4 Tips For Basic Blowjob Troubleshooting
An anonymous follower asked this question about oral sex:
Hello, when I give blowjobs to my boyfriend, sometimes he shakes and quivers but recently he has stopped doing that. He also has never come from blowjobs and so I'm wondering if that means I'm terrible at giving oral. He's really big and thick and my mouth is tiny… I also have a short tongue so I can't do much with it. Do you have any advice? Please help.
Dear anonymous,
Some guys are more difficult to make cum than others, and people’s tastes do change over time. I don’t think it means you’re terrible at giving oral. There’s a lot that could be going on, but here’s a basic checklist.
1. Are the tip, shaft, and balls all being stimulated?
Not necessarily all at once, but if you’re ignoring his balls and shaft, that’s something you could change. I'd say go for at least two at the same time. You could fondle his balls, or stroke the shaft while sucking the tip, or suck the balls while stroking the tip, etc. There are so many nerve endings to work with, so use them to your full advantage!
2. Are you being consistent?
Consistency is always essential, but some guys need A LOT of it without breaks. If you’re taking a lot of breaks for breathing, then learn to take more efficient breaths in between thrusts. Take a small breath each time you push your head towards him or pull away, and keep track of the rhythm. Breathe in, in, in, in. Out, out, out, out. 1–2‑3–4, and so on.
3. What’s going on with your teeth and throat?
This question is particularly applicable to the "big dick and small mouth" problem. Open wide, tilt your head way back to avoid teeth, and stick your tongue out so that the tip of his dick is hitting the area between your tongue and soft palate of your mouth roof.
NOTE: Some people really like teeth against their genitals. Have good communication — ask first, and start with light, grazing pressure if they say yes.
Struggling with a bad gag reflex during blowjobs?
- Squeeze your thumb tightly in a fist to distract your brain and desensitize your gag reflex. I don't know how it works, but it does work for a lot of people
- If the thumb trick doesn't work, you can push and curl your tongue back. That way, the tip of his dick will be between the bottom side of your tongue and the hard palate, and you won’t have throat problems.
4. Pay attention to the coronal ridge
That's where the tip joins the shaft, and it's one of the most critical parts. There has to be some consistent friction and pressure on that part of the tip, whether it’s:
- in your hand
- against your cheek
- your tongue against it
- between your tongue and hard palate
- between your tongue and soft palate
- way, way back in your throat
With some extra attention on this especially sensitive part, take note of what your partner likes. If you're a person with a clitoris playing with a person with a penis, also remember that the sets of genitals aren't that different — it's the same tissue in a different shape.
Most importantly, enjoy it!
Have a good time with it!
At least half of great sex is enthusiasm and reading your partner's cues. Explore each other's bodies and make that part of the fun.
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My wife really enjoys giving me a blowjob, but doesn't like me to cum in her mouth and will not swallow. I'd love for her to enjoy those, too. I've asked what about it she directd like, but can't get a definitive answer. Suggestions?
Heh. I know this comment is 7 years late, and you probably already figured out a solution, but there's a section in Come Together by Emily Nagoski all about this
The first two sentences from Anonymous could have been written about me. My wife is great* at blowjobs/handjobs but I never seem to be able to come that way, as much as my wife wants me to.
*Yes that may sound like an oxymoron but its not. Her mouth feels great on me but I can never climax. Every time I get close she stops or changes rhythm/technique.
I really should show her your post but after 25+ years together I know she would not respond positively (trust me, I know). But its a great post so I will share it.
Cool to get such specific, useful tips!
This is a lovely guide and was super helpful