Category: Sex Ed

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You! 1

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You!

It's a myth that stan­dard con­doms are uni­ver­sal and fit every­one. (Yes, even if your fore­arm can fit in one!) Using the right con­dom size is cru­cial for the wearer's com­fort and pre­ven­tion of preg­nan­cy and STDs. If the con­dom is…

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys 2

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys

Affordable sex toys are the future of the indus­try. Nowadays, you can eas­i­ly find a rumbly, body-​​safe vibra­tor with a vel­vety fin­ish for under $50. If you're cut­ting costs, it has to come from some­where. That could mean mate­ri­als, labor,…

Review: Pelle Whim Squishy Vulva Grinding Toy 4

Review: Pelle Whim Squishy Vulva Grinding Toy

External cli­toral mas­sage that stim­u­lates even the parts you can’t see The first two nights that I was inti­mate with my part­ner, our go-​​to activ­i­ty wasn’t inter­course or oral or butt stuff or fin­ger­ing or hand­jobs. Instead, we grav­i­tat­ed towards…

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness 7

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness

Getting my peri­od is sweet, sweet psy­cho­log­i­cal relief — and not because I'm avoid­ing preg­nan­cy. The begin­ning of men­stru­a­tion for me marks the end of the worst phase of my cycle. My ill­ness gave me a 1 in 3 chance…

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 10

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises

Sex toys aren't just for cis­women! There's a pletho­ra of sex toys for penis­es out there, from stro­kers and sleeves to pumps and prostate mas­sagers. If you're look­ing to upgrade to sen­sa­tions beyond your hand, you've come to the right…

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas 11

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas

"Let's just say she's 'open' to new things," some­one com­ment­ed on a viral video of my sex toy col­lec­tion. Big dil­dos are among the most polar­iz­ing and stig­ma­tiz­ing toys for women. Strangers have made all sorts of rude remarks and…

The Clitoris's Similarities to the Penis: Deeper Than You Think! 12

The Clitoris's Similarities to the Penis: Deeper Than You Think!

How often have you heard the bull­shit that female anato­my is con­fus­ing? Or worse, that male orgasms are a giv­en, while female orgasms are dis­tant and oth­er­world­ly? I'm here to tell you that vul­vas and vagi­nas aren't espe­cial­ly com­pli­cat­ed. They…

What’s the Difference Between Dildos & Vibrators? 13

What’s the Difference Between Dildos & Vibrators?

How to Pick What Best Suits Your Needs WRITTEN BY SUPER SMASH CACHE /​​ ILLUSTRATIONS BY SARAH WILLIAMSON If you’re over­whelmed by a plea­sure boutique’s gad­gets and giz­mos, you’re not alone. Let’s start with the two broad­est cat­e­gories of sex toys:…

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot 14

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot

Chastity play and cock cages may seem bru­tal and oth­er­world­ly to the vanil­las. "Do peo­ple ACTUALLY get turned on by that?" one might think. But the kink is more com­mon than peo­ple real­ize. Just like any­one you walk past could…

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup 17

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup

Overnight men­stru­al pro­tec­tion with­out leaks Pads and tam­pons con­sis­tent­ly failed to con­tain my heavy flow, and I used to resign to sleep­ing on a black tow­el every month. Until I tried men­stru­al cups. Menstrual cups have been an absolute GODSEND for…

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 18

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors!

Buzzy is skin-​​deep. Rumbly is to the bone (some­times). "Rumbly" and "buzzy" are two descrip­tors that sex blog­gers use to describe vibra­tion qual­i­ty. The for­mer is deep and often low-​​pitched, while the lat­ter is surface-​​level or irri­tat­ing­ly high-​pitched. What gives…