Le Wand Chrome Point and Deux elegant clitoral vibrator reviews

"WHY ARE THESE VIBRATORS SO PHOTOGENIC?" I asked myself as I edit­ed pho­tos for this review. I can't pick a favorite pic­ture because they're all my favorite. Now I know how my favorite pho­tog­ra­ph­er feels when I mod­el for him.

[Image: Le Wand Chrome Deux detached to show USB plug and Chrome Point]

Le Wand epit­o­mizes fem­i­nine ele­gance. There's no eye-​scalding Pepto-​Bismol pink here— instead, we see lumi­nous rose gold and mirror-​like met­al accents. The new Le Wand Chrome Collection keeps the aes­thet­ic of their epony­mous wands but goes for the com­plete oppo­site end of the size spectrum.

This review takes a look at two of their recently-​released mini-​vibes: the Chrome Deux and Chrome Point. Despite what the names might sug­gest, Le Wand's Chrome Deux is more pin­point than their Point. Yes, the Chrome Point has a tapered tip, but it is first and fore­most a round­ed lay-​on vibe. The Chrome Deux, in con­trast, is dain­tier and double-​pronged to sur­round the cli­toris or nip­ples (DO NOT force the tips apart to wrap them around a penis).

Features of the Le Wand Chrome Deux and Point

[Image: closer, top view of the Chrome Deux. Le Wand Chrome Point inside jewelry box]

Both the Deux and Point have three-​button con­trol pan­els— a sore­ly uncom­mon fea­ture among clit-​focused vibra­tors. And as with all mem­bers of the Chrome Collection, the Deux and Point are avail­able in two col­ors: rose gold and black. Both col­or schemes are sexy AF.

And though I've reviewed over 100 sex toys, I'm still excit­ed when there's a new fea­ture to add to my col­lec­tion. In the Chrome Deux's case, it's the direct USB con­nec­tion— no charg­ing cord need­ed! I'm shit at keep­ing my vibra­tors charged because I have too many cords, and this fea­ture makes that a non-​factor. It's also more travel-friendly.

The Chrome Deux and Chrome Point's vibrations: a sense of déja vu

[Image: the Le Wand Chrome Deux standing upright and connected. The Chrome Point's underside has wavy textures]

The most press­ing ques­tion is of whether the Le Wand Chrome Deux and Chrome Point feel as good as they look. The motors vague­ly remind me of b‑Vibe's vibrat­ing butt plugs: low–moderate ampli­tude and gen­er­al­ly low pitch. They're on the bor­der­line between buzzy and rumbly. Considering that COTR, Inc. is the man­u­fac­tur­er behind b‑Vibe, Le Wand, and The Cowgirl, the sim­i­lar­i­ty is unsurprising.

How the Le Wand Chrome Point feels

The Chrome Point's met­al is pure eye can­dy, but also cli­toral kryp­tonite. Like with the alu­minum FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet, the Point's heft weighs down the entire unit and damp­ens the motion. What's more, the vibra­tions aren't focused toward the tip— the Chrome Point's met­al por­tion is vibrate‑y, too. All in all, I think the pow­er dis­tri­b­u­tion could have been better.

So unless some­one is dead set on the aes­thet­ic, I can't rec­om­mend the Chrome Point when there are more robust alter­na­tives at low­er prices. Get the Dame Pom or Fun Factory Laya II instead. Both are lay-​on vibra­tors with three-​button con­trol pan­els and more pow­er­ful vibra­tions than the Chrome Point.

How the Le Wand Chrome Deux feels

[Image: another picture of the Le Wand Chrome Deux and Chrome Point in Rose Gold inside a jewelry box]

What did sur­prise me is how enjoy­able I find the Chrome Deux, despite its fre­quen­cy. It's higher-​pitched than the Chrome Point, but also qui­eter and with more ampli­tude in its pow­er. The motors are high­ly con­cen­trat­ed in the "rab­bit ears." I can tar­get the move­ment far more pre­cise­ly against not one, but two defined points on my clitoris.

If the VeDO Bam Mini were a 1 and the FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet a 10, I'd put the Chrome Deux at a 6 for the strength and 12 for rum­ble. But I'd pre­fer to get the Chrome Deux because of its:

  • more pointy tips
  • six inten­si­ty set­tings (com­pared to the Bougie Bullet's three)
  • com­pre­hen­sive con­trol panel
  • more com­pact body and lack of need for a charg­ing cord

(I know! The Bougie Bullet's charg­ing case is so fan­cy, but I start­ed to resent its bulk. And I've about had it with bul­lets' cords.)

It's a tiny, dis­creet, and travel-​friendly pack­age that gets the job done for me.  In a nut­shell, I'd be rec­om­mend­ing the Chrome Deux to oth­er pin­point princess­es if it weren't for the price.

My verdict on the Le Wand Chrome Deux

[Image: top view of the Le Wand Chrome Collection Point and Deux in rose gold]

Le Wand's aes­thet­ic has swept me off my feet, and I don't mind some mod­er­ate buzz. And the Le Wand Chrome Deux's pow­er isn't excep­tion­al, but it's pow­er­ful for the size and pin­point enough for me. Let's be real: I don't think any­one buy­ing some­thing from the Chrome Collection is expect­ing the absolute best vibra­tions for the price. And that's okay. I'd be hap­py with pur­chas­ing the Chrome Deux with my own mon­ey, but I want you to be realistic.

Otherwise, get a LELO Mia 2 or Je Joue Rabbit bul­let instead. The Mia 2 also plugs direct­ly into a USB port but costs less than the Chrome Deux. And the Je Joue Rabbit bul­let is a double-​pronged clit vibe that's rum­bli­er, for less than half the price.

Take 10% off the Le Wand Chrome Collection or any­thing else at Peepshow Toys with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

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