Tracy's Dog Pockety Review: Wearable Finger Vibrator

Tracy's Dog Pockety curves along the con­tours of my hand, intu­itive AF for solo and couple's play.

Tracy's Dog Pockety finger vibrator in red shown from side angle, displaying flexible silicone finger loop and compact size

As the name sug­gests, it's petite and dis­creet — about the size of a deck of cards — and I love how the but­ton lines up just right with my thumb, whichev­er hand I'm using.

Yes, I'm geek­ing out over the fact that, when most fin­ger vibra­tors are right-​handed, Pockety is lefty-​friendly, too! I use dif­fer­ent hands for dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es, like thrust­ing a dil­do with my right hand and cli­toral stim­u­la­tion with my left.

And once I saw the lack of southpaw-​friendly fin­ger vibes, I couldn't unsee it.

Pockety finger vibrator worn on three fingers on left hand, demonstrating ambidextrous wear and ergonomic fit

Perhaps most impor­tant, though, is that it's decent­ly pow­ered — noth­ing too wild, but qui­et and pleas­ant for the price.

Tracy's Dog Pockety finger vibrator ergonomic hump, textures, and control panel

Tracy's Dog Pockety Specs & Stats

  • Silky mat­te silicone
  • 4.4” long x 2.8” wide x 2.2” deep 
    • 1.2” deep along the vibrat­ing portion
    • 1” deep on the finger-​wrapping wear­able part
  • USB recharge­able with mag­net­ic contacts
  • Cycle through 3 steady speeds and 4 patterns
  • Travel lock!!!

The Hands-On Experience: Does It Deliver?

I don't have to think about hold­ing Pockety by Tracy's Dog — it feels like a nat­ur­al exten­sion of my hand when the “wings” cup over my fin­gers and leave my thumb free to click through the set­tings. Controlling the vibra­tions is a breeze.

Tracy's Dog Pockety finger loop view and packaging

Pockety's curves remind me of the Clandestine Mimic Plus or Fun Factory Laya 3, made to caress my clit and pubic bone. One of the humps is light­ly tex­tured for grind­ing if direct fric­tion on the but­tery sil­i­cone is your thing. (I pre­fer using exter­nal toys over my under­wear, but you do you.)

I wish it had more of a defined apex point, like Dame Products’ Pom, but I can use the top edge along Pockety to focus the vibrations.

While they're not quite whisper-​quiet, they're eas­i­ly cov­ered with a blan­ket and some white noise — or music or using it in the show­er. (It's splashproof!)

Tracy's Dog Pockety side view showing the curve and button

Pockety isn't my go-​to for inten­si­ty — get a Je Joue bul­let or We-​Vibe Touch X if you want sim­i­lar­ly silky sil­i­cone and rum­ble — but it's enough if I'm pair­ing it with penetration.

If phone vibra­tions were a 1 and the We-​Vibe Tango X was a 10, I'd put the Pockety at a 3 or 4.

What I Like About Tracy's Dog Pockety

  • Using the edge for focus­ing vibrations
  • Clicking through set­tings with my left hand or right hand
  • Simple con­trol interface
  • Travel lock — hold both but­tons down to pre­vent the toy from turn­ing on with acci­den­tal bumps.
  • Affordable and great for those who like tex­tures and sub­tler vibrations
Tracy's Dog Pockety bottom view, waterproof charging connection, and retail box

TL;DR & Closing Thoughts

Tracy's Dog Pockety is an afford­able, ambidex­trous fin­ger vibra­tor with subtle-​to-​moderate vibrations.

Its fin­ger loop and two-​button design make it com­fort­able for both left and right-​handed use, though pow­er seek­ers might want some­thing more sub­stan­tial, like:

  • We-Vibe's Touch X for the silky sil­i­cone surfaces
  • BMS's Swan Maximum bul­let for more vroom 
    • Comes with a soft sil­i­cone band that can be worn on some dain­ty fingers
  • Je Joue's clas­sic bul­let. for a bal­ance of soft­ness, strength, and wearability 
    • And yes, there's one with a wear­able (and roomi­er) fin­ger loop!
    • The but­tons on the side, also quite easy to reach for the left or right hand

But if you don't need much inten­si­ty, Pockety is great for cou­ples play and solo ses­sions, espe­cial­ly when com­bined with penetration.

Tracy's Dog Pockety top 3/4 view showing contours and textures

Yes, I'm geek­ing out over the fact that, when most fin­ger vibra­tors are right-​handed, Pockety is lefty-​friendly, too!

Further Reading: Tracy's Dog Vibrator Reviews

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