njoy Pure Plug Large stainless steel plug review

The njoy Pure Plug Large's per­fec­tion is the rea­son I sel­dom do butt plug reviews.

Until I try anoth­er plug that's gen­uine­ly and amaz­ing­ly unique, the Pure Plug is on its own tier. Worthy of being buried with me when I die.

njoy Pure Plug large next to Funkit tiny dildos

It should be no sur­prise, com­ing from njoy. njoy is, after all, the archi­tect of the most intense G‑spot dil­do in exis­tence. With the Pure Plugs, njoy has chan­neled that exper­tise and pre­ci­sion into some­thing beautiful.

What makes the njoy Pure Plug so amazing?

njoy's orig­i­nal virtue is, of course, their deli­cious­ly hefty and slick stain­less steel, pol­ished to a mirror-​like fin­ish. njoy's medical-​grade stain­less steel puts the large Pure Plug's weight at 310g— 11oz, or a lit­tle over 2/​3rd of a pound. The inser­tion is smooth, and the weight feels lav­ish and love­ly to wear.

I gasp every time the head pops into place in my butt. At 1.5" wide, its volup­tuous­ly bul­bous body tilts for­ward against my G‑spot, main­tain­ing light but steady pres­sure. Its weight also press­es against the sen­si­tive nerves in my open­ing, espe­cial­ly notice­able when I run up and down stairs. And the nar­row base rests com­fort­ably between the cheeks or lips.

Njoy Eleven and Pure Plug with blue bath bomb

njoy Pure Plug for anal vs. vaginal use

Interestingly, I find the njoy Pure Plug Large more G‑spotty as a butt plug than as a vagi­nal plug. During vagi­nal use, the bulb rests just past my pubic bone. Its weight in my vagi­na does plen­ty to turn me on when clench or move around (or add even more resis­tance for vagi­nal weightlift­ing).

In either hole, the weight is always there, and most plea­sur­able when I clench.

But my G‑spot is also sen­si­tive in a shal­low­er part, in the spongy tis­sue on the pubic bone. During anal use, the Pure Plug nes­tles my sphinc­ter instead of my pubic bone, mak­ing the bulb rest a bit shal­low­er. Its posi­tion­ing and tilt press­es against a more sen­si­tive part of my G‑spot.

njoy Pure Plug Large stainless steel plug review 1

The Pure Plug's shape easily stays in

I don't think any oth­er butt plug com­pares. Other plugs work for warm­ing up for oth­er things or clench­ing around, but they're not near­ly as much fun for sta­tion­ary use. Most obvi­ous­ly, they don't have the same ever-​present heft.

But also, my sphinc­ter wraps around the Pure Plug's nar­row neck, under the wider bulb— keep­ing it in place so, so eas­i­ly. When a butt plug doesn't have much dif­fer­ence between the bulb and neck, my butt reg­is­ters it as irri­tat­ing and instinc­tive­ly wants to push it out.

That's nev­er, ever a prob­lem with the njoy Pure Plug. I can tug on it and keep it in my butt dur­ing vig­or­ous vagi­nal sex, and it still stays in place. Between that and the nar­row base, I think the Pure Plug is fan­tas­tic for wear­ing when you're out and about.

Bottom line: pretty damn close to perfect

Even if you're a booty begin­ner, njoy has plen­ty to offer to your butt. The small­est Pure Plug is only an inch wide, and the medi­um 1.25" wide.

njoy Pure Plug Large review

Many of the rea­sons that I con­sid­er glass a good begin­ner sex toy mate­r­i­al, apply to steel as well. There's way less drag. You can use what­ev­er lube you want with stain­less steel, includ­ing extra-​slippery Sliquid Sassy and long-​lasting sil­i­cone. And it's prac­ti­cal­ly indestructible.

Sure, maybe some peo­ple would want a longer, more flex­i­ble, and tapered plug. In that case, I'd sug­gest the Tantus Neo or Fun Factory Bootie.

But if I could redo my years of try­ing anal toys, I'd prob­a­bly buy just the njoy Pure Plugs in every size. Maybe I'd add some slen­der or bumpy butt plugs for thrust­ing, but not much else. If I could only keep one butt plug, it'd be the Pure Plug Large. It's the only one I love keep­ing in, and it is just that good.

Where to get the njoy Pure Plug

I bought my Pure Plug Large from Spectrum Boutique, but it's avail­able at pret­ty much all of my favorite online sex shops. As well, because njoy toys are so pop­u­lar, it's always only a mat­ter of time before they're on sale somewhere.

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6 Responses

  1. KMJ says:

    I hope njoy will come out with a 3.0 XXL one day. Or maybe Le Wand would do it. I've become obsessed with stain­less steel late­ly but the only huge steel plugs/​dildos I can find are cheap AliExpress type of prod­ucts and I don't trust them. I'm talk­ing about 2.5" to 3" range. Or more. Aside from the com­plete­ly unyield­ing tex­ture, my favorite thing is being able to use sil­i­cone lube with them. Please let me know if there's a good steel plug of this size from a rep­utable brand already out there, because I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

  2. Sptfan says:

    Definitely on my must-​try list!

  3. G says:

    Thank you for anoth­er won­der­ful review!!

  4. Jay says:

    I love my pure plug! My goal is to one day own all of the sizes, except the small, which I think would be too small for my pref­er­ences. So only two more sizes to acquire, and since they’ll last for­ev­er, they’re great invest­ment pieces in any collection.

  5. DizzyD says:

    A Pure plug has been on my ‘have to get one’ list since for­ev­er. Something always comes between me and my future Pure Plug. Maybe next year will be the year?

  1. August 18, 2018

    […] Super Smash Cache – Njoy Plug Review […]

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