Tagged: Flicking & Thumping

Manwan Penis Vibrator Review: Evo vs Sub One 1

Manwan Penis Vibrator Review: Evo vs Sub One

French finesse meets pow­er­ful penis plea­sure. Consider the Man.wand Evo an orgasm accel­er­a­tor for penis­es — deep, rumbly vibra­tions to wrap around an erec­tion. I could make my part­ner cum damn near instant­ly with this penis vibra­tor if I want­ed to. The mem­o­ry replays of his dick tip rever­ber­at­ing in…

Evolved Gyro Vibe Review: WHAM-BAM Thumping Gyrations! 2

Evolved Gyro Vibe Review: WHAM-BAM Thumping Gyrations!

For when you and your part­ner both feel like bot­tom­ing. When I hold the Our Gyro Vibe, its motor jos­tles my fore­arm. Its cen­tral hub con­tains a weight that spins rapid­ly, deliv­er­ing a com­bi­na­tion of thrust­ing, pul­sat­ing, and vibrat­ing. Some Instagram users (under­stand­ably) com­ment­ed on how scary it looked in…

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex 3

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex

It's been half a decade since Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral — and for good rea­son. The suck­ing, lick­ing, and vibrat­ing mas­sager seemed to do it all. Then came Cal Exotics’ yas­si­fied girl­boss-​brand­ed ver­sion with bet­ter con­trols. Naturally, stripped-​​down knock­offs popped up. YoYoLemon's Vibrating Pussy Pump offers a taste of…

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand 4

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand

This mini-​​wand looks like a sparkling scepter in a cat girl shōjo ani­me about the pow­er of friend­ship and self-​nurturing. It fea­tures: Most impor­tant­ly, did it add mag­ic to this protagonist’s jour­ney? Well, my boyfriend did say, “Baby likes that one!” after watch­ing me use it and hold­ing me through…

A-spotty silicone vibrators with plenty of insertable length to go deep!

9 Breathtaking A-Spot Vibrators for Deep Penetration, Ranked!

I like my insertable per­vert­ibles long and gen­tly curved — my cervix and its fornix­es crave more than the pop­u­lar G‑spot vibra­tors of yore. Give me depth. Go all the way in with an A‑spot vibra­tor. This list com­pares A‑spotty vibra­tors for pro­found pen­e­tra­tion, which I've divid­ed into four cat­e­gories: Read…

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand 5

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand

Thuddy AF thump­ing com­pet­ing with the gold stan­dard of recharge­able wands Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen com­bines wand-​​level pow­er with a point for more focused pussy-​​pounding. Rather than using the typ­i­cal spin­ning weight, its motor puls­es back and forth for seis­mic sen­sa­tions that throb and shake the exter­nal and inter­nal clitoris.…

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator 6

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator

It’s about damn time that thud­dy thump­ing toys received the recog­ni­tion they deserve. Experience clitoris-​​rocking rum­ble — with­out break­ing the bank. Could I sum up this Playboy vibra­tor’s effects on me? Sobbing, whim­per­ing, soak­ing my face with tears, ruin­ing my make­up, stick­ing my tongue out, whin­ing, beg­ging my boyfriend to take…

Unihorn Wild Spirit unicorn with licking tongue vibrator vs. Karma Lilac's pulsating lips

Karma Lilac Unihorn Review: Unicorn Vibrator With Pulsing & Tapping

Feel this Unihorn’s cutie patootie snoot boop­ing at 4 puls­es per sec­ond — and its boot(y)’s buzzing. The face end puls­es back and forth, like light per­cus­sion, while the round rump deliv­ers vibra­tion. Fittingly, my favorite one’s trad­ing card bio reads: “Karma Lilac brings bal­ance to your inner­most desires —…

Fluttering rose vibrator in hand

BestVibe Fiona Fluttering Tongue Vibrator Review

Fiona is for fans of flut­tery flo­rals and light lap­ping. This double-​​ended, rose-​​shaped lick­ing vibra­tor fea­tures a slen­der “blade” of a tongue that flits back and forth for a pin­point sen­sa­tion. That’s the main draw. On the flip side is a mini-​​massager for the G‑spot that flex­es and extends “come…

Bestvibe kissing and vibrating massager with lips

Review: Biting Lips & Vibrating Tongue Oral Sex Simulator From Bestvibe

I’m shocked at how quick­ly this lit­tle oral sex sim­u­la­tor made me cum. Even with the buzzy tongue vibra­tions, the lips’ kiss­ing move­ment and place­ment incor­po­rat­ed some of what I had become accus­tomed to with oral sex. Here’s a less-​​known fact about my mas­tur­ba­tion habits: the bottom-​​most part of my vagi­na is…

Review: Empowered Queen Tongue-Flicking Vibrator by Cal Exotics 7

Review: Empowered Queen Tongue-Flicking Vibrator by Cal Exotics

It’s offi­cial: pussy pumps are main­stream. Clitoral suc­tion toys have been around for a hot minute, but it’s only in recent years that they’ve gained main­stream hype — out­side the con­text of fetish. Around 2019, Pipedream’s Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral on Twitter. There’s clear­ly demand for a…

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 8

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review

"A new kind" of sex toy, or just hype? The Her Ultimate Pleasure's all-​​in-​​one lick­ing and suck­ing con­trap­tion became a viral sen­sa­tion — and oth­er mak­ers want­ed to cap­i­tal­ize on the trend. Fluttery and flick­ery vibra­tors are grow­ing in vari­ety. Clitoral suc­tion toys are poised to move from the fetish realm…