Silc Arts Sparrow Large bird-shaped artisan dildo review

[Image: Self Delve Amanita Muscaria / Fly Agaric mushroom butt plug next to pink and orange gradient Silc Arts Sparrow and Easter egg decorations]

I own plen­ty of pret­ty phal­lus­es, but not all can pass off as art pieces. The Sparrow by Silc Arts is a non-​representational dil­do that cer­tain­ly could.

"Silicone sculp­ture" isn't mere­ly a euphemism here. As the shop's name would sug­gest, Silc Arts toys are part art and part pervertible.

About the Silc Arts Sparrow dildo

The Silc Arts Sparrow is shaped like — you guessed it — a smol bird! It's perched on a styl­ized, barky post, while its head looks upward.

The bird's beak is slight­ly round­ed for com­fort upon inser­tion, while the tail fades into the rest of the dildo's tex­tures. From the wings to the woodsy rind, there's a loooot of sur­face vari­a­tion on the Silc Arts Sparrow.

Silc Arts Sparrow Large bird-shaped artisan dildo review 1
Silc Arts Sparrow shape & size

Most notably, the struc­tur­al fea­tures are a sub­tle swell along the bird's breast and a looooong and lean shaft.

I got a large Silc Arts Sparrow, which stands 8.6" tall (7.5" insertable), and mea­sures 1.7" across the broad­est cross-​section. Lower down, the diam­e­ter dips to 1.5".

Silc Arts dildos are available in three silicone densities:
  • Soft (Shore 10)
  • Medium (Shore 20)
  • Firm (Shore 32)

The Sparrow I have is a firm Shore 32, with some flex and bare­ly any squish. Per fan­ta­sy sil­i­cone dil­do stan­dards, I believe the prop­er term is "F‑ing hard." Consider, for com­par­i­son, that the Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger is Shore 5A.

I enjoy firm dil­dos (in case you couldn't fig­ure out from my njoy Eleven review), so this dif­fer­ence isn't an issue for me. The bumps and detail­ing on the Silc Arts Sparrow are most­ly tac­tile and surface-​level, enhanced by the silicone's hardness.

My first impression of Silc Arts' packaging

[Image: Self Delve Amanita Muscaria / Fly Agaric textured mushroom butt plug / dildo next to orange and pink Silc Arts Sparrow and Silc Arts cardboard canister packaging.]
SelfDelve amani­ta mus­caria mush­room plug next to Silc Arts Sparrow Large dildo

Silc Arts' atten­tion to detail is noth­ing short of stel­lar. I don't often talk about pack­ag­ing, but I can appre­ci­ate it when an indie toy­mak­er has a strong sense of per­son­al branding.

Once you unpack the dis­creet brown box, you'll see that dil­dos by Silc Arts come in unique and stur­dy card­board cylin­ders with baroque fil­i­gree accents.

A lit­tle ban­ner on one side reads, "THE ART OF PLEASURE," and the oth­er, "Handmade for your enjoy­ment." Nothing is vul­gar, so the pack­ag­ing is suit­able for dis­creet, long-​term storage.

There's a red wax stamp with the Silc Arts logo for added luxe. Inside, bur­gundy tis­sue paper cush­ions the product.

The package I received for review also included:
  • Silc Arts busi­ness cards
  • A small, squish­able sil­i­cone Sparrow head
  • The Renaissance — anoth­er dil­do by Silc Arts I'm reviewing
  • "Modern Saints" COVID fundrais­er print

On the Modern Saints art­work Etsy list­ing, the descrip­tion read:

All prof­its donat­ed to COVID relief. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in sup­port­ing the home­less pop­u­la­tion and indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties … Inspired by our brave health­care work­ers on the front line. Thank you.

How the Silc Arts Sparrow feels in vaginal use

My favorite way to use the Silc Arts Sparrow is by ori­ent­ing the bird's wing tex­ture to face my front wall. That's its claim to fame: fine touch.

[Image: A closer view of the back wings and tail feathers on the Silc Arts Sparrow]

The dip between the wing and tail's plumage that feels deli­cious when twist­ed against my G‑spot. There's also a beau­ti­ful­ly bumpy cusp between the head and the back of the wings. And the unyield­ing 1.75" diam­e­ter is super fill­ing for most.

Keep in mind that, when it comes to shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, the Silc Arts Sparrow is all about the tip drilling, swivel­ing, and grinding.

Its chief bulge reminds me of the Zalo Marie vibra­tor: stim­u­lat­ing but too slight to hook against my pubic bone. (If you still want a firm but more dra­mat­i­cal­ly bul­bous sil­i­cone dil­do for your G‑spot, con­sid­er a Luzarte Jollet instead.)

[Image: pink and orange Silc Arts Sparrow next to Self Delve Fly Agaric. Lots of shadow emphasis on the bird feathers here!]

If you like deep pen­e­tra­tion behind your cervix, though, you'll like­ly find that the rigid, straight shaft is super easy to aim. For me, that's one of the most impor­tant char­ac­ter­is­tics of a dil­do. For A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, the taper­ing along the bird's head also fits nice­ly in front of my cervix.

My verdict on the Silc Arts Sparrow

You know that say­ing, "Anything's a dil­do if you're brave enough"? I have a great appre­ci­a­tion for the ways artists adapt shapes into inserta­bles, like with the Sparrow, the Mother Interior nun dil­do, and the Tantus Splash/​Magma.

The main thing they have in com­mon? Strategically placed pro­jec­tions that grab onto and knead your walls. If you…

  • Are a tex­ture slut
  • Have a pen­chant for cer­vi­cal orgasms
  • Relish the tal­ent of cre­ative sculptors

…then there's plen­ty to explore in Silc Arts' shop.

[Image: Self Delve Fly Agaric and swirled silicone bases on the Silc Arts Sparrow and Renaissance]

Where to shop for Silc Arts dildos and grinders

Find hand­made sil­i­cone dil­dos and more by Silc Arts at SheVibe (which brings me a kick­back at no extra cost to you) or on Etsy (more options and customization).

Silc Arts Sparrow Large bird-shaped artisan dildo review 2

Hey, heads up! This post is spon­sored, but that doesn't change my opin­ion of the prod­uct. As always, my review is freely giv­en, and thoughts expressed are my own.

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