Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts

Savor this humil­i­a­tion Femdom track for jerk-​off addicts! There’s some goon­er degra­da­tion, tease, denial, and the tini­est morsel of findom.

Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts 1

As always, kink takes place in a con­trolled envi­ron­ment with con­sent. This post might not be for you if humil­i­a­tion trig­gers you. And if it is your thing, remem­ber that Dominance and sub­mis­sion go hand-​in-​hand with trust and open communication.

If I’m degrad­ing some­one one-​on-​one, I’ll check in on the nuances of what they like vs. what trig­gers them, etc., and I wouldn’t talk to some­one this way with­out dis­cussing it first.

Got it?

Fuck your fist and enjoy the quicky phone voice note! 😉

Gooner & Jack-off Addict Humiliation Femdom

Oh, hel­lo there, you. I know what you are. You’re a low­ly, help­less wanker with no self-control.

You stay up at night, fuck­ing your fist. You fin­ish and think to your­self, “What have I done? Why did I fin­ish while think­ing about that?” You wash your hands after­ward, but you can’t wash away the sick, dis­gust­ing per­ver­sion at the core of your being.

You know it, and all the women around you can sense it.

The more you fuck your fist, the gross­er and more help­less you get. You spend all day edg­ing to avoid the inevitable shame that post-​nut clar­i­ty illuminates.

How sad and pathet­ic is that? What would your cowork­ers, your friends, and your fam­i­ly say?

You know what you deserve because you’re trash. Your dick gets hard­er when you’re remind­ed how much you deserve to be ashamed.

You’re a waste of semen, and you know it, and so does every woman you talk to.

The more you jerk it to humil­i­a­tion, the more hard­core humil­i­a­tion you need to get off.

Because you know you’re unlov­able. You know that no woman wants to touch you. And even if some­one let your filthy, pathet­ic being any­where near her, you’d fum­ble and sab­o­tage it.

Your dick is use­less. You know it couldn’t please any­one. Your dick might as well be locked away in a cock cage. You’d love how much it hurts to get hard.

You’re des­per­ate for release. You count down the days, hours, and min­utes until you’re allowed to touch your­self again.

Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts 2

You’d wish for a shot at redemp­tion when you spend hun­dreds, thou­sands of dol­lars on Femdoms like me. Because we see you as you are: the lone­ly, low­est of the low. And when the month is over, you feel anoth­er hit of shame see­ing your bank statements.

You know, and we know, that your only chance at get­ting a girl is to serve. You spend your beta bucks on her, hop­ing for a morsel of affec­tion, while her alpha fuck’s voice gets her wet instant­ly. You leak pre-​cum just think­ing about that.

And with every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

With every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

With every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

That’s right.

With every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

With every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

With every stroke of your dick, you feel more intense shame and guilt.

You get low­er and low­er, hat­ing your­self more and more. I can only laugh at how pathet­ic you’ve become.

So what’s it going to be? Are you open­ing up a new brows­er tab, or two, or ten, full of dis­gust­ing degra­da­tion you know you love? Or are you going to cum to the sound of my voice?

You’d do any­thing for a nut, even know­ing how ashamed you feel now, will feel tomor­row, the next day, and the next.

You’ve told your sub­con­scious mind what’s impor­tant to you: the reaf­fir­ma­tion that you’re worth­less, low­er than dirt. Who the fuck does that?

That’s right: you. You’ve thought about it your entire life: Every way that you just couldn’t mea­sure up.

You’re a los­er, and that’s all you’ll ever be.

Gooner Humiliation Kink Affirmations for Jack-Off Addicts 3

This post con­tains a spon­sored link!

If you got off on this goon­er degra­da­tion track, trib­utes are cer­tain­ly wel­come via Cashapp or SextPanther.

I wrote it based on one of my favorite past cucky goon­er sub­mis­sives. Thanks for help­ing pay off my car loan, bby. <3

Further Reading About Cock Cages

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1 Response

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Ooh, have a few friends I will def­i­nite­ly be shar­ing this one with

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