Review: Uncover Creations Ovipositor Dildo & Tentacle Grinder III

Abduct to fuck and feed your need to breed
Uncover Creations tentacle-themed silicone sex toys: ovipositor, clitoral grinder, and alien eggs

I'm shar­ing my fer­al field notes about Uncover Creations' ten­ta­cle sex toys, from mild to wild:

  • Tentacle Grinder III — a lav­ish­ly thick cli­toral grind­ing pil­low with ten­ta­cle tex­tures to knead your nether regions, whether you crave broad bump­ing or focused frotting.
  • Tentacle Ovipositor Dildo — steady, sen­su­al pres­sure or ceiling-​smashing length? Why not both? If you love sit­ting on big cocks with G‑spotty bulges, you'll love this ovipositor!
  • Silicone "Alien Eggs" avail­able in three sizes — from the aver­age dick thick­ness to above aver­age to "Woah, that's like a soda can!" Wear them and crush them in your cunt.
Uncover Creations UV glow silicone alien eggs and tentacle ovipositor

Get ready and go as deep as you want.

Uncover Creations tentacle textured clitoral grinder and alien eggs

Uncover Creations Tentacle Grinder III Review

A silicone pillow made just for dry-​humping — focused, fuckable, versatile, and maybe a little kinky

Lower your weight onto this sil­i­cone grinder's taper­ing tan­gle of tentacles:

  • A size­able, sin­u­ous sum­mit for mas­sag­ing the cli­toris and labia majora
  • Small suck­ers galore for slid­ing under the hood
  • The thin ends wrap around, apply­ing pres­sure to the vagi­nal or anal open­ing — depend­ing on the spac­ing of your parts.1
Uncover Creations textured tentacle clitoral humping toy

How the Tentacle Grinder III Felt in Use

Rock back and forth and feel the pres­sure ris­ing, inten­si­fy­ing as you start shak­ing. At the peak of the thick­est ten­ta­cle is a raised line for sway­ing your hips from side to side and get­ting more focused frotting.

Notably, it's firmer than some oth­er grind­ing toys I've tried — this isn't Pelle's marshmallow-​soft sil­i­cone. At a Shore 0040 hard­ness rat­ing, Uncover Creations' grinders are not as dense as Uberrime's.

But remem­ber: the Tentacle III is thi­i­i­i­ick, with some sec­tions reach­ing 2.3" depth. The bal­ance between dense and yield­ing is per­fect; lux­u­ry meets inten­si­ty here.

Uncover Creations mountable tentacle silicone grinding cushion for clitoral stimulation

If you're into direct cli­toral fric­tion, you can lube up the suck­ers and slip your lips over them on repeat.

For me, though, it's all about dry-​humping the broad­er struc­tures — sit­ting on it, crush­ing it against me, and maybe imag­in­ing it as a partner's cock.

Cue the woozy-​face emo­ji — it doesn't take long to cum on it.

Uncover Creations silicone Tentacle Grinder III for clitoral dry humping

It reminds me of a part­ner push­ing his leg up against me, hold­ing me down more tight­ly against him when he noticed I was shaking.

"If you cum that eas­i­ly, what do you need all those toys for?" he asked. Well…

  1. It's hot to har­ness those sen­sa­tions to replay fond mem­o­ries of dry-humping
  2. It's even bet­ter to use toys with a part­ner, duh!

Removable Straps and Bullet Slots

That brings me to the genius of cli­toral grinders with slits for strapping:

  • To your thigh for a part­ner to dry hump and grind while you push against their clit
  • Or to a pil­low to quick­ly add ele­va­tion dur­ing solo ses­sions — no fan­cy mounts needed!
Uncover Creations Tentacle Grinder III with sucker textures and straps
Yeah, it's a lot big­ger than I imag­ined rel­a­tive to my hand

Upgrade the expe­ri­ence even more with a bul­let slot — Uncover Creations can add a hole to accom­mo­date a 0.9" wide mini-​vibrator. You can mix it up by putting it over a wand to dis­perse the vibra­tions, let­ting them trav­el through.

Closing Thoughts

Every con­tour and cran­ny was designed to max­i­mize ver­sa­til­i­ty on the vul­va. The Uncover Tentacle Grinder III's den­si­ty and dimen­sion dig into my bits juu­u­ust the right amount. They feel like they belong against me, like strad­dling on a partner's hips and bon­er through their jeans.

Uncover Creations tentacle squishy silicone clitoral grinder

It's a rap­tur­ous­ly famil­iar feel­ing. I want to crush myself against it.

More Uncover Creations Tentacle Grinders

As the name sug­gests, there were two oth­er ten­ta­cle grinders by Uncover Creations:

  • The Tentacle Grinder I has slim­mer, more numer­ous appendages entwined togeth­er. It seemed chaot­ic for my taste, but you might like that more.
  • The Tentacle Grinder II fea­tures one slop­ing ten­ta­cle with two peaks and a crisp edge. You might like shift­ing your weight along the sil­hou­ette — with its soft and sharp sections.
  • The Tentacle Grinder IV is made for simul­ta­ne­ous inser­tion and grinding.

I chose the Tentacle Grinder III for its big bumps, broad tit­il­la­tion, and a few round­ed rims for just a lit­tle pin­point action.

Uncover Creations tentacle squishy silicone clitoral grinder and ovipositor eggs
  1. If you have both holes, show­er before­hand and wash well after­ward so there's no trans­fer of microbes from the back to the front, k? ↩︎

Uncover Creations Tentacle Ovipositor Dildo

10" long, 2.3" wide, ready to scramble and fertilize
Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor and silicone alien eggs

I saw stars so quick­ly with the Uncover Creations Tentacle against my ceil­ing. Inserting it was instant mag­ic, feel­ing the soft sil­i­cone stretch my walls.

