BestVibe Fiona Fluttering Tongue Vibrator Review

Fiona is for fans of fluttery florals and light lapping.
Fluttering rose vibrator in hand

This double-​ended, rose-​shaped lick­ing vibra­tor fea­tures a slen­der “blade” of a tongue that flits back and forth for a pin­point sen­sa­tion. That’s the main draw. On the flip side is a mini-​massager for the G‑spot that flex­es and extends “come hith­er” — though, of course, it didn’t hold up to my goril­la grip coochie.

And that’s fine. Why?

The fluttering tongue rose end

Because the flut­tery tongue end makes me cum quite quick­ly when used against my nip­ple and over the clit hood. As always, though, your mileage may vary. I can use it direct­ly against the cli­toral glans, too, with some lube. It’s sharp and focused enough to feel intense when dry, like a flex­i­ble fingernail.

Fluttering tongue vibrator control panel

The BestVibe Fiona’s lick­ing rose end doesn’t use a tra­di­tion­al rotary weight like most vibra­tors. Applying pres­sure stops the move­ment entire­ly — it won’t dis­perse vibra­tions as with, say, the va-​va-​voom Volta G5 from Fun Factory. Get the Volta if you need more ver­sa­til­i­ty and the option for broad massage.

How does the other end feel?

Meanwhile, Fiona serves well enough for the price as some­thing dain­ty, dis­creet, and delicate-​to-​moderately strong. Such is the case with many white-​label vibra­tors. This one offers 3 pat­terns and 7 steady speeds on either end.

The insertable side is tex­tured for tip drilling; its ribbed, G‑spotty head pulls on my walls dur­ing the “out” stroke. And I can tilt it with two fin­gers while the head aims for­ward and vibrates.

BestVibe Fiona massager

Buzzy? Yes, very much so, but focused enough at the tip for me to cum if I’m already horny.

Fiona’s “come hith­er” motor is use­less because there’s not much of a hard point or han­dle to sta­bi­lize it. At best, it wag­gles in place, and at worst, my goril­la grip coochie stops it from mov­ing. Forget the flex­ing motor and save this love egg-​style mas­sager for shallowing.

BestVibe Fiona measurements

This rose vibrator’s bul­let end measures:

  • 0.9” under the neck
  • 1.1” across the widest part of the head
  • 3.7” along the bul­let body
  • 1.5” long from the tip to the neck

Its dimen­sions are about the min­i­mum of a G‑spot vibe, which some begin­ner buy­ers will love. Still, I can’t sugar-​coat the pros and cons list.

BestVibe Fiona pros and cons


  • Buzzy vibra­tion motor
  • Can’t apply much pres­sure — at least to the tongue or “come hith­er” portions
  • Not much of a han­dle for aim­ing and direct­ing dur­ing insertion


  • Focused tongue blade
  • G‑spotty head and slen­der neck
  • Focused enough for G‑spotting if you’re okay with stick­ing two fin­gers in halfway to guide the toy. Not everyone’s into that stretch, though!
  • Slim taper for those who pre­fer small insertables
  • A some­what pointy tip for focus­ing vibrations
BestVibe Fiona tongue vibrator and love egg

Closing thoughts on this fluttering vibrator

In short, BestVibe’s Fiona lick­ing rose vibra­tor can mix it up with some delicate-​to-​moderate sen­sa­tions and a small price tag. It's def­i­nite­ly lim­it­ed and not for every­one, but maybe you’re built like me.

This pin­point princess appre­ci­ates the flut­ter­ing tongue against her clit, and some­times — in cer­tain cir­cum­stances — even finds it to be wow-wham-bam.

This post was spon­sored! The opin­ions expressed and writ­ing here are my own — find more fan­tas­tic reviews at Super Smash Cache.

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