tors fea­ture 5 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns. The Realm Silver Bullet’s high­est inten­si­ty is com­pa­ra­ble to the Exposed Nocturnal’s first inten­si­ty. Again, if you want MOAR MOAR MOAR pow­er, you might like the Exposed Nocturnal. Most users would pre­fer the Realm Silver Bullet, though.

Or, bet­ter yet, have both and pur­pose them dif­fer­ent­ly. Keep the Exposed Nocturnal for vibrat­ing dil­dos with Vac-​U-​Lock /​ Lock-​On holes. (If you’re seri­ous about hav­ing a giant insertable vibra­tor, put the Exposed Nocturnal bul­let inside the Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels dil­do.) And use The Realm Silver Bullet for exter­nal stimulation.

You prob­a­bly want to know about The Realm Silver Bullet vs. We-​Vibe Tango X. Here’s how they com­pare, pure­ly power-​wise:

  • The Silver Bullet’s first speed is like a 4.5 on the We-​Vibe Tango X
  • Its sec­ond inten­si­ty is about a 6
  • And the Silver Bullet’s 3rd speed is as high as the Tango X’s high­est setting

Again, though, stronger isn’t always bet­ter. In use, The Realm Silver Bullet’s rel­a­tive buzzi­ness trans­lates to a slow­er orgasm build-​up for me. That’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly good or bad; it depends on what you’re in the mood for.

Has the Silver Bullet rectified all of the Exposed Nocturnal’s drawbacks?

I give The Realm’s Silver Bullet’s vibra­tion qual­i­ty a B-. But there were a few com­plaints about the Exposed Nocturnal beyond its timbre:

1. It was only avail­able in girly col­ors (shim­mery light pink, deep­er pink, pur­ple). I con­sid­er the Nocturnal bul­let a missed oppor­tu­ni­ty for a black and green vibra­tor, like night vision cameras.

2. The but­tons were hard to dis­tin­guish from one another

3. The con­struc­tion was cheap; its motor was prone to overheating.

How does the Silver Bullet mea­sure up? Well, it’s sil­ver, so there’s no pinkwashed mar­ket­ing “for women” here. What’s more, they owned The Realm’s fan­ta­sy theme. The Silver Bullet arrives in a stur­dy box print­ed with a faux wood grain pat­tern on the out­side. Inside is pur­ple satin-​lined foam to encase your pre­cious plea­sure object. 

Blush Novelties The Realm Silver Bullet vibrator control panel and magnetic charging contacts

The but­tons haven’t changed — one is marked (+) and the oth­er (-) to cycle through the set­tings. You can’t tell which is which by feel­ing alone.

So here’s my sug­ges­tion to Blush Novelties for the next iter­a­tion of this super pow­er­ful bul­let: have some asym­me­try. You could make the (+) but­ton a more pro­nounced bump and the (-) a concavity.

And yes, it can over­heat from extend­ed use, which can be a sign of shod­dy crafts­man­ship and a short lifespan. 

My overall verdict on The Realm Silver Bullet

At $34, though, I think The Realm Silver Bullet is fan­tas­tic for the price. It’s a sig­nif­i­cant upgrade from a cheap bat­tery bul­let and feels waaaay bet­ter — with­out cost­ing much more. And it exceeds the Tango’s pow­er for half the price; The Realm’s Silver Bullet’s vibra­tions shine beau­ti­ful­ly through the hard plastic.

Blush Novelties The Realm Silver Bullet rechargeable vibrator packaging and storage box

But it’s not per­fect. If you’re in the mar­ket for a rumbly bul­let, I still rec­om­mend the following:

  • We-​Vibe Tango X — still the gold stan­dard. Buttons are easy to tell apart.
  • Hot Octopuss Amo — purrrrrrrrrr. Plus, ver­sa­tile shape with board faces and sharp edge
  • BMS Mini Swan Rose — purrrrrrrrrr. Affordable. Not as pin­point. Controlled by one button.

If it’s a strong bul­let you want, it’s hard to top the Silver Bullet and Exposed Nocturnal as a dyad. Keep the for­mer for exter­nal use and the lat­ter for earth­quak­ing through thick sil­i­cone sleeves and dildos.

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4 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    I had some­thing from blush stop work­ing. I’m guess­ing the motor just gave out. I do like their prices for prod­ucts though.

  2. Cate says:

    My Exposed Nocturnal died after a few months of kind of spo­radic use. I recent­ly got the Silver Bullet, so I'm hop­ing it will last a lit­tle longer.

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