Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo

Meet Trinity, an ADORABLE cloud creature who loves hugging, dancing, and cave exploring.
Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 1

The Trinity vibrat­ing dil­do is one of three new sex toys from Cute Little Fuckers. Their line fea­tures out-​of-​this-​world vibra­tion cre­ations for anybody.

There's no hot pink or gen­dered mar­ket­ing any­where on their web­site. Despite the anthro­po­mor­phic char­ac­ters (fea­tured in Cute Little Fuckers' cos­mic comics), you won't find "battery-​operated boyfriend" in their language.

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 2

About the Cute Little Fuckers sex toys

It's refreshing for anyone tired of the stereotype that sex toys are just for single cis women. Toys are for everyone.

Cute Little Fuckers embod­ies that idea in big and small ways. Everyone, regard­less of gen­der, ori­en­ta­tion, or rela­tion­ship sta­tus, has:

  • Erotic erec­tile tis­sue that could enjoy vibra­tion or texture
  • Holes that could poten­tial­ly feel good with objects inside

As such, their line includes a long dil­do, a plug, and an exter­nal vibra­tor that not only feels good but can cov­er up body parts that feel dys­phor­ic to some users.

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 3

Their char­ac­ters' world-​building also goes beyond pro­nouns and inter­ests; we learn from the comics that the great­est feel­ing for Trinity is the joy of see­ing her part­ners, Tripp and Trine, with oth­er partners.

About Cute Little Fuckers' Trinity vibrating dildo

Let's talk about the Trinity dildo's key features:
  • Silky mat­te silicone
  • 6.1" insertable length × 1.4" wide
  • Gentle bulge and curve
  • Flared, har­ness­able base
  • Bullet cav­i­ty (vibra­tor included!)
Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 4

Cute Little Fuckers Trinity dildo shape

The Trinity vibrat­ing dildo's firm but flex­i­ble sil­i­cone, paired with its swelling towards the head, is per­fect for deep pen­e­tra­tion. I can eas­i­ly aim it at the right spot behind my cervix, while the bul­let near the bot­tom of the shaft vibrates the shal­low­er parts of my vagina.

As a bonus, the Tripp and Trine bumps near the bot­tom can twist and grind against my cli­toris, too!

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 5
Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 6

Not everyone's going to like inter­act­ing the tex­tures, though. I was ini­tial­ly wor­ried about how they'd feel in use, but you can face them toward the less-​sensitive back wall if you wish. For the most part, my vagi­na finds that they're off to the side and don't bump up against the easily-​irritated bits often.

Or start with shal­low pen­e­tra­tion and slow­ly get com­fort­able. You have about 3.5" of length before encoun­ter­ing the first bump, which is plen­ty for many users' G‑spots or prostates.

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 7

The Trinity dil­do isn't super bul­bous; it's not a spe­cial­ist, but a gen­er­al­ist. However, the rest of the shaft can serve as a han­dle for tar­get­ing the thrusts and adding pres­sure where you want it.

How about the Cute Little Fuckers vibrating bullet?

OH YES, it's so much better than the cheap bullets that usually come with vibrating dildos.
Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 8

The Cute Little Fuckers' recharge­able vibra­tors come with 5 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns and offer plen­ty of pow­er. They're some­where between the VeDO Bam Mini and Maia Jessi on the buzzy vs. rumbly scale.

In oth­er words, they don't car­ry the deep­est vibra­tion qual­i­ty in a stan­dard bul­let — you'll want to get an $80 We-​Vibe Tango for that — but I'd be pleased if I spent $25–30 on the Cute Little Fuckers recharge­able bul­let by itself.

It's enough for most users, trans­mits well through the sil­i­cone, and is respectable for such a small pack­age. Plus, you can take it out of the Trinity's bul­let cav­i­ty and use it externally.

My verdict on the Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating dildo

The Trinity dildo is a solid basic made by an indie, trans-​owned company with a thoughtful aesthetic that you won't find anywhere else.
Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 9

Do I need to say more? I LOVE HOW CUTE IT IS, and I can't wait to see what they'll design next! My hope is for a more pro­nounced and curved G‑spotter/​prostate stimulator.

As far as mostly-​smooth thrust­ing dil­dos go, though, I have noth­ing bad to say about the Cute Little Fuckers Trinity. Its gen­tle slope and firm body remind me of my first sil­i­cone dil­do, the Tantus Silk Large, which brought me cer­vi­cal orgasms galore.

My cervix, G‑spot, and cli­toris are pleased. What's more, the Trinity is a delec­table col­lectible; it's hard to put a price on how hap­py the aliens' smil­ing faces make me.

Shop Cute Little Fuckers sex toys

FURTHER READING: Creative Conceptions' Karma Lilac Unihorn vibra­tor is also suu­u­per cute and match­es the "bespoke" pas­tel par­adise aesthetic.

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2 Responses

  1. Lisa Stone says:

    What an unusu­al design this toy has. I've nev­er seen any­thing like it 🙂

  1. November 14, 2020

    […] Super Smash Cache – Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrat­ing alien dildo […]

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