Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo

More adventures in rabbit-​style insertable pervertibles!

Gemini by Pris Toys is the fifth dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do I've test­ed this past month. That's my horni­ness lev­el as I approach com­plete COVID immunity.

Pris Toys Gemini in Cosmic blue, purple, and pink swirled silicone

Dual stim­u­la­tion dil­dos like the Pris Toys Gemini aren't explic­it­ly made for dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion, but they can cer­tain­ly fill the void:

  • Stuff both holes at once
  • Double-​stuff one hole
  • Butt-​safe if there's a flared base or steep curve

I'd argue that the Pris Toys Gemini is even bet­ter for explor­ing dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion than some of the sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­dos I test­ed before. It's not espe­cial­ly big, nor hard. And since it's flex­i­ble and steeply curved at rest with lit­tle space between the prongs, it's effort­less to squish the tips togeth­er for double-stuffing.

What's more, it's also har­ness­able and even has a bul­let cav­i­ty! Slip a cylin­dri­cal mini-​vibe inside the Pris Toys Gemini to make the whole unit quiver. And, of course, sup­port a small busi­ness while you pick your pen­e­tra­tion penchant.

About Pris Toys' dildos

If you're a dil­do snob who's not famil­iar with Pris Toys' stel­lar swatch­es, it's only a mat­ter of time. They've teamed up with my favorite sex toy shops, like SheVibe and so many others.

Pris Toys Gemini harnessable double penetration dildo side view

What's Pris Toys' claim to fame? Think glossy sil­i­cone, bold palettes, quasi-​abstract sil­hou­ettes, and of course, lots of shim­mer and glitter!

Their past "plea­sure repli­cants" I've reviewed, the Pris Toys Sentinel and Basilisk, are mas­sive, but that doesn't apply to all their dildos.

Pris Toys Gemini measurements & specs

The internal portion

The Pris Toys Gemini's main arm is quite aver­age, as far as phal­lus sizes go. Its cur­va­ture was decid­ed­ly designed to press into the front wall and reach into the G‑spot's dip. While the Pris Toys Gemini fea­tures a mod­er­ate hook, it's not espe­cial­ly bul­bous — the shaft diam­e­ter only dips down the lit­tlest bit.

  • Total length: 6.5"
  • Insertable length: 4"
  • G‑spotter max diam­e­ter: 1.5"
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 1.4"
  • 10A shore firmness

The external stimulator

The out­er nob is quite dain­ty and only a lit­tle wider than two of my fingers.

There's a small dis­tance between the inter­nal and exter­nal stim­u­la­tors (about 0.6") at rest, so I thought it might be a good fit for my clit-​vag gap of 1 inch. And the Shore 10A  sil­i­cone is pli­able by my stan­dards, with not much resis­tance when I push the thin out­er prong back, but firm for an arti­san dil­do. BOING, it snaps into its orig­i­nal shape as I let go.

  • External stim­u­la­tor length: 2.1"
  • Smaller prong diam­e­ter: 0.7" – 1.1"

Pris Toys Gemini silicone double penetration dildo with bullet cavity

The base & bullet hole

The Pris Toys Gemini does have a bul­let cav­i­ty, but you may want to use it with a mini-​vibe that's a lit­tle thick­er than the stan­dard. My We-​Vibe Tango X, unfor­tu­nate­ly, vibrates out of it quick­ly. Something like the Blush Exposed Nocturnal or Je Joue Bullet would fit more snugly.

  • O‑ring size: 1.5" above base
  • Base diam­e­ter: 2.75 inches
  • Bullet cav­i­ty: 0.8" x 1.5"

If you want a dual stim­u­la­tion dil­do com­pat­i­ble with the Tango, con­sid­er the LuzArte Thrust instead.

Pris Toys Gemini silicone dildo in use

For double penetration

You're prob­a­bly not sur­prised that I enjoy the Pris Toys Gemini more as a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do than a rab­bit. I know that "approach­able dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion" sounds like an oxy­moron — how could any­thing make dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion unin­tim­i­dat­ing? — but hear me out.

