Pepper Paramour Review: Deep A-Spot & Cervix Massager

I shud­dered, “Oh God oh fuck oh God oh fuck oh God oh fuck” in one breath upon insert­ing the Pepper Paramour and cum­ming instantly.

Red Pepper Paramour deep penetration vibrator next to G-string

Then I texted my friend, “I want to cry cum­ming on this new toy I'm test­ing,” my dazed head full of fuzzy glit­ter. Its shape is what I've dreamt of ever since I start­ed try­ing sex toys.

Pepper's Paramour is long and strong for pound­ing my cer­vi­cal for­nicesand its bulges lock in along my walls' con­tours for simul­ta­ne­ous deep pen­e­tra­tion, G‑spot pres­sure, and some resid­ual cli­toral stim­u­la­tion with the low­er of the two motors. It was made for me, some­one devot­ed to deep dick­ing — to the point where a friend said, "Some peo­ple are just built dif­fer­ent­ly, and you're one of them.”

Pepper Paramour deep penetration A-spot and cervix massager with floating motors

I Must Be Dreaming

Did the Pepper Paramour's design­er some­how find a now-​deleted draw­ing of my 2014 self's dream vibrator?

Did [they] read my mind? Could our walls and high ceil­ings have been beau­ti­ful­ly built the same way?

Pepper Paramour vibrating massager profile

I remem­ber what I craved over a decade ago — a com­bi­na­tion of ele­ments from:

  • LuzArte's Jollet, which effort­less­ly filled me and pressed against my G‑spot
  • Nobessence's Intrigue, whose S‑curve also pressed my dreami­est deep spots: my A‑spot, cervix, and pos­te­ri­or fornix
  • LELO's Elise 2 and MyStim's dual motors — one at the tip, one near the bot­tom of the shaft — had options for alter­nat­ing rever­ber­a­tion, which gave a sense of move­ment even when I wasn't thrust­ing. (Think how we per­ceive the scrolling “move­ment” of light across a strip of LEDs).
  • LELO's Ella dil­do and how it felt to twist the medi­al hump against my front wall.

Yeah, it was a very dif­fer­ent time in 2014 when LELO used to rule Toyland. One thing I noticed about LELO, despite being the then-​industry dar­lings, was that I wouldn't get the deep pen­e­tra­tion I craved from them.

And that was fine for every­one else — my pen­chant for pro­found pound­ing was (and arguably still is) niche among oth­ers’ G‑spot fervor.

This brings me back to Pepper Paramour: Did the design­er read my mind? Could our walls and high ceil­ings have been beau­ti­ful­ly built the same way?

Pepper Paramour vibrating massager in hand

Pepper Paramour Shape & Size

The Pepper Paramour's tip is tapered for slid­ing behind the cervix, deli­cious for my favorite whole-​body, mind-​melding orgasms. Below it are two bulbs with float­ing motors — each about 3” long.

Different Depths, Different Hot Spots

Since every­body is dif­fer­ent, the curves might not align with your inter­nal con­tours as they would with mine. I enjoy insert­ing a bit past either bulb:

  • 4” for G‑spot pressure
  • 5” for light A‑spotting and vibra­tion at the mouth of the vagi­nal opening
  • 7” for full-​on, all-​around OMFG

Your mileage may vary, though! My G‑spot is rel­a­tive­ly shal­low, so you'll like­ly want to insert a lit­tle more than me if that's your tar­get zone. There's some­thing to love at any depth, but keep your inten­tions and capac­i­ty in mind.

Pepper Paramour vibrating massager measurements
Each major grid line marks an inch.


  • 9.75” total length
  • 8.5” insertable length 
    • I rec­om­mend tak­ing 7” to enjoy all this vibe has to offer
    • But using 5” can feel fan­tas­tic, too!
  • Squeezable shaft with two bulbs 
    • 2.1” max­i­mum diam­e­ter when relaxed
    • 1.6” diam­e­ter when compressed
    • 1.1” across the nar­row­est part

The con­trast­ing diam­e­ters make the Pepper Paramour fun to thrust and twist.