This sil­i­cone ovipos­i­tor is all about depth play for me, with just under 10" of insertable length. Its "eggs" form bulges that push and pull against my G‑spot. Meanwhile, the tip takes up lots of real estate inside me. I might even slide the suck­ers against my clit, since it's quite flex­i­ble in the spaces between the eggs.

Squeezing Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor tip with green UV glow alien textured eggs

What is an Ovipositor?

Ovipositor dil­dos have a nar­row chan­nel for feed­ing pre­tend "eggs" (in this case, sil­i­cone) through and deposit­ing them inside.

There are des­ig­nat­ed notch­es meant to keep the eggs in place — and the shaft swelling and turgid — until they're ready for release.

Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor base and tube with green UV glow alien textured eggs

In Uncover Creations' words, "Inserting the eggs is only half the fun. Once the eggs are in place, you get to lay them, result­ing in a sat­is­fy­ing stretch and a pleas­ing pop."

(More on how to use the eggs later.)

How Does an Ovipositor Feel?

Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor size comparison with green UV glow alien textured eggs

Uncover Creations' Tentacle Ovipositor feels fuck­ing fan­tas­tic when used as a dil­do because:

  • The out­er lay­er feels super soft for clench­ing around.
  • Its long, tapered tip slip­ping behind my cervix, fuck­ing me deep, and remix­ing my insides. It's a damn near instant orgasm for me if I sit on it as I often do with big fan­ta­sy dil­dos.
  • It's girthy AF near the base, about 2.3" wide. I love slow, sen­su­al thrusts while grip­ping the big bulbs and feel­ing the eggs through the ten­ta­cle walls.
  • The place­ment of the eggs simul­ta­ne­ous­ly mas­sages my G‑spot.

Tilt the tip for­ward for G‑spotting or back­ward to bend the shaft's tex­tures toward the clitoris.

When it's time to engulf the eggs, I enjoy insert­ing the tip and stay­ing shal­low. That way, I can savor the spread just at the entrance.

And when I cum by clench­ing around the Tentacle Ovipositor dil­do, the ejec­tion makes the egg slide, adding stim­u­la­tion. I then push it back in with my fin­gers and out with my walls and repeat the cycle.

Sensual Silicone Eggs & Ben Wa Balls

Cum, clench, push out, feel more stim­u­lat­ed, shove back in deep­er, feel more stim­u­lat­ed, again and again.

Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor tip with green UV glow alien textured eggs

Practice pre­cise pussy move­ments (i.e., pom­poir) by mov­ing the egg up and down inside you. Or do it for fun, feel­ing the stretch and focus­ing on the mus­cle con­trac­tions and increased sen­sa­tion in the area. It's also just hot watch­ing the open­ing stretch out.

Want more? Uncover Creations' ovipos­i­tor dil­dos are best used with "eggs" 1.5" in diam­e­ter, but they are also avail­able in oth­er sizes and fin­ish­es: plain, swirling, and a more rugged alien-​inspired texture.

Below are the Uncover Creations sil­i­cone egg measurements.

Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor with silicone eggs

3 Sizes of Silicone Egg Sex Toys

  • Total Length: 1.8" /​ 4.5cm
  • Circumference: 4.7" /​ 12cm
  • Diameter: 1.5” /​ 3.8cm
  • Total Length: 2.8" /​ 7cm
  • Circumference: 6.3" /​ 16cm
  • Diameter: 1.97” /​ 5cm
  • Total Length: 3.9" /​ 10cm
  • Circumference: 8" /​ 20.5cm
  • Diameter: 2.56” /​ 6.52cm

How the Sizes Feel in Use

Uncover Creations' small egg size is pret­ty standard.

Use them with the ovipos­i­tor to shove mul­ti­ple inside for pres­sure — some against the cervix. I woooou­u­uld say to use mul­ti­ple sil­i­cone eggs by them­selves, but my fin­gers are too short — and fish­ing toys out of my depths would be too much of a has­sle for me to feel com­fort­able sug­gest­ing that.

Uncover Creations tentacle textured clitoral grinder and alien eggs of different sizes

The medi­um gives more of a stretch to clench around, and the large is con­stant­ly cream­ing myself. I cum so quick­ly, just feel­ing it inside me, espe­cial­ly as the max­i­mum diam­e­ter pass­es the tight­est part of my pussy.

It reminds me of Oxballs' huu­u­uge and super squishy Honcho plug — but with waaaay more texture.

Insertion meant instant groan­ing and gasp­ing — the big, fat, soda-​can-​sized sil­i­cone bead pow­er­ful­ly deac­ti­vat­ed any con­scious thought.

Uncover Creations tentacle ovipositor base  with green UV glow alien textured eggs

Where to Get Silicone Eggs for Ovipositors

Get Uncover Creations' love eggs and Ben Wa balls in a cus­tom three-​pack or a sin­gle in a sur­prise color.

More Tentacle Sex Toys to Try!

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4 Responses

  1. Cd says:

    Wow, this seems good. How is the sil­i­cone of the ovipos­i­tor in terms of grip? I have an Uberrime Night king which I love Tobe fucked with, but it needs a lot of lube to be slip­pery enough and some­times gets distracting…anything slick­er on this range of size and reach that you can rec­om­mend? Thanks!

  2. G says:

    OHHHHH i love eggs and have yet to to try an ovipos­i­tor, ty so much for this won­der­ful review post!!

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