For starters, one prong is slight­ly below-​average for a cock, while the oth­er is dain­ty and flex­i­ble. Size-​wise, the Pris Toys Gemini is ide­al for a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dildo.

Pris Toys single density silicone flexibility

Its more promi­nent prong aims against my A‑spot if I push it in far enough, while the oth­er, more petite pro­tu­ber­ance, stretch­es the bot­tom third of my vagi­na. Once I get both ends in, the latter's bul­bous swell hugs my G‑spot, while its "stem" tapers down near the open­ing for added comfort.

And unlike, say, the Cal Exotics AC/​DC dou­ble dong, it's not FUCKING HARD and won't spring apart like the specu­lum from hell. Nor does it try to straight­en out when you squish it as the Blush Rusé dou­ble dil­dos do.

On top of that, the Pris Toys Gemini's sur­face is slick and glossy, giv­ing you min­i­mal drag once lube is added. It slips in rel­a­tive­ly easy, despite, you know, sim­u­lat­ing two cocks.

The Pris Toys Gemini has it all:

All in one beau­ti­ful, effortless-​to-​thrust pack­age? What more could I ask for in a dildo?

For dual stimulation

Well, what about exter­nal sensation?

In short, ehhhhhhhh.

Pris Toys Gemini dual stimulation dildo external arm

I can use the Pris Toys Gemini with one hand to reach my G‑spot and cli­toris simul­ta­ne­ous­ly for rhyth­mic rub­bing. That does involve adding cli­toral pres­sure with my wrist or my oth­er hand, though. Otherwise, with the way the shaft is angled, the exter­nal por­tion usu­al­ly either:

  • Doesn't touch my clit at all
  • Or, when it does come into con­tact, it doesn't give me enough "oomph."

That's through no fault of the design­er — it's just that every body is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. I'd guess from my expe­ri­ence with rab­bit vibra­tors that my bits spaced a lit­tle clos­er togeth­er than the aver­age users'.

With rab­bits, you usu­al­ly have intense stim­u­la­tion or flex­i­ble adapt­abil­i­ty. It's hard to have both.

The Pris Toys Gemini may still be a fan­tas­tic fit for those who:

  • Prefer a loose grip
  • Have a wide clit-​vag gap
  • Prefer to go deep­er for G‑spotting OR shal­low­er for A‑spotting

Pris Toys Gemini Cosmic color swatch with glitter

My verdict on the Pris Toys Gemini

Is the Pris Toys Gemini explic­it­ly mar­ket­ed as a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do? No, it was meant for G‑spot and cli­toral stimulation.

Am I obsessed with using it for dou­ble vagi­nal, though? Oh heck, yes. And my vagi­na and oxy­tocin recep­tors are so much hap­pi­er for it.

Leave it to a toy named "Gemini" to dis­play such duplic­i­ty and adapt­abil­i­ty. Now, excuse me while I double-​stuff myself with it.

Review: Pris Toys Gemini silicone dual stimulation dildo 1Shop Pris Toys' sil­i­cone dil­dos at SheVibe.

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5 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I have been look­ing at and want­i­ng some­thing from this com­pa­ny for a minute, and I’d nev­er even con­sid­ered using this one for dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion. Thank you for the insight.

  2. Trix says:

    After the pinchy ter­ror of the orig­i­nal Lelo Ina, a loose prong sounds good indeed!

  3. Trix says:

    The mar­bling is gorgeous…I’m guess­ing it’s medium-​soft? (for­get­ting my shore mea­sure­ment settings…)

  4. G says:

    ahhHHH i don't know how i missed this one!! i love fol­low­ing sex toy review­ers bc i come across both new toys AND always, at the very least, a small review that gives me a lit­tle more insight into it. this is the first time i've seen a rab­bit dil­do, ty for anoth­er great review ???

  1. May 12, 2021

    […] so, Cy from SuperSmashCache has now reviewed five dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion toys this month and I tru­ly appre­ci­ate her dar­ing vagi­na. This one is especially […]

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