Pepper Paramour A-spot vibrator with floating motors and S-curve

And yeah, it's big — both long and deep — so get ready for some resistance!

Some strong walls can squeeze it into an average-​ish diam­e­ter, but the sil­i­cone is firm and boun­cy. I'd feel bet­ter rec­om­mend­ing this vibra­tor only to those who:

  • Can han­dle big insertions
  • Have befriend­ed the cervix well!

My friend con­sid­ered buy­ing it for his wife, which I cau­tioned him against, know­ing that she has a shallow-​set cervix. “She might take the first bead and go a bit past, but at that point, it might not 'wow' her as much as me.”

Pepper's Paramour vibra­tor was very much designed for some­one who loves being bot­tomed out.

And that very much includes me.

Pepper Paramour G-spot and A-spot vibrator for deep penetration

Pepper Paramour Motors

I feel like Adam Levine's alleged­ly sim­ple sexts say­ing, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. It's unre­al how hot you are. It blows my mind.”

It is unre­al how dreamy this A‑spot vibra­tor is for me; it blows my mind. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Settings & Controls

  • Two motors
  • Nicely rumbly — par with LELO motors!
  • Two but­tons
    • One for on/​off and one to cycle through the settings
    • 5 steady speeds
    • 7 rhythms, includ­ing puls­es, alter­na­tion between the two motors, puls­es of low and high speeds, and escalation

Having one but­ton click through all the set­tings isn't the most lux­u­ri­ous you could get, but it makes sense for the price. I also wish it was ful­ly water­proof and not just splash­proof, but its sen­sa­tions "wow" me enough that I don't give much of a fuck.

The Pepper Paramour's shape is most of what makes the mag­ic. I love hav­ing a deep-​penetration vibra­tor that knows what it brings to the table: rais­ing the orgasm-​to-​dollar ratio!

Pepper Paramour vibrator motor quality splash test

Vibration Quality & Battery Life

“Par with LELO motors” would have been more impres­sive back in the day — we have so many oth­er options now — but the point is that this motor is A‑tier, and its shape takes its over­all build to S‑tier. I wish I had some­thing like the Pepper Paramour all these years.

I want it in me all the time. I did have it in me the whole time I out­lined this post on my phone, keep­ing the mood and cum­ming on the Pepper Paramour every few min­utes in hopes of doing jus­tice to it with my words.

Pepper Paramour vibrator and packaging

I kept its motor on through­out the process. Is that a tes­ta­ment to the bat­tery life or how quick­ly I wrote this in awe?

(The fol­low­ing lines in my notes app read, “Ughhhh fuck do I put it back in? /​ I'm cry­ing /​ I want some­thing or some­one to hold onto.”)

How Do I Feel About the Pepper Paramour?

I shud­dered, “Oh God oh fuck oh God oh fuck oh God oh fuck” in one breath when I first insert­ed the Pepper Paramour and came instantly.

My flut­ter­ing eyes have rolled back. My field of vision is black con­fet­ti and red fil­tered through my eye­lids and a blur of my bed­room. Vision and men­tal RAM don't mat­ter right now; it's all about the “eject oxy­tocin” but­ton inside me when I'm blud­geon­ing my womb, clench­ing the toy for dear life like I need it to become part of me.

Use dis­count code SUPER for 10% off the Pepper Paramour at Betty's Toy Box or check out my oth­er favorite places to shop.

Hand holding Pepper Paramour deep penetration vibrator

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1 Response

  1. Adriana says:

    This makes me want to break out a ruler the next time I use a pen­e­tra­tion toy because I feel like I have a shal­low G‑spot and 4 inch­es would shoot right over it! lol What an inter­est­ing design. I think a dil­do with sim­i­lar cutouts with some give could be real­ly fun!

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